
Blackwater is a coastal town, and primary port for the eastern continent. Ships come and go daily from the port, moving people and goods to and from the Port of Havengar. More than half of the town sits on stilts over the bay, which itself is constantly full of dense fog for most of day. Around noon tends to be the best time to dock as the fog is clear in the mid-day sun.
A constant smell of seawater and fish, and a population that many say is full of ex criminals, vandals and tomb raiders, Blackwater is considered a seedy port town just on the edge of being a criminal haven.


A fairly equal mix of races, mainly consisting of tiefling, humans, dwarfs, tortle, lizardfolk, though there is a large subset of goliath living here as well.


The leadership of Blackwater is quite unique, as it can change from day to day. Any decisions that need to be made are handled by a collection of all ship captains currently docked in town, plus the Chronin assigned to the Ferron's Legacy temple and the head of the Arbiter's Guild.
The current head of the Arbiter's Guild in Blackwater is a goliath named Lazadak "SkyFaller" Ogoligane, and the current Zuetian of Legacy temple is a human named Krenic Streker.
  • City Council Manor - This is a large manor just south of the Docks. This location is where all town business is conducted, and members of the city council meet when needed. Any ship captain with their ship currently docked in town is also welcome to stay in a suite as well.


Per the rules set by the town, any ship currently docked at Blackwater is required to defend the city against any attack that may occur. Breaking this accord will immediately cause the ship to be black listed from ever docking in Blackwater again.

Industry & Trade

Blackwater is primary hub for goods coming in and going out of the eastern continent and off to the Port of Havengar. Since Blackwater is located north of the Shards, the trip to and from Havengar is far less dangerous.
Exports tend to be pallets of herbs and materials found within the eastern continent that are inaccessible from other regions. Many lizardfolk also use the passenger ships to make their way across the world like they were never able to before.
Imports include finely crafter gear and potions from Stardraught Consortium, as well as a steady stream of adventurers hoping to find hidden treasure deep within Akilum's Nest.


Places of Note

Ferron's Legacy Temple of Blackwater - Currently run by Zuetian Krenic Streker, a human male paladin following the Oath of Safeguarding. He has two Athenite apprentices working the temple as well with Kada Underfury, a female hill dwarf and cleric of the Black Powder domain, as well as Kaldas Zeghalmath, a older male triton and cleric of the Portal Domain. This specific temple is well known in the network as it features a large collection of gunpowder weapons that Krenic has collected over the years, all locked up but often lent out to the town when needed to defend against incursions from the nearby jungles.   Stardraught Shipyard - Shipyard owned and operated by Stardraught Consortium. Offer repair services for ships large or small and can be commissioned to build a full ship from scratch if needed. The operation is run by Wixlee, a male goblin and Disciple within the organization.  


The Uptight Demon - Primary inn for Blackwater and nestled right in the center of the docks. Lapping waves are heard all night long with the slight movement of the docks, a perfect resting place for sailors used to the constant motion of life on a ship. Run by Bethri, a human female, and her wife, a half siren named Aariah. Bethri is a fair skinned and red haired human with a big personality and a friendly smile at all times. She loves to dress up in random outfits each day. Aariah is dark skinned with short teal colored hair. Aariah tends to the inn during the day, then performs at the Seal and Fork Tavern on the weekends for the sailors in town.   Arbiter's Guild of Blackwater - Current run by a male goliath named Lazadak "SkyFaller" Ogoligane. This location is the typical layout for an Arbiter's Guild, however, it also specializes in ship operation training and providing housing for sailors currently not contracted on a ship. The center area of the guild hall is a large recreation of a ship deck where training can easily be done.   Rolling Pin Cafe - Small cafe serving breakfast and lunch most days, featuring foods from around the world thanks to recipes donated by transient sailors. Owned and operated by chef Crorash Toxan, a male red dragonborn. Crorash specializes in bolstering meat snacks and offers them at a premium for those interested.
Hammerhead Jerky - 25 gp, Constitution saving throws made over the next 24 hours are made with advantage.
Displacer Beast Meat Pie - 20 gp, For the next 8 hours after consuming this pie (2 servings), the creature gains advantage on melee attacks that target any arcane spellcaster.
Dryad Bark Tea - 40 gp, for the next 8 hours, your AC is increased by 2 and your skin becomes as hard as tree bark.
  Seal and Fork Tavern - A large and frequently loud tavern just off the docks on the southern side of town. Run by the male fire genasi Flare. At the center of the main room of the tavern is a large meteorite, and resting atop it is a small crater drake. This is Impact, co-owner of the tavern and close friend to Flare. He is also considered the "bouncer" for the tavern, making sure the sailors stay respectful in the establishment. A kobold named Sniv is the chef of the tavern and makes wickedly spicy food, regardless of request.
All food served at the tavern is cooked spicy. Any creature who consumes food cooked here has advantage of Constitution saving throws to resist extreme cold, and resistance to cold damage until their next long rest.
Impact Driver - 30gp, This strong drink tastes of liquor and citrus and is a silver and red color. This drink is potency 2 and consuming it cures any disease effecting the creature.
  The Siren's Grotto - Brothel catering all needs. Offers massages and more. Run by the matron Nithyis, a female tiefling with extremely long, straight black hair and golden eyes and purple skin.   Blackwater Brewing Co. - A cornerstone of Blackwater, this rustic and cozy brewery features exposed wooden beams, large copper brewing kettles, and a large taproom with windows overlooking the harbor. Brewer of Blackwater's Best, an ale sold all over Qinla'Un. Owned and operated by Captain Elias Thorne, a retired ship captain who settled down in Blackwater after years spent on the sea. Captain Elias is commonly found in the taproom sharing stores from his seafaring days and offering samples of his latest brews to patrons.
Blackwater's Best - 1sp, A dark, robust beer with hints of caramel and a smooth, smoky finish. Served slightly cheaper here than anywhere else in Qinla'Un.
Seafarer's Stout - 3gp, A rich, creamy stout with notes of chocolate and coffee, perfect for warming up on a chilly coastal evening. Provides resistance to cold weather effects for the next hour.
Harbor Haze IPA - 3gp, A hazy, citrusy IPA with a refreshing bitterness, ideal for the commonly fog filled days in Blackwater. Potency 2. Ignore the effects of obscuring fog, natural or magical, for the next hour.



