Arbiter's Guild Organization in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Arbiter's Guild

Originally founded as the Expedition League in 1 ANW to explore the new world named Qinla'Un, this organization evolved into the Arbiter's Guild once Qilorria was lost. The guild owes its founding to the siblings Isaac and Thomas Beaumont.


Founders: Isaac Beaumont (182 ANW - ???) and Thomas Beaumont(175 ANW - 255 ANW)
Grand Arbiter: Sabina Beaumont (484 ANW - Present)
Most guild locations in Qinla'Un are run by family members of the Beaumont's, both direct decendants and adopted family.


The Arbiter's Guild would be considered Neutral Good in alignment, and thier primary focus is to ensure that random adventuring parties in the world focus on helping local towns and villages rather than gaining power and pillaging the local populations. Corruption and self interests of ranking members is highly frowned upon, while helping to grow the local population goes a long way toward rewards, including rumors of secret dungeons that may lead to amazing rewards!

Public Agenda

Help the local populous grow and posper, and ensure adventurers in the world help the people rather than cause additional troubles.


The Arbiter's Guild owns large guild halls in nearly every major city on the eastern and western continents where it is allowed. They also have smaller guild halls within the towns and villages of those continents as well. The hall makes money by bounties and taking portions of payments for jobs offered by local towns.


Founded originally as the Expedition League in 1 ANW, thier goal was to help adventurers find thier way to the new world, explore it, and return with riches that would help Qilorria prosper. After over 200 years of this, the primary guild hall located in Portsmith was destroyed when an ancient flame dragon named Kaen took control of the city and began using it as his lair.
A group of adventurers, including one named Isaac Beaumont, raided the city with help from multiple other small militias and retook it from the flame dragon, slaying it in the process. Isaac continued on his other quests, but also saved his brother Thomas and his family during the raid on the city.
Soon after, Thomas moved to the city of Achecis and refounded the Expedition League. Within a year, Thomas learned that the reputation of the Expedition League had erroded greatly due to the ease at which is was brought down during the sacking of Portsmith by the flame dragon. It did not help that Kaen had taken the human form of thier father, making it seem like the fall of Portsmith was an inside job. Due to this, Thomas made plans to rename the organization to The Arbiter's Guild. Unfortunately, another major event would cause the entire world Qilorria to change...
In 210 ANW, an adult void dragon sent a massive asteroid hurtling toward Qilorria. Isaac and his close friends attempted to stop this, but failed. The result was a full evacuation of nearly the entire population of Qilorria to Adghal'Un. Multiple methods of transport were used including teleportation and planar shifting. Within 6 months, 500,000 refugees made thier way to the new world. Isaac, Thomas and his family were among those who made it.
Thomas decided this was the best time to rebrand to the Arbiter's Guild, and use its influence to help the new refugees rebuild in thier new world, quickly dubbed Qinla'Un. He set new rules that would ensure that adventurers who joined the guild would help the people, rather than just seek out ways to get rich. The source of the Arbiter's Guild wealth was not quite known, but they used it to build outposts across the eastern and western continents, which soon be came villages, then towns, and even cities.

Help people, get paid. What could be better?

Head Administrator Sabina Beaumont

Typical Guild Building Layout
Founding Date
210 ANW
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
Expedition League
Controlled Territories

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