The Planes of Existence

Planar Reference:

Inner Planes:
Material Plane (1)
Positive (2) and Negative (3) Planes
Elemental Planes (4–7)
Ethereal (8) and Astral (9) Planes
Outer Planes (10–25)

1. Material Plane: Qinla'Un (world) and the surrounding cosmos exist.
2. Feywild - a more extreme and magical reflection of the world. It's a place of perpetual twilight that's full of both enticing beauty and terrible dangers where time operates differently.
3. Shadowfell - a type of underworld, drawing from the shadows and gloom in a way that makes it impossible to forget.
4–7. Elemental Planes: The four common elements: Air, Fire, Earth, and Water. The inbetween planes which border and connect the elemental planes: Ash, Ice, Ooze, and Magma (also known as the Great Conflagration, the Frostfell, the Swamp of Oblivion, and the Fountains of Creation).
8. Ethereal Plane: A sea of boundless possibility, it has normal time (like the Material Plane) and no gravity. It consists of two parts: the Border Ethereal which connects to the Inner and Material planes, and the Deep Ethereal plane which acts as a link to many potential demiplanes (artificial creations).
9. Astral Plane: A place of thought, memory, and psychic energy; it is where gods go when they die or are forgotten. There is no gravity and creatures do not go hungry, age or need air while in the Astral plane. There is no space or time here, though both catch up with beings when they leave.
10–25. Outer Planes: A series of (17 to 26) planes of existence often maintained, but not always, by one or more gods.
The Inner Planes are made up of elemental matter and forces.
The Outer Planes are alignment-based. The home of gods, dead souls, and raw philosophy and belief.
The Astral Sea is the only connective plane that can be traveled to any and all planes of existence.
Good-aligned planes (or Upper Planes) at the top.
Evil-aligned planes (or Lower Planes) at the bottom.
  Lawful planes (or Planes of Law) to the left.
Chaotic planes (or Planes of Chaos) to the right.
Neutral planes (or Planes of Conflict) sit between all of these.

  • Doorways: Openings to locations within the same plane or to a different plane entirely, is possible. Some are natural, others are magically created.
  • Portal: A pre-existing structure (usually a door or archway the portal is destroyed when the structure is. Portals also require portal keys to open
  • Conduit: A naturally occurring phenomena within the Astral and Ethereal Planes. There are a few types that can appear; a color pool leads from the Astral Plane to the Outer Planes. A vortex is a link from the Material world to the Inner Planes.
  • Gates: A rarely occurring opening that is not bound to a physical structure.

Planar Pathways: Special landscape features that appear in multiple planes. Travel along a planar pathway results in travel along the planes. Pathways are crucial tactically, because they are very stable compared to portals or gates, and do not require magic spells or portal keys.
  • Astral Sea: It can be traveled by magical means with a ship, but how to enter it remains a mystery to most creatures.
  • River Oceanus: It flows through the Upper Planes, and is known to disappear and reappear within the different layers of the planes. No harm comes to those who drink of it.
  • River Styx: It flows through the Lower Planes, and its branches can be found anywhere from the Nine Hells to the Abyss. The river is a deep, swift, and unfordable torrent. Creatures coming into contact with the waters of the Styx instantly forget their entire past lives.

Articles under The Planes of Existence


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