Tac-Clip ([tæk:klip])

The Tac-Clip was a micro-invention of the blacksmiths and alehemists of the Elelupii. Frustrated by paper and papyrus sheets being separated by the wind, or simple "Miggie Error", a solution was sought to keep related documents together.   Thus, with reject metals from larger jobs, along with an adhesive formed of toughened clay, the tac-clip was formed. Early prototypes permanently adhered sheets together which, while not wholly undesirable, was never the intention. It only took a few iterations in teamwork with the local Alchemists of The Verdant Hills - Bevérohii for the finished product to meet the standard they had set.   With a new development in their hands, they quickly found markets for the tac-clip throughout Qal'ath and, via a chance encounter on the Lybweg, even into the Queendom of Shevezz. Once again, Elelupii ingenuity had turned what would have been wasted metal, into a profitable endeavour.


From the Manual of Tac-Clip Standardisation:  
After other metallic* items have been smelted, immediately take the remaining molten metal and work it into small sheets, as thinly as possible. As it is cooling, mark and cut the required shapes - as many as can be reasonably fitted in the area available. Peel out the narrow gap between the V's. If there is sufficiant waste from the production of Tac-Clips, resmelt and form new ones.   Once completely cool, take a small amount of Tac-Gel^ and apply to the correct points on the V's. Take circles of Smooth Papyrus and apply to the exposed part of Tac-Gel to preserve it before use by the customer.   Store in a cool, dry place until collection by an authorised Elelupii Representative.   Please Note: blacksmiths will be compensated for the additional time in the manufacturing of Tac-Clips. If unsure as to which current project is the most profitable use of time, progress the larger ones first. Then, only later, resmelt the waste to begin Tac-Clip production.   * Metals may vary, but we will not allow inferior composites to be used as official Tac-Clips that would result in them becoming over-brittle. Given they will be created by our trusted blacksmiths, we leave that judgement call to them and provide periodic inspections of quality.   ^ Recipe Protected
Invention Date
c 348AFD
Attributed Nation
The Verdant Hills - Bevérohii
Rights Documents Held At
Mo-Mo Khro
Initial Cost to Customer
5 Silver Fish
Cost in Current Ana
15 Silver or 5 Silver Fish
The original designer's name was not noted in this case due to the number of consulations they required to achieve the goal.
Access & Availability
Tac-Clips may be purchased in small numbers at every major town and village in The Verdant Hills - Bevérohii. You may also acquire them from travelling sales-Miggies at Traders Square or other markets.   Bulk purchasing (more than five tac-clips per organisation per day) is not permitted and you may not re-sell these without two signed documents from Mo-Mo Khro. Said documents will be sealed together - permanently - with earlier prototype tac-clips.
Two component parts as follows:
  1. The Clip: two concentric V-shaped pieces of metal, joined at the wide end.
  2. Tac-Gum *: remove the papyrus strip from the dots on the point of each 'V' and adhere, lightly pressing as you do.
  * Tac-Gum Mark 1 is expected to last ten applications. While the tac-clip will still function without it, it will be less secure. Mo-Mo Khro accepts no liability for documents lost with overused Tac-Gum. Additional Tac-Gum may be purchased in small quantities from an authorised Elelupii representative.

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Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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