Ferron's Shield

This large city, founded by the combined efforts of hundreds of Clerics and Paladins, was the capital city for those divine classes during the early days right after the new world of Adghal'Un appeared in the sky in what is now considered 0 ANW.


Around 90% of the population were practicing clerics and paladins, with the rest being specialized craftsman that would support the city.


Initially ruled by Ferron Greathammer, but after founding the city, he formed a council that would help make decisions for the people of the city and move research forward toward getting to the new world. Together they formed the organization of Ferron's Legacy and created the modern Ferron Calendar which is still in use today.


Surrounding the city is a magical field of divine energy that protects the city from invaders. Initially this was not needed, but their appearance on Adghal'Un led to an invasion by a race of creatures called the Locus from the northern continent of the new planet. They somehow followed them back to Qilorria and assaulted the city enough times to cause the city to develop a massive divine barrier that would protect the members of the Legacy that were projecting themselves to the new world.

Industry & Trade

The city was the largest producer of heavy weapons and armor on Qilorria. They used the funds this brought in the pay for the expeditions to the new world. Goods produced in the city would be sent to the nearby city of Crossroads where it could be sold and the profits returned.

Guilds and Factions

The founding of Ferron's Legacy occurred here in the year 3 ANW, shortly after the construction of the city began.


Construction of the city began in 2 ANW and took 13 years to complete. Led by Ferron Greathammer, a powerful male dwarf paladin, other clerics and paladins traveled with him into the cold regions of northwest Qilorria. Here, nestled between two mountains, the city was able to grow quickly without much interruption, the only exception being the local barbarian tribes. These were quickly bought off to avoid conflict.
  As construction continued, Ferron decided to create a council to make this collection of divine spellcasters easier to manage, and within a year, this council created the official organization calling themselves Ferron's Legacy. This new council took control of development of the city, as well as researching ways to get to the new world using their combined divine magic.   After 13 years of construction, the city was finally finished, but the council was no closer to finding a way to the new world. The group eventually decided that physically traveling to the new world with their current divine powers was impossible, but researching long distance astral projection combined with project image spells became the focus as this could potentially get some of their kind there to explore. This research eventually led to the creation of a new and powerful 10th level spell they deemed divine projection.   This divine projection spell allowed a creature that it was cast upon to project a physical manifestation of themselves to a near infinite distance away. This projection was physical and not an illusion, but had multiple major flaws:
  1. Although the projection was physical, the creatures actual body was left behind in a state of suspended animation, similar to the astral projection spell. This meant it had to be protected from outside influences.
  2. The projection took none of the gear the creature had with it on it's journey. It would appear naked, and would need to find local resources to explore the new world.
  3. Targeting a very specific location became nearly impossible depending on the distance the creatures projection traveled. This meant that the travelers ended up in a cold wasteland on the northern continent of the new world... far from a decent place to begin a settlement with zero resources possible to bring.
  4. To make the connection physical and not just a illusion, the creatures soul would be tied to their projection and their physical body at the same time. This meant that if either their projection body or their original one were to die, the creature itself would die as well.
  5. Only the most powerful divine clerics could cast divine projection on others, leaving them behind on Qilorria and unable to assist on the new world as they spent weeks concentrating on the spell.
  The council accepted these issues as impossible to correct, and moved forward with a group of volunteers to make a settlement in 44 ANW. By common knowledge, this made them the first group to make it to the new world, as the success of the warlocks and blood hunters of Syrtis was not known at this time. The volunteers, barely able to survive the climate of the new world, were able to overcome the issues and create a small settlement they named Ferron's Retreat. Ferron himself helped build this small village as part of the first group of volunteers.   Within a few years though, they attracted the attention of two civilizations nearby, neither of which were were friendly, but one was outright hostile. The Locus were vicious group of unground dwelling creatures that would attack any humanoids on site and could easily ambush their enemies by remaining just under the surface of the ground and then bursting forth when the timing was right. Ferron's Legacy would wage a small war with these creatures for 10 years before the Locus suddenly appeared on Qilorria somehow and attacked Ferron's Shield directly. It was completely unknown how they could have made their way to Qilorria, but after druids and rangers of Gaia's Refuge found a way to trasport via plants to the new world in 50 ANW, the council began to believe that the Locus found a similar way to do this via the "Gaia" of the two worlds.   The other group the members of Ferron's Legacy met was the odd group of species that referred to themselves as The Leng. This civilization seemed to be made up of multiple species, the head of which were powerful and giant arcane spiders. Th other species varied, but all were somewhat lawful evil in their alignment. Sometimes the Leng would trade with the Legacy members, other times they would attack them and try to take prisoners. Thankfully, simply ending the spell on those taken captive prior to them being killed would prevent and major issues. Eventually the Leng learned of this and stopped taking prisoners all together, but their attitudes would shift on a near daily basis, with the Legacy members never knowing if a group of Leng would be friend or foe at any given time.   In 210 ANW, when the destruction of Qilorria was imminent, Ferron along with his most powerful clerics and paladins all used their divine connections to their gods to will the majority of their people directly to Adghal'Un... this left them all behind on Qilorria when it was destroyed by the comet that impacted and obliterated the planet. This marked the end of the divine projection spell as no more users of the spell existed to teach it to others... The combined will of the council, Ferron and the other spellcasters were also able to target a more specific location for their people, which allowed them to end up close to where Sequine was eventually teleported to.

210 ANW

Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
CIty of the Divine
Owning Organization


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