Elysium - NG

The Blessed Fields of Elysium are vibrant, inspiring, peaceful, and utterly devoted to the idea of the common good. There is no other plane in the multiverse dedicated to that singular ideal regardless of the ways or means, and the residents of Elysium are more than happy to offer a hand or advice to their neighbors and travelers. It is widely thought that conflict doesn’t exist in such a place, but that couldn’t be further from the truth – it just very rarely turns violent or ugly.


The River Oceanus is a dominant feature throughout Elysium. Its presence is a defining force in all four layers, and much of the civilized life on the plane is centered on or around its mighty banks. The flow of the river defies logic and explanation as it winds back and forth on and over itself through countless miles, spilling innocently from layer to layer and plane to plane. Enormous libraries have been devoted to the study of its flow and its dark twin, the River Styx in the Lower Planes.
Layers of Elysium
  • Amoria - The top layer of Elysium, Amoria, is also the most populated and most temperate. It is a lush landscape of vibrant colors, from the forests of sturdy trees holding multicolored leaves to the rolling hills of sweet long grass. Amoria resembles a picturesque Material Plane world where the colors of nature are enhanced to a pleasing effect. The weather is never violent, shifting subtly between the seasons in mild patterns that defy easy determination or prediction. Gentle spring rains, warm summer days, crisp autumn breezes, and lazy winter snowflakes can all grace the landscape of Amoria in the span of a month.
    The River Oceanus has hundreds of smaller tributaries through Amoria, though its main flow is wide, steady, and peaceful. Dozens of cities sit on the river banks, and a few – like Drabanu – actually float on the River Oceanus itself! Animals cavort and play in sun-dappled glades of breathtaking beauty while the residents lend a helpful hand in the name of the greater good. A sense of peaceful easiness falls over Amoria like a blanket, and many who travel there find it difficult to leave.
  • Eronia - The River Oceanus slides easily from Amoria into the second layer, Eronia, where the landscape is rougher and the weather harsher. The river cuts great gorges throughout Eronia, and some of the most spectacular waterfalls in all the multiverse can be found along the mighty river’s crashing course. This layer is home to much fewer inhabitants but everyone who stays enjoys the contented feeling of conquering a mountain or navigating difficult rapids. The dangers of Eronia are mostly natural, from rockslides to cliff faces, but most take it as a challenge from the plane itself to rise up and do better for themselves and one another.
    The weather on Eronia shifts with the seasons, just like Amoria, but it is prone to more violent bursts. Heavy rainstorms and white-out blizzards are not uncommon, though the cold and heat are rarely extreme enough to be dangerous for long periods of time.
  • Belierin - The rapids of Eronia’s River Oceanus stretch eventually give way to the fog-enshrouded marshland that is Belierin, the third layer of Elysium. Thick moisture hangs in the air, creating the fog and mist that perpetually fill out the landscape, and a sense of uneasy wariness clings to the marsh trees and bayous between the River Oceanus’ expansive flow. The few settlements of Belierin are focused around enormous lighthouses built and maintained by an order of guardians known as the Lighthouse Watchers. These warriors, soldiers, rangers, and wizards take an oath to watch over Elysium – and much of the multiverse in general – out of a sense of implacable duty. Houses and buildings around the lighthouses are built on heavy stilts rising from the swamp.
    Guardinal and watcher patrols are common in the swamp, and the lighthouses help guide travelers along the River Oceanus towards the headwaters at Thalasia. The thick gray fog hangs over Belierin constantly, obscuring vision and sound, and few travelers enjoy navigating its murky terrain. The weather is rarely a factor though, and the seasons don’t do much to change the cloying moisture that permeates the fog and clings to the skin.
  • Thalasia - The source and destination of the River Oceanus is Thalasia, Elysium’s fourth layer. Thalasia is a mighty ocean, deep blue and dappled with sunlight at all times, with hundreds of beautiful and bountiful islands dotting its surface. Many of these islands are the home to heroes and kings enjoying a final rest, some waiting for the day to be called back to the Material Plane, while others simply enjoy an eternity of restful solitude in a paradise of golden beaches, sweet fruits, and merciful skies.
    Below the waters, Thalasia is just as beautiful. Several colonies of tritons and sea elves from the Plane of Water rest in great coral reefs, and the relatively low number of predators in the azure waters makes it easy for the fish to grow to enormous proportions. Luna jellies that rise up from the River Oceanus on all layers are said to originate in Thalasia, in the nest of Hhallashaa the great luna jellyfish of the sea.

Notable Locations

  • Drabanu The Floating City - A massive city floating along the River Oceanus on massive barges that extend nearly from shorline to shoreline.
Alternative Name(s)
The Blessed Fields of Elysium
Plane of Existence
Included Locations
Characters in Location





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