Port of Havengar

The port city of Havengar was founded by those who once lived in Portsmith on Qilorria. The city was founded to be a trade hub between the eastern and western continents of Qinla'Un. The city was founded on a central and northern island among the Shards, a large spread of sundered islands between the two continents.


Primarily (80%) made up of humans, dwarves, elves, lizardfolk, dragonborn, tabaxi and tieflings. Other races make up the minority of the population (20%) with few orcs, gnomes, halflings, lizardfolk and tortles.   Roughly 10,000 people live in Havengar, mostly working in forms of trade including the trade of ships, magical items, food, contruction materials and a small amount of forbidden goods.   All different classes also make home in Havengar, though more so the physical classes rather than the arcane or divine. Artificers, craftsman and alchemists are the most abundant of the less martial classes that live there.


The Arbiter's Guild helped fund the construction of Havengar and its influence helped bring citizens to the city as it grew. They currently head the city treasury, but not the local government or security for the city.   The local security, calling themselves the Port Authority, make sure the city stays as safe as possible, especially when unknown ships dock at the 2 separate ports on the island. Pirates are common in the Shards, so the Port Authority take inspections very seriously prior to allowing ships to leave.   The City Council tends to keep hands off with the city in general, but if major threats to the city appear or if laws need to be changed due to a serious event, then they will act quickly to make changes.


Two large ports are the primary focus of the city, while two secondary smaller ports are used for less important means. The northwestern shore port is primarily meant for shipping trade, while the port on the northeastern shore is more meant for large visitor and passenger ships. There are also ship yards in both of these ports constantly working on new ships that have been commissioned by trade companies or others with the funds to have a custom built ship made for their endevours.
To the southwest, two smaller ports are used for the upper class living in the center of the city for personal transportation, and the lower class bringing in food and supplies when the main shipping port is full.

Places of Note

  Fists of Rage - Training facility for martial classes. Run by master combatant Skronin, a male Okiti who has mastered the combat techniques of monks, barbarians and fighters.
Training here is for any martial proficiency or feat and is considered a specialized training facility. Any martial class that spends a long rest here can also change their subclass.
  Beaumont Performance Hall - A massive performance hall, used for large city gatherings and performances by well known Bards all over Qinla'Un. Founded by Isaac Beaumont, a Bard who helped found Havengar itself. Currently this hall is run by Jalera Beaumont, a decendant of the Beaumont family and was once a high ranking member of the Arbiter's Guild before retiring. Jalera is an elderly human female, with short grey hair but a fairly athletic build for an elderly human. Performances here can gather thousands, and the hall itself can hold up to 1,200 people, but during a major performance, the outer walls can be opened and the sound of the performance will travel across most Havengar, giving even more people the ability to hear it. Jalera also offers training and rehersals for bards and other types of performers for those who wish to improve their skills.
Training for any Charisma based proficiency, bardic proficiency or social feat can be done here, and the hall is considered specialized for the training.
  Gaia's Conclave - Built as a refuge for Primal spellcasters such as druids, rangers and Paladins of the Ancients. Run as an embassy of sorts from the Heart of Gaia, this conclave is run by the Arch Druid Stripes of a Tiger (Tiger), a female tabaxi with yellow fur and dark orange stripes. Tiger is a master shapeshifter and is likely first encountered in a form not her own. Those who are not of Primal domains or otherwise connected to nature are allowed on the grounds, but access to the inner building is restricted. Followers of any Primal path who take a long rest here may change their subclass.
Basic Training facilities for any druid or ranger class feat, or wilderness based feat or proficiency such as the Beast Slayer, Dragon Slayer, Giant Slayer, Herbal Healer or Lycanthrope Slayer feats.
Specialized training toward weapon maneuvers for the following weapon types: Shortsword, Glaive, Quarterstaff, Club, Whip, Composite Bow, Heave/Light Crossbow, Hand Crossbow, and Longbow and Shortbow.
  Eastern Passenger Port Authority - This port in the northeast portion of the city is primarily meant as the dock used for passenger ships dropping off and picking up travelers. This is to ensure that passengers can be screened as needed during lockdown events. Multiple Legacy soldiers patrol this port as security. The portmaster is a human male named Gragir Gletsk, while the head of Legacy security here is an elf named Qinlar Wintergift.
15gp per day - docking services for passenger classed vessels. Additional loading of small amounts of cargo is included, but directly paying the dock workers used is expected.
  Western Shipping Port Authority - The northwestern port is primarily for shipping and industry needs for the city, and thus security here is much more intense. Laws are enforced strictly and anyone wandering the area at night will be immediately detained and questioned. Theft has a zero tolerance policy and can lead to jail time or banishment from Havengar. The portmaster here is a male tortle named Tabo, while the head of Legacy security is his brother, Nuok.
10gp per day - docking services, as well as load and unload services are available for those who have approved docking access. All additional workers that help the ship with loading/unloading should be paid by the ship.
  Beaumont Port Authority - On the west coast of Havengar, built underneath the cliffside, is a smaller port specifically built for the wealthy idividuals living in the city. This port does not have a portmaster, but is heavy with personal security guards, managed by those who use the port most. Access to this port is exclusive, and unauthorized docking will be meant with aggression.   Willowdown Port - This ports primary purpose is to provide docking locations when the main shipping port is full, or when weather causing the main port to be inaccessible. Rarely do captains enjoy docking here as the "security" is little more than vagabonds who charge what amounts to extortion to anyone wanting to offload a shipment. A small gang tends to spend most of their time patrolling here and are led by a young gnome male named Wilfiz.   Thought Experiment - A library of sorts, specializing in books on historical events, beasts, giants, humanoid species, monstrosities, and celestials. Run by a female gnome named Spilys Zabblosaden.
Training for new languages can be done and it is considered a specialized facility for many of the common languages, and basic training for more rare languages. Also provides specialized training for the Lingustics Expert feat.
  From the Past - Acheology and Historical Research Society - A small research institute run by Trevor Beaumont, an archeologist and known member of the Arbiter's Guild. Trevor is known for his wild theories about Qinla'Un and his wealth gained from being a leading member of the Arbiter's Guild has lead to many expeditions across the planet.
Offers specialized training for any history or Intelligence realted feats or proficiencies, such as Danger Sense, Keen Intellect and Steeled Mind, or specialized slayer feats such as Demon Slayer or Undead Slayer.

