My Alchemy Romance


8/3 17:00
9/3 6:00

The party gather their loot and get Ukal back to Mist. Mist explains that they are still gathering information about the artifact the party aquired, and that if the party truely has stumbled upon a void cult plan, they should investigate the other student disappearances to gather more information.
The party decides to investigate the first missing student, a bard named Nezara, who is known to frequent a local tavern, the Screaming Griffon.
The end up helping Nezara's old band, My Alchemy Romace, perform without their lead singer and nearly bring down the house in the process! Little is learned about the missing student, and the party decides it is likely they moved on from Sequine due to the pressures of student life.
After then settling down back at the Mages Rest, the party is ambushed in the night by a gang of goblins demanded "the artifact"...

After splitting up some loot found in the hidden cave, the party bring Ukal back to the performance hall to reunite him with Mist at Dawn. He then explains that at least 2 other creatures came through the portal and escaped into the city. Mist also explains that their are three more missing students that no one can explain where they went...

  1. Gurin - a male dwarf sorcerer, known to be studying portal magic and last seen at the old Gateway Portal doing research on it with other students.
  2. Arvoda Gal'cir - a female elf wizard, and recently ran for student body president. Fortunately (according to some) she lost to Dia'nen who was a much better person for the job. She was known for being a "mean girl". Last seen in the student dorms.
  3. Nezara - a female tiefling bard. A singer, she was last seen frequenting the Screaming Griffon, a tavern in the Wards where many bards tend to hang out and perform.

The party made their way toward the Screaming Griffon, but along the way, came across two students who looked like they were planning something. They explained they were setting up and airborn race among students for the next morning. The party makes a note of the race to come back and watch the next day.
The party then made it to the Screaming Griffon, and watched the crowd and performing bands for clues about Nezara. Eventually, Bunny made contact with an emo looking band named My Alchemy Romace, who hinted that they recently lost their singer. When they attempted to perform, the crowd was not very into it, so in a plan to get on the bands good side for more information, the party helped ramp up the crowd and build excitement for the performance. Telluris nearly brought down the roof in his excitement.
After the performance, the party sat with the band to enjoy a few drinks and get more information about Nezara. The band explained she used to be their singer, but the intense work load of the school and trying to help the band so many nights a week just got too intense for her. She up and left after ranting about all the pressure. The band believes she simply went home, back to Hollow Star Cove.
After enjoying the rest of the evening, the party headed back to their inn at the Mages Rest to get some well earned sleep...
Unfortunately, late into the night, Telluris noticed shadows outside of the parties room. Telluris opened the door to see what was going on, and a gang of goblins proceeded to attack the party. A long battle ensued, with multiple goblins, including one throwing bombs and another throwing potions at the party, assaulted the group. The lead goblin then demanded the party hand over "the artifact". Eventually, the party was able to defeat the goblins with only one escaping, but Telluris did go down once during the fight.

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