The Blue Beaker - Run by Cora Derhubb, a older female halfling and alchemist. Cora is kind and generous to most, but absolutely despises goblins and the Stardraught Consortium. Cora offers a variety of potions and poisonsM at higher than normal prices.
All potions and poisons sold here are sold at 1.5x the normal price.
  Louelly's General Store - Mainly offering typical adventuring gear, but also dabbling into some other knick knacksM and magical items. Owned and operated by Louelly Guardfist, a female dwarf. She has golden colored hair and a fine looking face. She is friendly and flirtatous to any who enter her shop.   The Staggering Anvil - Specializing in medium and heavy armorM, this blacksmith is run by Erevan Mystralath, a male elf. Erevan is a tall and handsome elf with light brown hair and sharp facial features.   Miracle Magical Market - A small boat market run by Darily of the Stardraught Consortium. Darily is an up and coming member of the merchant guild and is a magic item vendor with a limited inventory.   Flavia's Fortunes - Run by Flavia, an elderly firbolg who runs a small fortune teller house at the northern end of of the docks. Her house is dark and filled with the scent of various burning incense. She provides fortunes for those who pay her 5 gp.   Mystical Mayhem - Run by the kenku warlock Grill, and specializing in various forms of witchcraftG. Need a clumsy friend ressurected? Grill is here is help!   The Junk Pile - Thrift store run by Trivixx, a male lizardfolk. Trivixx is a brown scaled mountain lizardfolk.

Points of interest

The Docks

Just along the coast, a large series of docks eventually became the perfect place to build more and more structures, securely resting upon large stilts over the water below. Most structures are a good 20 feet from the surface of the water, allowing small boats to pass below safely by oar. Some residents of the town actually live in small boat houses below the docks themselves.


Primary farms for the town, running right up against the jungles of Akilum's Nest. The farmers sometimes complain to the city council about incursions of monsters from the jungle, which are usually taken care of by a collection of sailors from currently docked ships.


A nice getaway area for locals and travelers to relax when the rare sunny day comes around. A few tents are usually setup on the beach with travelers or even sometimes merchants setting up to live near the water without having to deal with the Docks.


Just west of Akilum's Nest, and just north of the Wild Abyss, Blackwater is nestled right between two fairly dangerous wilderlands. With the protection of sailors in town, this is rarely a major issue, but small attacks on the town do happen from time to time. It's position just north of the Shards makes for easy ship travel to the Port of Havengar.


Foggy and cold nearly year round, Blackwater rarely has "good" weather. Most of the townfolk enjoy the bleak atmosphere though and settled here for that reason. Any person averse to sunlight would also love living here as the constant clouds and fog make for little bright sunlight except for the mid summer days.


  • Blackwater
    Coastal town, typically covered in thick fog.
Included Locations
Characters in Location
Vehicles Present

Common Captains

  • Captain Nurthi - Female dragonborn. Very tall for her race at 7 feet, with dark green scales, many of which are missing with scars from combat in their place. Wields a magical flintlock pistol and a large scimitar. Love to play practical jokes. Captain of the Sacred Scale.
  • Captain Misnirith - female tiefling. Dark red skin and large black horns. Wield a magical scimitar and a large flintlock pistol. Is rather ornery and unfriendly to others. Does not care to be on the council when in town. Captain of the Rend and Tear
  • Thonak "Shellbreaker" Sunbeam - Large goliath with a friendly disposition. Wields a massive anchor. Gladly serves on the council though is sometimes made fun of for his smaller ship. Captain of The Classless Maiden.
  • Captain Glir - a small male okiti, with black fur showing some grey streaks from his age. Has a bandolier of throwing knives at all times as well as a small flintlock pistol. Captain of the 50 Tails.
  • Krog Shattershell - Very large male tortle with a peg leg and large scars along his body, and who is rumored to have been sailing the seas for hundreds of years, ever since massive ships were first brought to this world by travelers from Qilorria. Krog wields a large scimitar and cannon mounted on his shoulder and captains the Shellbreaker.
  • Molly - a female water genasi, and highly cententious in the overall sailing community. She seems to carry an endless supply of flintlock pistols, and fights with her bare hands. Molly is captain of the Waves of Glass, a nimble and well armed vessel.

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