  Gearworx Research Institute - A large Mechanist research facility, welcoming all those of the class to work and research as needed.  


The Lost Drake - Largest tavern in the city and run by Benedict Duststone, a middle aged human male and chef. Sells many different alcohol and other refreshments. Four servers work the establishment, who many will be surprised to discover are four different small elementals. These elementals answer to Benedict and serve the establishment well. Benedict offers are variety of food for travelers and sailors.
Fire Wine 7sp per bottle - a very strong and spicy wine that has 3 servings per bottle. Consuming this wine causes a creature to breath a small amount of fire when they burp.
Purple Hill Cider 2sp per mug - a hard apple cider with a taste of apple, cherry, plum and gooseberry. A single drink will have even the burliest of sailors giggling like school children!
  The Dusty Brew - A run down tavern in the southern part of the city, this establishment is well known to locals as having the worst tasting, yet strongest ale known in Qinla'Un. Run by the rotund male tiefling named Sirakos, of average height with dark red skin and curved horns. Locals tend to pay less for drinks, while visitors get charged the maximum to try the special ale.
Ale, Demon's Breath - 8cp for locals, 5sp for visitors - harsh and bitter, a truly acquired taste.
Wine, Berduskan Dark - 10 gp per bottle, 1 gp per glass - nearly black; sweet, heavy and highly alcoholic. Considered one of the best wines in Havengar.
The Copperhead - 6sp - the bartender pours a beer, mixes in a shot of whiskey, and then a couple drop of snake venom from a vial. Normally drinkers will feel numb in their extremities. If a drinker fails their saving throw (DC 10 Con), they will be paralyzed from the neck down for 1D20 minutes.
  The Singing Fish Tavern - A very large tavern that caters to the most entertaining of customers. Many bards, artists, actors and other performers frequent this tavern, and performances are common. Multiple small stages are found throughout the establishment, with one large main stage in the central dining room and bar area. Most busy right after a performance finishes at the Beaumont Performance Hall across the street. Owned and run by a halfing male named Markas Smoothsong. Markas employs 2 bartenders and 4 servers at any given time.
The Golden Sip Mead - 1gp - A very sweet honey mead with a slight taste of lavender and which grants advantage on Charisma checks for one hour.
The Fortnight - 5sp - Very strong alcohol. If you actually drink enough to get drunk, you stay hammered for days.

