Grànath Rensédaii ([gra:naθ:ren:seɪ:daɪ])

Grànath Rensédaii is situated in the far South-East (Sùdest) of the Erdàn Savànii, due East (Est) of Sablesand Dunes. Once a great city of diverse peoples and races, it is now a ruin, a testament to the devastation of Nature and a reminder that sentients will never fully control Her powers.  

Its Former Names

Grànath Rensédaii translates as "Ruined City" in Foyiitùn (literally "Unmade City") and that is how it is known and labelled on most maps in the Known Lands. Naturally, however, this was not this location's original name. It does appear to have historically had two different names, depending on where it was being referenced.  
  • Grànath Amaisz (an + maisz): the City of Welcome.
  • Béjaiber'ghas: The place of like souls.
  While we have yet to confirm this, we believe Béjaiber'ghas was the official label, whereas "the City of Welcome" was used predominantly in speeches or by emissaries.  

What Kind of Place Was It?

As few records still exist directly from Grànath Rensédaii, we are reliant on those penned by other nations.
  • Similar to Queendom of Shevezz, Béjaiber'ghas was a one-city nation that drew its resources from Rockfall Cliffs to its South and East, and from what we now call the Bruhaii Aunàn, the home of the Aunwii.

  • As its former names suggests, it was home to a wide-variety of peoplegroups, both the dark-skinned native Anaupàrànii and sojourners and travellers. (See who lived there for more information).

  • Being situated near Zykyrn Pilkarrz and Shevezz City yet also by the desert of Sablesand Dunes, it is logical to assume they traded resources to sustain its people.

  • The wide variety of building shapes still visible at the Grànath, archeologists have determined that they took pride in their building design and also experimented with different building forms. Their domed roofs and remnant spiral steps may even indicate they were the forerunners in tower design and improved weather-proofing developments.

Who Lived There?

While the majority of the population had been made up of native Anaupàrànii, it was also home to the Fàlōndii, a wolf-like race of biped sentients. These two races worked well, and worked hard, together for their city-state always seeking to show that unity, not uniformity, was the basis of peace and prosperity.   Among these two major peoplegroups were various other races, though rarely the Elelupii, except on research voyages. The Parrtrof Teeg also distanced themselves, given their territory was within Sablesand Dunes.  


For reasons of politics and trade, the following nations had envoys and small permanent (or semi-permanent) residents. In order of likely delegation size (though actual numbers are unknown):  
  1. Queendom of Shevezz
  2. Qal'ath
  3. Byantē Alliance
  There is no record of involvement, public or otherwise, of Zykyrn Pilkarrz, despite its geographical proximity to the city.  

Nuch Rensédà


Why Is It a Ruin?

In 515AFD, when Hera'llyn was just seven Ana old, an unforeseen ground tremor and "Tear of Erdé" ripped through Rockfall Cliffs. While named for its frequent boulder-tossing, so much of the cliff became dislodged - if records can be believed, in huge slabs or "slices" - and began to fall towards the city.   Held back by a handful of Mages, catastrophe may have been averted, or at least minimised. But the new void - with a 'small v' - within the cliff face opened the way for a ruinous wind to burst through. With insufficient means to counter both Erdé and Aevyen (manifested as Aevyten, as it often does), the city and about a third of its inhabitants were crushed under huge swathes of rock. What the cliff did not claim, the wind did, and pieces of the one-thriving state were thrown into Sablesand Dunes and near to the Shevezzi border.  

As Though Nothing Had Happened

Once the onslaught of wind had been spent, the surviving Mages returned to Rockfall to patch the rupture to protect the survivors. What they beheld was a view of the cliffs almost identical to how they appeared before the ruination. Aevyten had carried sufficient rock from the Unknown Lands and blocked the gap.   It was as though nothing had happened, save for a city now lying in ruins with little clues for future generations on how it had happened. Before the people's dispersion it was decided to ensure records of what would be called The Scattering* were taken the corners of the Erdàn Savànii, thus preserving both the survivors and their history.   * The Scattering was the Common Tongue interpretation of the phrase native Anaupàrànii gave to the event. That was Nuch Rensédà, a mixture of Rarshk and Foyiitùn meaning "our unmaking" or "our ruination".  


The majority of the Grànath, before its destruction, were native Anaupàrànii and Fàlōndii.


Grànath Rensédaii attracts two sorts of visitor: the enquirer of history and would-be looters.  

History Seekers

Among the former, archeologists from the Queendom of Shevezz and Qal'ath had the largest contingent researching the location at any one time. Due to "The Scattering", history-seekers from Byantē Alliance have been known to traverse the whole the Erdàn Savànii for fragments of historical records.   Interestingly, despite being potentially useful, the local clan of the Kyadii have never attempted to claim any stone or other materials from the Ruined City. From what we can gather this is why, from records in the Bezélian Archives.  
While we may take life through battle to strengthen the life force of the clan, no life is without worth. Honourless deaths, or at least those who never had a chance to prove their honour first, must be honoured after their passing. Stealing from the living is one thing, but stealing from the dead is an act of cowardice.   (Margurr, Seer, recorded in 387AFD)

History Pillagers

Looters have been dissuaded and apprehended by soldiers if they approach from the North, or captured for ransom by the Parrtrof Teeg clan in Sablesand Dunes as many raiders were unaware they would walk into that Kyadii clan's territory.
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Inhabitant Demonym
Former Names
Grànath Amaisz, Béjaiber'ghas
Related People-group
Characters Directly Affected
Territory Boundaries: Qal'ath Ikà Doon
While Book 1 does not cover this entire World, this is the context which Books 1-2 finds itself in. This is the area referred to as the "Known Lands", a term found in Book 1.

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