Wild Marshes

The Wild Marshes are situated South of the Fyrohii and North of the Forbidden Heights mountain ranges and is home to the similarly named Wild Folk.


Situated at the feet of two mountain ranges, the Wild Marshes are mostly flat, or as flat as you can make out being submerged in a significant amount of water. The only exception to this is the hill of Noor Hobé, home to the Willowood (not "Willowwood" or "Willow Wood", for language reasons).   Tufts of grasses and reeds poke out of the stagnant bog water here and there, with the occasional tree stump from the lush plantation that used to thrive here before the First Destruction.  


While being marshland, long-abandoned by its original creatures, the Marshes are now home to a wide variety of plants and creatures. The grasses and reeds grew extremely quickly as a result of the nutrients in the ground and rock under the waters. Their seeds would be blown across the marshland with the winds - almost with no matter as to which direction the wind travelled. The Fyrohii and Forbidden Heights kept many weather events within the Wild Marshes. The only place these plants did not survive was Noor Hobé as it was not under water.   As many species either relied on these plants directly - or because those they ate did - this swift growth was the heart of the foodchain. The insects of varying sizes feed on each other, the blood of larger creatures or even some of the plants. These, in turn, have encouraged the development of smaller birds to keep the insects in balance, and then become hunted by larger lizards, or the Wild Folk.   Not all cold-blooded creatures hunted for meat. The S'wal'kà (Téperskà in Foyiitùn) sometimes used by the Wild Folk for transportation - and other lizards - feasted on the plants and foraged in the sediment under the bog water for algae or small water-bound grubs.   Given the lizards only produced a maximum of two eggs per Ana, and sometimes only one reached maturity, it was these families of creatures that held everything else in check.  

Ecosystem Cycles

Born from the original Ousohii, now the Fyrohii, the water of the Wild Marshes contained minerals that prevented the bog freezing over in Winter. While some of the Wild Folk thought this to be some Elemental Blessing, under Pyotr, they had expanded their contacts with other regions, which included more research-based minds such as the Crystal Circle of Qal'ath. And, although it was rare, "scientific diplomats" from the Queendom of Shevezz had been known to visit. This had enhanced the Wild Folk's understanding of the Marshes.   These minerals did not stop the waters from being icy cold, however, and could be dangerous to hunt in for any length of time. Yet it was in this season that the Tail Swalker laid their eggs, as the water temperature equaled that of their body.   For other seasons, it passed similar to other regions near Qal'ath. For example, in Autumn, the leaves fell from the Willows of Noor Hobé which were collected either as fire-starters, or swept into the marsh water to nourish it.   During Summer, however, the Wild Marshes earned their name. It was at this time that the insects mated and that meant more aggressive behaviour. This, in turn, meant that animals as well as Wild Folk would be stung or bitten. Some of their poisons could send even larger lizards into a frenzy, forcing the Wild Folk to take drastic action to defend themselves.   The inhabitants themselves had, over many years, developed various remedies to these poisons, so rarely became seriously ill as a result of the insects.  

Localized Phenomena

Summer Mist was a dense, sometimes green fog that descended (or ascended from the bog waters) during any hot weather - but especially during Summer. At best, this hindered the vision of any Paràntii or related species. With too much exposure, however, it could permanently damage their eyes or even completely blind them.   Kyadii were more-or-less immune to the effects of Summer Mist. For them, if it had any impact it was merely an irritation or a cause of dry eyes.  

Natural Resources

  • Willow Wood (material)
  • Lizard Skins: used for supple but durable armour
  • Medicinal Herbs and other plants, which were sought by various people groups.
  • So-called "Natural Tar", made from the sludge under the bog water. This could be used to adhere planks of wood together among other uses. As it had thrived under water, it could also be smeared onto wood for waterproofing.
  • Fish of various species could be found throughout the marshes, but the larger and more sought-after varieties were found at the deeper pool called Pyskousii on the South-Eastern edge of the Marshes.


The area taken up by the Wild Marshes was a verdant pastureland until the First Destruction. The White Dragon's icy "fire" stopped the flow of fresh water from the Ousohii (now Fyrohii). This meant the water at the base of the range stagnated, extinguishing any life that relied on the ground to survive, including most tree species.  
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Erdousii Fàlii
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