Inns and Brothels
The Yawning Shark - Owned by a female Triton named Egryn Ravasnath. Egryn is a tall, athletic humanoid triton with long blue hair and green eyes. She has two additional employees that help run the establishment, Sena, a female lizardfolk, and Tek, a male tortle.
Mako Suite - 20gp per night - a large suite with shark bone decorations, fine blue silken sheets, and a large 4 person tub magically enchanted to stay hot and bubbly all day long. Can house up for 4 people comfortably. Creatures that take a long rest in this room gain 20 temporary HP until their next long rest.
Hammerhead Sleeper - 5sp per night - Standard room that can sleep up to two people.
  Maelstrom View Inn & Brew - A large inn located on the southern cliffside, in a middle class neighborhood of Havengar. Catering mainly to locals and their visiting families, this inn has a very homely feel to it and a large number of rooms and suites. Run by a female water genasi named Wave, a shorter genasi with blue and purple hair and a heavy build.
Cyclone Suite - 5gp per night - 2 suites available. A large room with windows overlooking the southern cliffs and comfortable for up to 2 creatures. Creatures who take a long rest here regain all spent hit dice.
Rainfall Room - 5sp per night - Standard room for 2.



  A Perfect Fit - Medium and heavy armorG shop, run by a tall female firbolg named Ulara Eagerflower, and a Disciple in the Stardraught Consortium. Ulara is able to make custom fit armor as needed and selection within the store is pretty standard with a few magical items sealed in magical cases for display. Special orders can be made which come from the main HQ in Hollow Star Cove.   Just Parry - A shop specializing in weaponsG. Run by a female goliath named Puakia "Rivercaller" and her assistant, a small female goblin named Wonk. Puakia is a Disciple in the Stardraught Consortium, while Wonk is currently a Tinkerer. Selection within the store is pretty standard with a few magical items sealed in magical cases for display. Special orders can be made which come from the main HQ in Hollow Star Cove.   Skin & Bones - A rather fancy looking leatherworkingE shop which obviously does no actual leatherworking on site. Run by a highly fashionable female goblin named Dizza. Dizza is a Disciple in Stardraught Consortium and one of their best sales people.     Shark Bite Tattoo Parlor - Large tattooG shop catering to sailors mostly. Run by a female goliath named Mauki "Hidecarver".   Travelers Market - Traveling merchants from all over Qinla'Un will sometimes set up shop in this small market on the streets of Havengar. Most shops are not too interesting for most adventurers, but typically a few might be worth their while.
Two random shops 1d100 with random quality 1d20 are determined each week for the market.
  Curses & Cantrips - Run by the male dwarven runesmith Tharrom Gunher. Tharrom specializes in identifying cursed items and the hazards they contain, although removing said curses is not a service that he offers. Tharrom has also mastered specialty EnchantingG that he can use to modify magical and non-magical items for a cost.
The cost of the identify materials + 20% of the value of the item - Although expensive for an identification of an item, Tharrom has mastered the ability to sense and clarify ancient and hidden curses placed on magical items.
  Shiny Stuff & More - jewelry and gemsE shop run by a male dwarf named Dalmir Thretgiveg. Half of the shop consists of a large geode, seemingly mined from deep within the planet, though how it got here no one knows.     Two Tuners - Song and instrumentE shop that was once founded by the Beaumont family, but sold to an independant owner some time ago. Now the shop is run by two dwarf brothers, Grilnar and Dalmum Fireback.
20gp per day - Dalmum offers specialized training for any musical instrument training as he had mastered many throughout his life.
  Fancy Duds - A shop fronted by massive glass windows showing a variety of high fashionE clothing and advertising the latest upcoming performer at the theater. Run by a female air genasi named Wing.
500gp - On event nights at the Beaumont Performance Hall, Wing offers a dress package to rent a high fashion outfit, tailored specifically to the client. Requires at least 1 day of work, so requests must be made as early as possible. You won't be the most fashionable person in the hall, but you will at least fit in, guaranteed!
  Three Leaves - HerbsG shop run by a female half-elf named Shana Cavann. Shana carries multiple types of herbs from different parts of the world, and her inventory changes often. Coastal plants and herbs always cost 10gp, while those from other regions are priced as below.
10-15gp per unit - Shana rotates her stock based on what she currently has growing each week. 4 different plant types are available each week from the reagant list. Coastal plants are available for 10gp, while all other types cost 15gp per unit.
Shana will purchase herb from non-coastal regions for 12gp per unit.
  Mech & Nichol - A shop covered in spinning gears and an observatory jutting from the roof. Specializes in mechanical contraptionsG. Run by a gnome named Nichol Ironwander and her warforged companion Mechie.
Mechie's Fidget's Spinner - 25gp, Range 30/90, Hit: 1d4 slashing damage A mechanical apparatus that, once activated whirls at a disconcerting rate of speed. Can be thrown (as a bonus action) farther than a usual projectile as it will glide along the air and hit quite a bit harder. Can be bladed or coupled with combustibles for extra effects. Was made as a children's toy, but it’s upsetting lethality showed it far better suited to combat.
Nicol's Favorite Gizmo - 50gp, Requires an action to arm and can be thrown up to 20 feet. 4d6 fire damage, or half damage with a successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw - A strange collection of pipes, wires and odds and ends, careful manipulation of its many valves and switches can lead to a number of effects, although most common is a gout of flame in a 30-foot radius.
  Fur and Claw - This large shop sells common and exotic animalsE for those that need them. Run by a female firbolg named Biwynn Woodkind. Biwynn is very strict on who she sells her animals to, and will interview buyers in detail to ensure the safety of her animals.   Fatewares - WitchcraftM shop catering to those who require a less than typical solution to their woes.   Gear Works - ToolsE shop that caters to the local mechanists.

