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Bezélian Archives

Item NI-53-0NE-H-Auth
Item Date: 10 Fyrva, 553AFD (Public Version)


Official Description

Earlier this fateful year, 553AFD, a person known as "J" had arranged to meet with Rusziné (who was not known as such to many in the Realm at that time) at a secluded hut on Nirryi Isle to discuss his impromptu return to Bezélan, some years after being exiled by the King.   Rusziné has confirmed that the meeting never took place, though we cannot confirm with "J" until they grant their permission, which they have yet to do.   In place of the aforementioned meeting, he found this note on the table in the hut, believing he could decode it. While it was not "sent" in any of the current traditional methods, nonetheless we count it as "delivered" for if the wrong person had seen it, they would not have left it in the place they found it.  
A hand-written note left by J at a place they were supposed to meet with Rusziné.
by FJ Brodie


The Archives' advisor on such matters, along with Farynna confirmed Rusziné was truthful in his assertion and his de-coding has also been authenticated.   However, although the details of it are no longer of relevance, to protect the process and system, the decoded version is in the High Authorisation section of the Archives and protected with Fyr-Ormà magicks. This ensures that, should someone with malevolent intentions even touch it, the document will be consumed by flames. It will not be re-written in this circumstance.
Text, Letter

"Well tha’s mighty cryptic," Lenìc complained, "doesn’t tell us anything of use!"   ...   "On the contrary, Lenìc, it tells the right people many things. These scripts are meant to be unclear," Claris explained, "lest they fall into the wrong hands."  
Wrenched Dag Kantà: Fleeing the Tempests
  This note appears in my draft novel "Wrenched", which, if I can get organised, I will be releasing a short sections here on WorldAnvil.

Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)


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