Grippli Species in Qinla'Un | World Anvil


Grippli are a race of intelligent amphibian humanoids.

Race Description

Short and dexterous, grippli resembled bipedal tree frogs. Swamp-dwelling grippli typically had gray-green skin, often mottled with darker colors such as green and brown. Grippli who dwelled in rainforests displayed a wider array of skin colors, such as bright yellow, blue, or red. Their skin smelled of old and wet plants, and appeared wet to the touch, but was actually dry. Grippli were quite small, with most individuals standing around 4 ft tall, and weighing around 60 lb. Older and more powerful grippli could be twice as tall and heavy.   They had a love of bright colors, and occasionally raided parties of travelers to obtain colored garments. Despite this, grippli rarely used much clothing beyond simple belts and loincloths. Grippli homes were decorated with brightly colored bits and bobs.   Grippli of Qinla'Un were originally subjugated by the Yuan-Ti. The Grippli were used to build the majority of Yuan-Ti city of Uxmal. They were subjugated for nearly a thousand years, until a "Herald of the Void" appeared in 200 ANW to the Yuan-Ti people and convinced them that he could assist in bringing thier lost god Sseth back from the Abyss. With no further use of the Grippli, and the fact that they were immune to their alchemical means of transforming humainoids into Yuan-Ti servants, the Yuan-Ti moved to purge the Grippli from thier lands. This greatly reduced thier numbers, and forced them into the jungles north of Uxmal where they stayed in tribal villages ever since.
The grippli revere their primary goddess, named the Rainbow Goddess due to the colorful depiction she is given in most stories. The grippli fear their negative god, called the Curator, who is said to live in a library along the river sticks in Hell.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

The grippli generally revere the Rainbow Goddess as their primary god, while The Curator is their feared anti-deity.


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