Stardraught Consortium

The Stardrought Consortium was originally founded by a goblin named Gree and named "Stardroughts" in partnership with other financiers. Originally, the business sold and brewed various potions and brews that could be drank for enjoyment, enhancement or for medicinal reasons. Each establishment listed rules outside stating "Bleeding within the establishment is discouraged and will encure financial penalty. You are agree to all terms and conditions upon entry." No terms and conditions were ever listed, and were typically decided upon by the shop owner or operator when needed.
Stardraught Consortium, due to its amazing wealth from hundreds of years of selling quality goods to the people, wholly owns the city of Hollow Star Cove. They prefer to run their business over the city itself, so they allow the richest and most powerful families to run the city itself, which has turned it into a bit of a refuge for the criminal underbelly of Qinla'Un. The company still gets plenty of business though and opened a large branch in the Port of Havengar for those unwilling to travel to Hollow Star Cove to do business.


  • Grand Overseer - Leader of the company, sets goals for the company and ensures the company follows this path. Is responsible for the well being of the company as a whole and takes any and all responsibility for negative impacts the company suffers due to their direction.
  • Magus - Primary advisors to the Grand Overseer. Only powerful alchemists, artificers and arcane spellcasters are assigned to this highly coveted position within the company.
  • Disciple - The primary sales people of the company. Disciples are typically sent out into the world to towns large and small to set up shop and makes sales. All start their careers at the Stardraught HQ building in the main mall where they hone their skills at selling and bargaining. Once a Magus determines that a Disciple has improved enough to be out on their own, they are allowed to leave. Very few are approved for this process, so the vast majority of Disciples are in Hollow Star Cove or Havengar.
  • Tinkerer - This research level position is for artificers and other magical item engineers who will be doing research on new physical products for the company to sell. Magic items are covered with this position.
  • Brewmaster - This research level position is for alchemists and other herbologist who will be doing research on new and powerful potions, poisons and bombs for the company to sell.
  • Clerk - Entry level position in the company. Not as strictly regulated as the other positions, but meant as more of a liaison position for outsiders who wish to purchase items in bulk for resale. A limited selection of items are available for Clerks to sell and the buy in can be expensive.


The culture of the company demands that every member look out the welfare of the company as a whole. Every member should be doing everything in their power to promote the company, sell its wares, and work to move up in the company.
Speaking of moving up, the employee culture is cutthroat in this regard. Having the HQ in Hollow Star Cove has really rubbed off on the employees as they will do whatever it takes to move up in the company. There have been many stories of superiors suddenly becoming ill and unable to work, leading to the promotion of someone under them. No one leaves their food or drinks out in the open in this company, as doing so is a sure way to end up spending the next week as a sea turtle, and your job replaced with someone working under you!.

Public Agenda

Stardraught Consortium is dedicated to the sale of quality goods at a fair price to the company. Complaints are to be filed with the main office HQ. Misuse of products voids any responsibility of the company and its workers.


The company owns the city of Hollow Star Cove outright. The company was founded there and helped the city build up, and poured a lot of its money into the development as well. Eventually they ended up just owning everything, but had no desire to run the government of the city. The company has full reign on all land within the confines of the city itself, and the leading families do not argue this point.
Stardraughts also owns a fleet of 7 cargo ships and 3 warships. Typically cargo ships are sent on their own as most pirates would not dare raid one of these ships as they would lose access to Hollow Star Cove if it was discovered that they had a hand in the raid. The war ships were recently added to the fleet due to recent raids on some of the cargo ships.

Known Members

Girk - A male goblin, and Magus rank within the company. Head of Market Affairs, Girk is the primary contact for anyone trying to secure a temporary sales booth in the Stardraught Consortium Headquarters market in Hollow Star Cove.
Wartgut - a male goblin and Tinkerer rank within the company, Wartgut is head of security and commands all of the warforged who protect the headquarters building. Wartgut constructed a device that permenantly effecting him with a growth spell, causing him to now be over 7 feet tall and extremely well built.


Stardraughts as a company was founded by a goblin named Gree and a goliath pirate captain named Ilkan "Whalerider" Sunbeam on Molten Cove Island around 209 ANW. The plan was to have Gree, an alchemist and inventor, create magical items, potions, poisons and bombs while Whalerider used her fleet of ships of transport the wares around the planet, opening up trade and making the both a lot of money in the process. Unfortunately, it was not long before both determined that although the Molten Cove island was a great location to house a pirate base, it was not a good location for a business HQ as it was far to long of a travel from main trade routes.
The pair headed off in search of a better location. There was an island in the northern part of the Shards which would have been a great location for a settlement, but others had already laid claims to the land, and not wanting a fight, the pair instead chose a more secluded, but still fairly easily accessible location in the south west Shards. This became the future location of Hollow Star Cove, and the home of the Stardraught Consortium.
The company prospered while the city around them grew from the influx of refugees from Qilorria for quite a few years. Around 240 ANW, with Gree long since giving up the head of the company in favor of continuing to adventure around Qinla'Un and develop new products for the company to sell, the company decided to focus heavily on expansion and sales, growing more or less into the company it is today. After a long life, for a goblin anyway, Gree left behind a large library of writings regarding her adventures, artifacts she encountered, and ideas for new products to be developed by the company in the future. Most of these were locked up, allowed to be seen by Magus and Grand Overseers eyes only. For over a century, rumors have spread that the horde of information in this library is being used to drip feed new inventions to the public in a successful attempt to keep growing products over a longer period of time for the company. Many have thought to try and break into this vault to discover its secrets, but the threat and power of the company is what ultimately stops them.

One little flask and you and your worries will melt away!

Grand Overseer Nulni


  • Hollow Star Cove
    If the criminal underbelly of Qinla'Un had a capital, this would be it.
Founding Date
208 ANW
Corporation, Commerce
Alternative Names
Stella Solem Co
Stardraught Consortium founded the city of Hollow Star Cove, and although they govern it with the four influential families of the city, they technically own all the land the city rests upon.
  The company also owns a large building and market in Port of Havengar, as well as multiple businesses in the city itself.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Suspicious Yet Friendly

The Arcane Council enjoys the supplies and magical items and potions that the Stardraught Consortium brings to the city of Sequine, however, they do not trust the leadership of the organization enough to give them any leeway within the upper districts of the city.   The Stardraught Consortium on the hand slyly deals with the Arcane Council, knowing full well the powerful wizards and sorcerers on the council do not trust their organization. Every so often they attempt to get more inside knowledge of the arcane abilities and secrets of the council, but to no avail.


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