Drabanu The Floating City

The River Oceanus is the beating heart of Elysium. Its pure waters flow through all of the layers, beginning and ending in the sparkling azure sea of Thalasia. The river’s importance cannot be overstated to the wellbeing and safety of the plane, and it offers the most reliable mode of planar transport in all the Upper Planes. It also serves as the home for a number of small barge communities that move up and down its length, the largest of which is Drabanu, known as the Floating City.
  Drabanu is home to sailors, merchants, and traders of all kinds, many of which just pass through on larger journeys up and down the River Oceanus. The Floating City is built on a massive flat-bottomed barge which supports sprawling buildings of wood and timber that stretch up dozens of floors above the river’s edge. Its existence defies logic and explanation, and it drifts slowly down the river at its own speed regardless of the actual current. The River Oceanus leads Drabanu only down the main channel, which is just wide enough for the Floating City, though a host of experienced aasimar sailors tend to the city-ship’s upkeep.
  Drabanu is nominally run by Lord Ithuriel, a celestial-blooded aasimar who has sailed the River Oceanus for many lifetimes. Lord Ithuriel welcomes all aboard, and the dockhands of Drabanu are renown for their skill and grace in dealing with smaller transports docking at the Floating City. Drabanu normally keeps to Elysium, floating easily through Amoria and even Eronia, but it makes trips into the Beastlands and Arborea as well.
Alternative Name(s)
The Floating City
Large city
Location under


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