Falondii ([fa:londi:])

The Fàlōndii are a race of wolf-like bipeds in much the same way as the Kyadii are feline. However this is where their similarities end for the most part.  

Meaning of the Name

There are, in fact, two Foyiitùn names used to refer to this race:  
  1. Fàlōndii: from
    fàl meaning "free, liberated" or "wild"
    hōnd: meaning "dog" or "canine"

  2. Parōndii from
    parànt meaning "person" or "human"
    hōnd: meaning "dog" or "canine"
What They Call(ed) Themselves
In ages past, they used to refer to themselves as Klorfàl in Foyiitùn, meaning "wild fang". Though, it was rare for an individual Fàlōnd to speak another language, they usually learned to understand the language, or languages, of those around them.  
Primary Common Tongue speakers should avoid confusion of klor with claw. Klor translates as "fang" or "pointed tooth".
  Klorfàl was adopted as a name to aid understanding between people-groups, but the root is from their now-lost language. Originally, they called themselves the Korvaal, Korgraal or Koraal depending on where in Savàni they lived. See Language Difficulties as to why.  
Link With Kyadii Languages
"Klor" actually features within Rarshk, the language of the Kyadii. Klor'asq is one such Kyadd whose name includes the word.
I am assured that the Bezélian Archives researchers have a "dedicated enquirer" looking into the background of this language overlap. But we all know how quickly that will yield results. I guess I will add it to my ever-growing pile. (The Chronicler)

Singular Noun

An individual of this race is called:
  • Female: Fàlōnda
  • Male: Fàlōndé
  • Unknown/Not Stated: Fàlōnd

Derogatory Naming

In stating there are two names currently for this wolvine race, it must be stated that Parōndii is derogatory. This translates as "dog-people".  


Being wolf-like in appearance, their faces and headshapes led to them being called "dog men" or "dog girls" when spoken of in derision. However, much as with other wild dog species, there is great variation in how one Fàlōnd may appear compared to another.  

Fur and Clothing

While all were covered in fur, some were so short-furred that, from a distance, one could mistake them for a Paràntii with a dog's head and tail. This was not helped by many of them adopting shoes and boots, which hid their obvious canine feet. Many short-furred Fàlōndii adopted complete Paràntii attire either for practical purposes (keeping out the cold) or to attempt to bridge the proverbial gap between themselves and other races.   On the other extreme side, were the long-furred Fàlōndii, who may have longer beard-looking facial hair (regardless of gender) and usually spurned clothing given they were protected enough already.  


While neither wild canines, nor one of the prevalent biped races, many Fālondii adopted certain clothing expectations while around Paràntii and related species. For the males, this meant loose-fitting shorts or leggings. Female Fàlōndii always covered their top halves being conscious that women of other races did so, even though Fàlōndi women had no biological reason to do so. However, they usually also covered the waist and hip areas, because being ultimately canine, they had more than two teets capable of feeding Pups in places other races did not.  
Confusion in Appearance
It's because the Fàlōndii were not simply "humans with a tail and wolf head" that other races regularly confused male and females. Add to that the fact that their voices could sound remarkably similar and there was no obvious body shape difference and any Fàlōndd you speak to is likely to sympathise with your problem.   It is always safer to say "the Fàlōnd over there" than assume a gender in referring to them (See: Singular Noun). Neither gender would be offended with the "neutral" term being used. The same cannot be said about mixing up male and female.  

The Waning Tail

The general state of the Fàlōndii is in decline - a result of isolation from others of their race and the fact that they were not usually interested in relationships with those who were not Fàlōndii. And the few that did form such mates could not produce offspring (see: Reproduction.   Inline with their population reduction and their general despondancy, coupled with living more like Paràntii than hōndii, they are experiencing a biological change; their once-proud tails are beginning to shrink. This is not only between generations, rare though each subsequent generation is. Adult Fàlōndii are noticing a small shortening each Ana and those belonging to pups are either retracting or have simply ceased growing.  
Is There a Cure?
From documents see in the Queendom of Shevezz and Byantē Alliance, proactive research and Alchemy is being invested to find a permanent solution, but none yet have emerged.   "Shortening" appears to cease if a Fàlōndd finds a positive course and purpose in life. Others, who have found a mate - including those partnered with those not of their race, have reported an element of reversal. It is the current consensus that the main solution is in the repopulation of the entire race, which given the Scattering around the fall of the Grànath Rensédaii, is not one that can easily be pursued, but that hasn't been ruled out, either.   The other seems to be a mental health approach as contented Fàlōndii either do not experience shrinkage, or do so at a much-reduced rate. Crei who led the Downtrodden Uprising of AFD553 was known for a long and full tail, for example.  

Language Difficulties

The Fàlōndii, as stated, learned to understand the languages of nations they found themselves in. Their ability to understand was enhanced if they had the correct motivation, usually in the form of friendship or trying to obtain (and retain) employment.  

A Near-Solitary Life

Aside from the desire for a mate, or life-long companion that may occasionally lead to a new Pup, the Fàlōndii led a near-solitary existence - in terms of its kin, anyway. Unlike the Kyadii, they did not form clans or hierarchy of their own kind. Instead they found beings of like mind, with similar skills or interests as a form of self-preservation.   While this meant many settled into towns and cities, they still felt alone.
Alone, yet not. With others, yet not. Surrounded, yet not. Where can we live? "Yet not" is an unsettled place to be.   (A Fàlōnd who wished to remain anonymous)

Character Traits


As they, along with the Anaupàrànii were victim to The Scattering that led to the ruination of Grànath Rensédaii (Nuch Renséda), many formerly-happy Fàlōndii became introspective and fearful. Being most content with stability, the loss of their home has rendered that generation and their Pups afraid that any new home they find will only be temporary.

