Slùpe ([zluːpeɪ])

Slùpe were much smaller versions of the traditional sloop that were used for very short journeys by all manner of peoples. Bezélan's busy port of Risehope had a Slùpe Ferry dock as well as the berths for larger ships.  


The singular form of Slùpe is Slùp and was pronounced with a "z" sound at the start. The reason is less a pronunciation change and more a written-form alteration. Ślùp is the historically accurate spelling, and Ś does denote a "z" sound. But adding "ups and downs" on Capital letters (or 'accentuations' as the highly-educated ones of Queendom of Shevezz all them), simply fell into disuse.   Chronicler's Note:
On top of this, have you ever tried to read a Ferry's Port Schedule? I wouldn't bother if I were you. Even if you could make out the letters, finding the ups and downs would be nigh-impossible!
  While the word Slùpe is technically Foyiitùn, it was invented to be understood by those who only spoke Common Tongue/Parànti, hence being based on an existing Common name.  

Where did Qal'ath's Slùpe Sail To?

Given their portion of the Grànousii-an-Ormàszil Ocean was small, the use of ships of any kind was limited. However, from Bezélan there were routes to:
  • The Wild Marshes: One route there, and one back per day.
  • Traders Square: As often as the demand required.
  • Ghrrysz: Only by Royal Edict or written consent of The Four.

Construction and Maintenance

Given the ferries' importance for trade and relations, the management of their maintenance was undertaken in Bezélan. It was at Risehope that the overblown name of a "Shipyard" was found - and that was the location for the maintenance and repair of existing Slùpe.  

Who Designed and Built Them?

The original designs were from the Foyii / Woodsmen - and new Slùpe would be sailed down the Aszilousii River to the Capital. However, with King Carnael II souring relations with the The Forest of Doon, the Realm of Qal'ath had been forced to invent their own to replace those deemed irreparable.   With metalworking at their disposal, the Qalathian Slùp was sturdier than its Foyi counterpart. But without access to the supple Maple wood and the enchantments the Woodsmen had bestowed upon their vessels, steering them in a storm had proved hazardous. So much so, that on stormy days it had become expected that all trade between Bezélan and Traders Square and the Wild Marshes would cease until the weather had calmed down.
Owning Organization
Common in Qal'ath, Rare outside its territory. The boats used by the Wild Folk for travelling between villages were the closest relative ship.
Complement / Crew
1 or 2, depending on size and weather.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Up to 25 passengers, or 5 Traders and their Wares

Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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