
City founded by the outcast warlocks from Sequine when they were expelled for their ideas on how to get to the new world.


80% warlocks and 15% blood hunters from various species, with the remaining being unclasses professionals for crafting and researching demons and devils.


In 20 ANW, The Arcane School of Mouriton and a large group of independant wizards, sorcerers and warlocks are joined together to create a new arcane focused city in order to work together to find a way to the new world. They all knew that the clerics and paladins were already working together in Ferron's Shield, and their commitment together spured others to join together for the same cause.   After years spent researching how to possibly cover the vast distance to the new world, each group of classes presented their plan on how to do it. Scoffing at the brutish plan by the wizards and sorcerers to teleport people the vast distance, the warlocks used their connections to their patrons to present a plan that involved extraplanar travel. Thier patrons allowed for a much less arcane consuming route through the demi-planes that could then potentially land them on the new world. The wizards especially rebutted this idea, stating that the influence of the planes on material plane creatures was far too dangerous and unpredictable to allow. The warlocks immediately showed their ability to open rifts to other planes already to lessen the implication of danger, to which the wizards and sorcerers immediately expelled them from Sequine and from all further research into travel to the new world.   Now exiled and alone, the warlocks banned together and settled near an obsidian mine hundreds of miles east of Sequine. Together, they created a massive rift between the planes in this mine. They though they could quickly jump from one demi-plane back to the material plane, but quickly found themselves on a plane of pure evil, fire and brimstone. Research quickly determined that they had torn open a gateway to Phlegethos, the 4th layer of the Nine Hells, which at that very moment had been hosting a war between invading demons and the devils native to the plane. The warlocks quickly chose to side with the more reasonable devils over the chaotic and vicious demons.   In 30 ANW, the warlocks began construction on a city of their own directly above the obsidian mine. Using the powers granted to them by their devil allies, the warlocks grew the obsidian into a massive black tower. They now had a home, and some allies, but the devils could never be fully trusted, and the warlocks were not quite strong enough to take on the powerful demons directly. So, research began on a new class of warrior, one that could fight directly in hand to hand combat with the demons, but also use arcane powers to bolter their strengths. This led to the creation of the blood hunters in 34 ANW. This new class could easily navigate the labrinth that was Phlegethos, as well as slaughter the demons that got in the way.   Without the knowledge of the rest of the world, this led to Syrtis being home to the first connection to the new world in 36 ANW. The warlocks and blood hunters arrived on the new world just at the base of a massive, lonely black mountain. This was the perfect place for a new city on this world, and construction began immediately inside the mountain on the city of Black Spire. Devils eagerly helped to grow this city, seeing it as a perfect doorway to the material plane...   In 210 ANW, with the knowledge that Qilorria was soon to be destroyed by the calamity impact, the city of Syrtis was evacuated through the gateway into Phlegethos. Nearly a third of the citizens were killed on the journey to the new world gate, but eventually the rest made it through, at the cost of hundreds of blood hunter lives.

210 ANW

Founding Date
30 ANW


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