People Pleasers

The fact that the Grànath Rensédaii had been destroyed by Nature only made things harder for the Fàlōndii, simply because there was no person, profession or nation to blame. Where the Anaupàrànii made new homes and would defend them aggressively, the Fàlōndii blamed themselves. This led to a "people pleasing" mentality among many, where they would do almost anything not to be seen to have wronged another being. Sadly, this was occasionally exploited with reports of some of their number being enslaved, particularly by the sea-bound factions.


Their people are known to be generaly self-sacrificial. This is stated separately to people pleasers because it is meant literally. If someone were drowning, they would leap and save them, even if they lost their lives in the endeavour. They would change a whole day's plan to help a child find a lost toy and they would play something they found boring if it meant the other person was happy.   The one thing they were unlikely to do was give up their food. Every mouthful was considered precious - needed, yet undeserved.

Lower Echelon Relations

Being downtrodden, albeit by Nature, led to many Fàlōndii not seeking well-paying employment, or taking technical education options open to them - even if they were capable of doing so. The sole sliver of hope for the Fàlōndii is that this made them relatable to the poor and marginalised. On the rare occasion, this led to the unexpected result of a Fàlōnd leading such communities and championing their cause with the decision-makers of their respective homelands. One of these was Crei who would, along with the Kyadd N'dila lead the so-called Downtrodden Uprising of 533AFD.

Leaders and Followers

Any one Fàlōnd will fall into one of two categories: leader or follower. While they may feel alone, they could rarely be described as aimless; they just needed to find the right cause to stir up the passion for it.  


Leader Fàlōndii can inspire fighters to their cause, or keep a group safe by scenting the locations of dangers, or pursuade an angry person to calm down, sometimes through their presence alone. Leaders are rare as of 553AFD as you can discern from the rest of this entry. Much of their fighting spirit has drained away either due to history, or to how the present treats them.


When a Fàlōnd is not leading, they are either looking for someone or something to follow, or actually doing it. Due to their loyalty, Followers will perform a job as well as possible for either the Leader or the collective being led. Followers also seem to lift up their peers, even while inwardly feeling dejected or another negative emotion. Followers do their best to support Leaders and take on tasks to lighten their Leader's load.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

While the Kyadii could reproduce with a species related to the Paràntii albeit with usually-flawed outcomes, a Fàlōnd could not successfully produce offspring with any other than its own kind. Due to their dispersion across the Erdàn Savànii, however, finding a mate has proved difficult for many. This does mean that, on the whole, the entire race is endangered. There is also no trend of one gender prevailing over the other, so the "slow death" of their people is not gender-specific.  

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

As with the Anaupàrànii, The Scattering saw the remnant of the Fàlōndii distributed over the Known Lands, but with the majority in the southern and eastern regions. It cannot be stated with any accuracy how many can be found in those regions, either. It is thought, however, that more of them ventured into Qalathian Territory and Bevérohii.   I asked Crei about this, and he thought:
While you may consider Shevezz to be more attractive to the fleeing Fàlōndii due to the security offered by its walls, many of us felt drawn to greener lands. The pull of nature and the 'homeliness' offered by the more traditional buildings of those two realms proved stronger than that which Shevezz offered. We had lost our homes, not just our shelters.
  When I enquired as to why his group did not stick together, this was his response:
When you deprive a person of the structure and society they are used to, what are they left with? Their inner nature and a desire to attempt to survive. Many in my group 'caught a scent' and went their own way. Others found a cave early in our exile and did not wish to risk losing their safe spot, even if the likelihood of another one - arguably a better one - was high.   Me? I followed the water. It was new to me - the natural, gushing rivers and the glittering and dancing of the sun on its surface. That was exciting. And each new ripple beckoned me onto a new one. When I finally came to the city where many rivers, streams and even the fabled Ocean joined together, I thought I could not find a happier place.   Of course, it wasn't long before I was forced into Minor. But the joy I experienced in the journey is not dulled by the social injustice caused by the King.

Average Intelligence

Fàlōndii are incredibly intelligent, but they struggle to express it, save in carrying out assigned tasks to (and beyond) the exact specifications. As with the Anaupàrànii, they too were physically strong, which coupled with their intelligence, made them versatile in choosing how to serve any nation they settled in - or how to survive in the wilds.   However, no record of a Fàlōnd being Myst Sensitive(condition:03b61a9c-295d-4da6-805b-1a9f7d4e92be) had been found on record, meaning those that tried to prevent the destruction of the @[Grànath Rensédaii were most likely those more closely akin to Paràntii.
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Last Known Place of Origin
Grànath Rensédaii
Languages Spoken
Any in whichever land they settled. Though most struggled with Foyiitùn due to the accentuation being difficult with how their jaw and lips moved.
Omnivore. Historically they were Carnivorous but, no longer training to hunt and often finding low-paid work, meat was a rare treat. Thus they had to adjust what they ate to survive.
Recorded Citizenships
Bevérohii, Qal'ath and a few in Shevezz City.
30-40 Ana (33-44 months). A content Fàlōnd could reach upward of 50 Ana (55 months).
Average Height
4ft to 7ft depending on lineage.
Related Ethnicities

Grànath Rensédaii
Settlement | Oct 18, 2023

A former city-state brought low by the natural forces of Erdé and Aevyten in 515AFD.


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Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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