WorldEmber and Happy Christmas!

I couldn't work out how to make a journal entry noticed by followers and I haven't got 500 credits to announce it publicly, so I'm posting it here now and immediately withdrawing it from the WorldEmber system

Well hi folks, I've had a crazy busy December, both with off-computer gift making and on-computer blogging and with WorldEmber. So here's a synopsis as my last major Chronicles of Qal'ath update until after Christmas!

WorldEmber Target Reached!

With the non-fiction work I do (albeit in fictional worlds!) I wasn't sure I would hit the WorldEmber target, but I did. And I will add to this before December 31st also.   See my WorldEmber Page   And it's a real mix of things too, so I've tried to group them. Here are some short links so you can skip to bits in this update you want to read!
Characters | Spells | Stories | Locations | Book Update | Happy Christmas!





And there is more on the way!

Book Update

While I haven't written anything in the book per se, I have chosen my WorldEmber topics specifically to help enrich my novel. So the characters, locations, spells all feature in book 1. In the New Year, I will be properly revisiting my draft and adding extra details I've built here on WorldAnvil to immerse the reader more deeply in the novel itself.

Happy Christmas!

And that's my last major update this side of Christmas. After Christmas or maybe the new year I'll be upgrading my account here so I can take advantage of the writing platform to try and build an audience and community around my world. And hopefully link up Patreon/Ko-Fi better (once I have author-only profiles there anyway).   For me and my family, this is Christmas time. Whether you celebrate it, something else, or nothing at all, I wish you all the best. Take some time for yourself. Be kind to yourself and others.   See you soon,   FJ  
Sections in this Update: Characters | Spells | Stories | Locations | Book Update | Happy Christmas!

Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

How to Support Me
This is my priority order of how I prefer support:  
  1. Send encouraging comments or like articles/books.
  2. Give me constructive feedback.
  3. Follow on Ko-Fi or Patreon for free.
  4. Financially support me on Ko-Fi or Patreon.
Latest Artwork
Coloured Pencil Drawing © FJ Brodie of The Desolation of the Crystal Vale, a myth in the Chronicles Of Qal'ath Fantasy Fiction writing
The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)

Cover image: by FJ Brodie, HeroForge (used with permission)


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