The Path of Rusziné

Tracking Rusziné's life up to AFD553. There will be some intersects prior to that date, but from AFD553 this timeline will stop (for now, at least) as his life is intrinsically linked to Qal'ath's situation.   Also, please note that the dates are correct despite it seeming that Rostan is really old when he is exiled. I will explain that later on.   (I'm not sure why the "to the beginning" link goes to the end, so don't click/tap it, just scroll, please!)

  • 475 AFD

    Rusziné Born
    Life, Birth

    Rusziné born, and given the name Rostan.

  • 478 AFD

    Adoption by Dragons
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Two dragonets discover a young Rusziné in Aevyenù Woods, seemingly abandoned by his parents. It is later discovered his mother was killed by a bear within the wood and his father, not able to face the truth and feeling unable to care for him, left him to the Elements and disappeared.   The dragonets carried Rusziné to Hohiiskàlmàr.

  • 480 AFD


    Returned to Byantē
    Life, Identity

    At age five, the Dragons they returned him to the Alliance on the Peaceful Ascent. Before they did, he was granted the ability to retain youthful vigour until his hundredth Anaday because "other would need it", according to the Dragons.   Rostan was then adopted by a family who lived on the South-Eastern tip of Aevyenù Woods. It was there he had the permanent name Rusziné granted to him after developing what seemed to be a spiritual bond with Red Leaf Woodsmen who were visiting.

  • 481 AFD

    491 AFD

    Schooling at the Temple
    Life, Education

    Rusziné is educated at the Temple of Learning, where it became clear he had an aptitude for language learning. He majored in Foyiitùn interpretation, but also took on extra classes in deciphering ancient codes to aid in the understanding of ruins. An active child, he also outran his peers with enviable stamina.

  • 491 AFD

    493 AFD

    Combat Training
    Life, Education

    While choosing to continue his studies at the Temple of Learning, he also trained under various species in multiple non-mystical combat styles. Eventually it was determined that, unlike many of his peers, he was skilled with the great sword, aided greatly by his height. This led many to wonder whether he would, one day, need to lead a great army into a war. Despite this, he preferred to work in the woods rather than relocate to the towns to join the official Byantē forces.

  • 493 AFD

    Rusziné Joins the Tégharii
    Life, Milestone

    Rusziné joins the Tégharii of the Byantē Alliance upon his first "Anaday" (a term only in existence within the Byantē Alliance, despite its similarity with Foyiitùn).

  • 494 AFD

    The Journey to Qal'ath
    Life, Relocation

    After an Ana of intensive training and yet seeing the good the Tégharii was doing for the poorest in the Byantē Alliance, he decided to venture into Qal'ath with the same desire for positive change for the underprivileged.

  • 495 AFD

    Joining the Qalathian Army
    Life, Career

    Rostan joins the Qalathian army at Bezélan as an Acolyte, reasoning that in an unjust society, only those in positions of influence could stand up for the downtrodden.

    More reading
    Qalathian Army
  • 498 AFD

    Affinity with the Crystal Circle
    Life, Organisation Association

    While maintaining his growing duties in the Qalathian Army, Rostan becomes accustomed to regular visits to the Crystal Circle. Despite having no Myst Sensitivity of his own, he saw maintenance of the Elements was key to Qal'ath's stability, despite Carnael II's stubborn views on the matter. Thus he became known as an associate of the Circle and became close to Claris in particular who he saw as a mother figure.

  • 545 AFD


    Exiled from Qal'ath
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Rusziné was exiled by King Carnael II for siding with the Woodsmen by refusing to execute the leader of the invading Deenfeiss Leen Kyadii as ordered by the King.   When news of this got out, it caused minor but persistent unrest in Bezélan.

  • 546 AFD

    Becoming Rostan the Wanderer
    Life, Identity

    Disgusted by Carnael II's attitude to the Foyii, Rusziné changed his appearance, style of clothes and adopted the name Rostan. While he was rescued from death in Tolmyr Sands by the Tégharii based at Camp Hope, he felt he no longer belonged in the land of his birth. He took to wandering in search of people he could help and who he could be assisted by.