Guilds and Factions

Ferron's Cathedral of Hope

Main headquarters for Ferron's Legacy, and massive cathedral built to honor each of the gods followed by the members of the Legacy. Many students come here to join the Legacy and students tend to wander about the grounds learning from the higher ranking members. The cathedral is lead by Chronin Creev Paltyne, a male mythril dragonborn. All members of the Legacy who are of the Chronin rank are considered members of the Legacy Council, and all are powerful Divine spellcasters.
Adjacent to the cathedral itself are the military quarters where combat training and main housing for all members of the Legacy that are not of Chronin rank. Any Divine class may train here as a Specialized training location, and after spending a lost rest here, may change their subclass.
Arbiter's Guild Headquarters

Owned and operated by the Beaumont family, this massive adventurers guild is the perfect place for adventurers to stop and rest, train, or find others to join their adventuring teams. The majority of the building includes rooms and suites for full time members of the guild, as well as all the trainers that are sometimes hired to assist at the location. The main great hall is the largest of any Arbiter's location, and includes multiple dining tables, a massive kitchen and entertainment space as well for live performances. The great hall is also surrounded by massive paintings of one of the founders of the guild, Isaac Beaumont.
The main heads of the guild on location is a half-orc named Malun Beaumont, and his cousin, a female human named Isabell Beaumont. They manage the normal day to day operations of the local guild hall. However, the overall head of the guild is Lady Sabina Beaumont.  
Stardraught Consortium

Secondary HQ location for the company, and massive recruiting center for crafters from all over Qinla'Un. Although not quite as massive as thier main headquarters in Hollow Star Cove, this location still is massive and works to test and recuit new crafters to the company, then send them off to train at the main HQ. Stardraught has members of the company running many of the shops in Havengar as they tend to buy out smaller shops and have their own sales people run them instead.
The main campus here consists of outdoor market stalls where potential recruits can meet member of the organization and sign up to join it. There are also test stalls where newly graduated Disciples can practice their sales techniques. Most of these locations have little sell that would interest adventurers, but local cityfolk tend to shop here as they can get good deals on common items from the eager to impress Disciples.


Havengar is an island in the northern part of the Shards. It's location was chosen to ensure it would be a perfect port city, but still away from the dangerous waters of the Shards. Most of the island is edged by sheer cliffs, though a few areas lead straight down to the water which is where the ports were built.


  • Port of Havengar
    The port city of Havengar was founded by those who once lived in Portsmith on Qilorria. The city was founded to be a trade hub between the eastern and western continents of Qinla'Un.
The Shards - Map
Founding Date
212 ANW
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Well Known Citizens

Benedict Duststone - middle aged human male; dark brown hair with streaks of grey. Blue eyes and light colored skin.
Egryn Ravasnath - adult female triton; tall and athletic, with light blue skin, blue hair and piercing green eyes.


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