Kyl-Y-Ormà ([kil:i:ɔːmɑː])


From Foyiitùn to Common Tongue:
  • Kyl: Shield (speakers of Common Tongue please note this is not related to the Parànti word "kill")
  • Y: there (or "here")
  • Ormà: Light *
  * the accent is added to the à of Orma as a pronunciation prompt. Orma on its own may be pronounced with a short 'a', depending on where in the phrase it is found. For more information see: Foyiitùn.

Limitations of Kyl-Y-Ormà

As stated, its primary purpose was the blocking of magick or mental attacks. Thus, in most cases, was not the best use of battle time against physical projectiles: arrows, bullets, canon balls, rocks etc.   Whether it blocked the magick/mental attack was determined by the strength of will of the opponent, the justness of their cause and various other attunements.  

Teamwork with the Elements

If the Mage casting Kyl-Y-Ormà works in tandem with another Element, some of its weaknesses may be mitigated. Most effective is with Element Erdé, to provide protection against physical attacks or with water and wind to ward against Ice or "scattering" spells or weapons.


Casts a shield of light in the direction intended by the wielder. If using a Brand or Branch raised over the Mage's head, it is usually to create a "bubble" around the Mage for protection.   It is commonly used to intercept and neutralise specific types of spells: Elemental (for example, lightning) or mental attacks.  

The Colour of the Shield

While being a "shield of light", the colours generated were wide and varied, as light it in nature. Though a shield was always made up of one colour, defined by that colour and hues close to it given that such shields "shimmered".   Sometimes this may have a bearing on the caster's mood (e.g. purple, pink, blue).   The Element they are closely attuned to (as identified under Myst Sensitivity) could alter the colour of the shield also: red (for Fire or Erdé), various shades of blue (for Water, Air or Sky) or even grey (also for Air or Sky).   Oftentimes, the shield was just a result of the caster's will, either as a demonstration of their character traits or intentions. The colour had no bearing on the potency of the shield, though it may be used to visually distract an opponent.
OOC Note
Kyl-Y-Ormà forms part of a current collection of articles relating to Light, relevant characters for that Element and the Crystal of Light. I may have pre-linked these, but they're not live yet, but will be completed in the coming days.


Kyl-Y-Ormà has been in existence at least as long as Qal'ath has been founded.  

Arcane Kyl-Y-Ormà

It is believed that She of the Few was utilising what is now called Arcane Kyl-Y-Ormà, a more powerful form of the incantation, to protect what was left of her homeland. Attempting to discover the reasons why it was much stronger than what we can expect today has been challenging, but it may have been to Her belief in the justness of her cause, being supported by Savàni itself.   She of the Few was recorded to have stopped all objects penetrating the ward without drawing on the Element of Erdé, a feat we cannot reproduce (though we have made the attempt).
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Material Components
Theoretically, Kyl-Y-Orma may be cast from any Elemental Crystal, even a Shard of one. However, it was more potent (naturally) from the Crystal of Light or those fashioned with Everice.   The ultimate gauge of whether it may be cast is the caster's intentions.
Gestures & Ritual
While a master Mage may cast this with a simple wave of the hand, usually some form of brand or branch was required to fully manifest a strong shield. Moreover
  1. ...the brand must be crafted of natural components in as raw a state as possible - hence some brands being referred to as branches.
  2. ...the Crystal (or Shard) must be attuned to an Element and have been found in nature. This excludes manufactured (Technical Crystals) or normal gemstones (i.e. rubies, emeralds, Baracite etc.)
  3. ...the accuracy of placement is determined by the direction the brand/branch being pointed, unless the strength of will of the Mage keeps the desired position in their mind regardless of flailing or attempted interruption.
Related Element
Effect Duration
As long as the caster can concentrate on sustaining it. Adept Mages could still cast other spells while Kyl-Y-Ormà was active, but at the cost of mental energy, leaving them drained much quicker.
Effect Casting Time
Under a second.
Guardian Mage (Usually)
Applied Restriction
This spell will have next to no effect in areas surrounded by high levels of light or reflections. This does not mean a clear, sunny day, but in places known for a "presence of light" such as the Glasdei Anormà.

Known Casters
Claris, Farynna, Kyaevy

Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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Latest Artwork
Coloured Pencil Drawing © FJ Brodie of The Desolation of the Crystal Vale, a myth in the Chronicles Of Qal'ath Fantasy Fiction writing
The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)


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Dec 5, 2021 02:26

I like the language you have created and a great lot of information. Good Article.   Aemon

Dec 5, 2021 20:31 by F. J. Brodie

Thank you :) I have a dictionary of about 400 words, but need to convert them to a format I can import into World Anvil. This is not something I can do quickly, but I've been slowly developing it for a few years now. Still working on past tense conjugation but it's getting there!

F. J. Brodie Writing The Chronicles of Qal'ath, doing my own artwork and fighting chronic pain.
Jan 3, 2022 20:45 by Amy Winters-Voss

Nice take on sheilds! Thanks for entering the WE 2021 Spell Category! Best of luck in all the categories you entered!

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Jan 4, 2022 15:30 by F. J. Brodie

Thank you for your kind comments!

F. J. Brodie Writing The Chronicles of Qal'ath, doing my own artwork and fighting chronic pain.
Jan 8, 2022 07:48 by Tillerz

First spell article on WA I have ever read, and I like it. It has all the information in it needed for a spell. Great idea that you can "enhance" the spell when combining it with Elements. :)

Jan 8, 2022 13:38 by F. J. Brodie

Thank you :) As I add more info on the other Elemental Crystals, I'll add more spells in. Thank you for making mine the first spell you read :D

F. J. Brodie Writing The Chronicles of Qal'ath, doing my own artwork and fighting chronic pain.