The Classless Maiden


  • Glori de Mowbray - 16 year old female human. Short, straight brown hair in short pig tails, with blue eyes and light skin. Is very friendly and inviting but is often caught spying on people. Is very curious. Uses her friendly face to convince travelers to use the Classless Maiden as their transportation vessel of choice. Glori has a rapier at her side at all times and wears typical sailing gear with light leather armor.
  • Celenwe "Cele" Orren - 156 year old drow male. Bald head and white eyes, with smoth dark grey skin and piercing facial tattoos. Has sailed for many decades and has a vast knowledge of the sea and the creatures that inhabit it. Cele is the quartermaster of the ship and general muscle along side Thonak.
  • Ethryn Ughazath - An older female abyssal triton. Has grey eyes and translucent light blue skin. A large, yet tattered head fin can be seen with specks of purple all over it. Fights dirty and tends to stick to the shadows. Spends more time in the water than on the ship itself. Loves to draw things she sees on the surface world. Ethryn is the carpenter of the ship which she has learned after years of surface travel, and also doubles as the ship medic.
  • Lonotti Sisktiku - Older okiti male with grey fur, a missing eye and half a tail. Is currently the chef of the Classless maiden, but always talks about his days as a valiant sailor. Lonotti is the boatswain of the ship and ensures supplies are properly stored and accounted for during long trips.
  • Windy Shore "Shore" - DECEASED - A middle aged female tabaxi. Has blue eyes and long grey fuy with black stripes. Proudly wears shoulder pads made of Yuan-Ti scales. Can be distrustful of others, but listens to Thonak. Loves to collect jewels and wears a jeweled pendant at all times. Shore is the sailing master, or navigator of the ship and effortlessly makes her way through the rigging to get the best views of the path ahead.


Dual sail design (4 hexes per day)

Weapons & Armament

4 Cannons

AC: 19
Hit Points: 75
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Cannon Ball: Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 600/2400 ft., one target. Hit: 44 (8d10) bludgeoning damage

Armor and defense

Ship AC: 15 (Hull damage threshold 14)
Hit Points: 250

Control: Helm
Armor Class: 17
Hit Points: 50

Movement: Sails Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 100

Captain Thonak "Shellbreaker" Sunbeam

Thonak Shellbreaker screenshot.png
The Maiden
Creation Date
18th of Bruun, 423 ANW
Current location
20 ft.
70 ft.
4 hexes per day
Complement / Crew
8 Crew Members
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
7 passengers, 1 ton of cargo
Glori de Mowbray screenshot.png

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