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When Prototokos fell into the time of The Shadow, and when all seemed dark...the city of Limani gave hope. Limani is one of the grandest cities in Prototokos, built as a refuge for those in need over 1200 years ago, Limani has since became the beacon of justice and hope. Founded by the Brotherhood of Solitude, and named after their cardinal leader Brother Horris Limani, the city was simply a river based salvation for the sick, dying or mislead. As time progressed and many began to spread the word of Limani, the city and it's followers grew. Over the next 200 years the once small sanctuary, flourished into a massive city. Mud huts and clay structures, became wooden building and stone strongholds. The Brotherhood of Solitude became the Church of Solitude, and the followers grew from a few desperate peasants, to a large order of disciples and worshippers. In the year 494 B.T.S. Limani soon built the Bridge of Heroes, connecting the north western region of Vence and the Forgery Mountains to the eastern plains. This event would lead to the new founding of Vence, to New Vence and the Brotherhood of Solitude claiming ground in newly named riverside city. Gradually over the next nearly 500 years of word spreading and worshipping, Limani became a structural masterpiece. The once strong built stone buildings would evolve to grand architecture crafted from white marble, pearled quartz and pale onyx.
The grandest of structures is The White Cathedral, a massive, impressive place of worship. Every year during The Brightening, the vibrant white interior walls of Limani would radiate with such beauty, it was no wonder that the city was proud and praised. And to pay homage to their founder Brother Horris Limani, the city built a giant replica statue out of brass, which now serves as a welcoming centerpiece to any who find sanctuary within the gates. But at the time of The Shadow, Limani found itself as one of the last known holy resorts. As darkness raised and fear grew, Limani made the decision to try and solve the mystery of The Shadow and bring back the peaceful age of The Brightening. What would follow became known as The Order of the White, a large scale plan to train worshippers to become acolytes of hope. All walks of life looking to help rebuild peace and repair a bright future for those to come, would come to Limani to join the order. The Order of the White has a limitless reach, spreading their helpful hands to any who need it, so long as the cause is just, right and the end result is peaceful. Limani still grand as ever, still breathes new hope to those who seek it.


20,000 townsfolk, 5,000 homeless/saved, 10,000 merchants/traders, 5,000 priests/nuns/clergy, 3,000 upperclass/wealthy, 3,000 guards/Order of the White


The government throughout Limani is a just place, a "Time for Crime" government. Although Limani does not execute for crimes that are murder related, the city does have a root system of cells below the city that holds many criminals and those who have done evil.


The White Cathedral, a grand place of praise... The Order of the White trains followers within this cathedral. Its vast hallways and corridors depict the growth and impact Limani has had on the surrounding cities and its peoples. The White Cathedral is a sight that cannot be forgotten, and has often changed the minds of men from hopeless departure, to faithful devoted believers in hope.

Guilds and Factions

The Order of the White and The Brotherhood of Solitude... Both are localized holy, good intentioned factions that help the less fortunate. The Order of the White lean more towards problems outside the walls of Limani, while The Brotherhood of Solitude build salvation to those within the walls.


Limani is a river coast city, built along the coast of the Pure Water River. Nestled in between the river and the beautiful plains of Orben.

Natural Resources

Limani has some of the purest water that can be found within the large realm of Prototokos... The water runs down the Pure Water River from the northern glaciers, and filters itself through New Vence and Limani. The water is clear as glass and has a fresh mountain run off taste.
Founding Date
728 B.T.S
Alternative Name(s)
White City, Beacon of Hope, Salvation City
Large city
Location under
Included Locations


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