The Shards

The Shards are said to have once been another small continent, or a land bridge between the eastern and western main continents. At some point, a massive disaster crumbled this continent into large islands, thus creating the shards. Some say Chaac shattered the continent in his rampage many centuries ago, while others say a massive earthquake caused the destruction.
Weather in the Shards can be intense, with high winds, strong currents, and large sea predators awaiting any clumsy sailors who may fall into the churning waters. Sailing through the Shards takes a high amount of skill and patience and most ships just do not make it through.
For shipping routes, they tend to follow paths just north of the Shards, and then follow the coast lines of the main continents when required.


  • The Sulfur Isles - A massive volcano rising out of the sea, surrounded by tropical islands.
  • The Silver Shelf - A massive island somehow covered in ice and snow. It is unknown how this is possible as any expeditions to the island have never returned.


The shards are a mix of turbulent waters, reefs, boiling volcanic islands and violent storms. A large amount of sea life tends to live in the shards as it provides natural protection from fishing humanoids, though it also attracts a large number of predators as well. Among the vast array of sea life, there are also stories from sailors of two particular regions which large sea faring titans have made their homes.    
Randhanu's Lair

A region to the northwest of the Shards lies a area that is claimed to be the lair of the great titan fish Randhanu. Known to sailors as the Cornucopia of the Seas, the Rainbow Fish, and the Great Matsya, this legendary creature has actually avoided contact with most people for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Many coastal settlements of lizardfolk, grippli and tabaxi worship Randhanu as a deity of good fortune, luck and abundance. Many sailors, fishermen and dockworkers also hold this belief.

Randhanu is also known as the Whale Eater, as her great size allows her to swallow entire whales whole. Some elderly whales have been known to purposefully migrate to her domain to end their long lives as a gift to this great being of the sea.

Sailors tell stories that the great Randhanu exibits the ability to restore any creature from the brink of death, cure any ilness, and end any curse. This makes some of the most unfortunate of the world attempt to seek her out on the small chance she may bestore her divine gifts upon them and end whatever affliction they may be suffering from.

Akkorakamui's Lair

Near the southeast portion of the Shards, lies a region of dark waters, tall stone pillars, and endless ship wrecks. This region belongs to the great octupus titan Akkorakamui. Sailors know of this region well, and if they are going to travel through the Shards, they will always try to begin or end their trip by passing through Akkorakamui's lair. Although imposing to some, Akkorakamui is a wise and generous creature, and has been known to protect and even save sailors who have been lost at sea. Many sailors have adopted the tradition of offering tribute to the titan as they pass over his lair, hoping for good fortune and safe passage on their journey.

Akkorakamui is known to be very wise, with great knowledge of the sea from its many milennia on this world. Due to this, many unsavory adventurers have tried, and failed, to attack and force their will upon the titan. They quickly learn that fighting a creature in its lair usually ends in a watery grave.

The titan is known to have a particularly strong hatred for undead and necromancers, and can quickly identify those who follow the dark path of necromancy.


  • The Shards - Map
Included Locations


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