Anaupàrànii ([anɔːpa:ra:ni:])

The Anaupàrànii trace their ancestry to the Grànath Rensédaii when it was a bustling city-state not unlike the Queendom of Shevezz.  

The Meaning of the Name

It is derived from Foyiitùn as follows:
  • Aunàn: "in the shadow of" or "of the shadow" or "shadowy"
  • Paràn: meaning a people-group or a human-like person.
While they did have darker skin, the name was not related to that. Their city was built from a natural geological "corner", with Rockfall Cliffs to the East and the southern mountainous barrier of Sablesand Dunes.
Therefore, it started in the shadow of those heights.
Despised or Adored
The native Anaupàrànii after "The Scattering" found they were either despised or adored. Many had a wealth of experience and rich knowledge of the world and its materials, and not a few were skilled Alchemists. Thus, often, they were highly valued in whichever nation they settled.   However, their name was often mistranslated or misunderstood. As dark-skinned Paràntii were rare east of the Grànousii-an-Ormàszil and outside of Shevezz, they sometimes found earning people's trust harder than they expected, even if venturing into the The Forest of Doon. Rumours of Anaupàrànii being morally "shadowy" followed some until the opportunity to prove their worth came their way.
  Click/tap here to read why they have a Foyiitùn-based name.  

Anaupàrànii as a Race

Originally the term was used to refer to a specific race of people - those who founded the city. As the name implies, they are Paràntii but there are variations:  
  • Due to their proximity to Sablesand Dunes, they, like their Shevezzi counterparts generally have darker skin.

  • While the founding of their nation fills them with pride, they were never an arrogant people. The ruination of their way of life, caused by Nature alone, has left many native Anaupàrànii with a sense of sadness and softness in their character. But most try to do their utmost to prevent their new lives from being destroyed, often with passion - and, if necessary, aggression.

  • They have a knowledge of living from nature more than other Paràntii. The founding of the nation, in a land only slightly less inhospitable than the desert, meant children were raised both in their natural giftings, but also with the tools for survival should they be caught in the wild. This knowledge proved essential after the Grànath was ruined.


Anaupàrànii as an Identity

The Background
The city of Béjaiber'ghas, one of Grànath Rensédaii's former names, drew people from all races, tribes and walks of life. Situated in the far South-East of the Erdàn Savànii, it linked Shevezz City, Sablesand Dunes and the Brùhaii Aunàn together, while also providing refuge to the few who ventured in from the Unknown Lands, so called as most within the Erdàn Savànii could not reach the Unknown Lands due to geographical and geological barriers. Where they did not have geographical neighbours, representatives were sent to, and received from, distant nations for no other reason than for friendly dialogue. This is how they came to have a Foyiitùn-based name.   For a time, it is said, the Anaupàrànii assisted with patrolling and clearing the so-called Haunted Caves, a series of natural tunnels that led to the Wilderness of Tarran and ultimately to Qal'ath.  
Any Race Can Be Anaupàrànii
The combination of people groups led to an official proclamation that any who desired to could obtain a certificate of citizenship, allowing them to declare themselves as Anaupàrànii officially. This has led to joint ethnicities, especially among the Kyadii and Elelupii.  

The Scattering

After the Rockfall Cliffs catastrophe, called The Scattering or Nuch Rensédà, the Anaupàrànii were dispersed across the Erdàn Savànii. They chose not to rebuild the city because with its destruction, their memories and history were lost, and new structures and buildings did not restore heritage. Therefore each citizen, family or friendship group sought to find refuge and new lives elsewhere. While most knew how to survive in the harsh climes of the desert, the knowledge on how to re-establish a working civilisation there had long been lost.   With The Scattering, Anaupàrànii may be found almost anywhere, though a sizable contingent was able to move into Shevezz City, who took in as many refugees as they were able, so long as all were willing to find employment. Given their nation was built on manual labour, the ruined nation's people had a strong work ethic and gladly agreed.  

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Females of the native Anaupàrànii usually had two parts to their names, separated by an apostrope. For example Hera'llyn and her mother Dain'eve. While not all names had innate translations or meanings, some did.   For example Dain'eve is derived from a variant of Foyiitùn and means "the spirit of the air" (where "eve" was a rewriting of aev as in Aevyen).  

Masculine names

The influences over masculine names are many and therefore so are the names created. Most were two syllables long with no separating symbol as with feminine names. As the language influences in their culture were wide, names were often derived, not from the languages directly, but evolutions of them.   For example: Gernuck (the father of Hera'llyn) is drawn from Rarshk, the language of the Kyadii and means "our hope".  

Unisex names

Having said the above were "masculine" and "feminine" names, that is only true historically. As the people were scattered and intermingled with other nations, names were just that - names of people. While the current generation of Anaupàrànii will have adhered to the above rules, it is likely their children and grandchildren will not.  
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Original Principality
Grànath Rensédaii

Nearest Race

Languages Taught
Parànti, Foyiitùn and Shevezzi dialects of these.

Population Volume in Dispersed Territories

Shevezz: Common
Byantē Territory: Fairly Common
Qal'ath: Uncommon
Sablesand: Near Zero
Bevérohii: None known
Forest of Doon: None
Zykyrn Pilkarrz: Unknown
Encompassed species
Languages spoken

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