Hollow Star Cove

The criminal and pirate of Qinla'Un, and massive port city in the southern Shards.


All races are represented in the city, and exact demographics are hard to come by for a reason. Most of those living here would rather not be identified, and the city rulers tend to not ask questions unless it impacts their business.


The government of Hollow Star Cove is is complex, with the Stardraught Consortium technically owning the city itself, while the politics of the city are handled by four crime families. The four families of the Orthall, the Ravenwood, the Naoko and the Marghiza meet monthly at Stardraught Consortium to plan city business, negotiate business deals between them, and consult with Stardraughts current leader Nulni on how to ensure peace is kept between them all.  
Stardraught Consortium - The massive corporation of mainly goblin merchants keeps its headquarters in Hollow Star Cove. Originally, the founder of Stardraught Consortium, a goblin named Gree, came to the island and negotiated taking over the land with its residing bathhouse drake to build a trade city on the island. Over the years since its founding, the city grew into a haven for pirates, smugglers and gangsters, which the leaders of the company continued to keep in line through constant negotiations. Eventually the criminal elements formed into the four other main families that now hold the most power in the city, along with Stardraught. The four families and Stardraught are considered equals in terms of power within the city and its government, but without Stardraught, it is likely the city wall fall back into chaos as it once did years ago. The company is currently run by Nulni, a female goblin.
The Orthall Syndicate - Lead by the Orthall family and its patriarch Darius, an eladrin. The family is well known as importers and exporters of various foodstuff and supplies (both legal and illegal, depending on the city), not only to and from all parts of Qinla'un, but also from various other planes such as the Feywild, the home plane of the eladrin. It is also quite well known that Darius is a collector of rare artwork, and most merchants wishing to do business with the family have been known to gift artwork to the family as a peace offering before engaging in negotiations. The Orthall family is also known to be quite political, easily able to rally allies within the pirate and merchant communities, and thus able to bring a large force against any enemies in a very short amount of time. Any business dealings are typically handled by the family envoy, Seville Duskmere, a tall an imposing male eladrin himself.
The Dark Stars - Led by the Ravenwood family run by the matriarch Ardulace Ravenwood, a tall, beautiful, and imposing drow. Her husband, and consigliere, Ronnan Zocklefickle, is an articulate and commanding gnome and one of many husbands that Ardulace has had in her long life. Ardulace is known to have over a dozen children, all pure drow and all incorporated into the family business in some way. The most prominent of which is her daughter Vesper and her son Tarzen.
The Ravenwood family is well known as collectors of rare, ancient, and hidden artifacts from all over the world. The family employs over a hundred rogues, thieves and scoundrels who are employed specifically to seek out hidden dungeons, tombs and crypts, and pillage them for rare and powerful artifacts. Ardulace collects many of the artifacts for herself, but the families biggest buyer is the Stardraught Consortium. The family is also the largest buyer of Darksteel on the planet, with half of the family home using the metal in its construction.
The Nova Clan - This organization is run by the Marghiza family, an imposing family of goliaths who accompanied the original founder of Stardraught Consortium when they come to this island and founded Hollow Star Cove. Currently run by the goliath mates of Khurok "Daywatcher" Marghiza and Gharad "Dragonbreaker" Marghiza, this pair has been in charge for the last 30 years and have helped ensure the family and clan have prospered. Their most trusted advisor and head of security Olalai "Nightrender" Marghiza, is known to be a vicious warrior and most try to avoid her and her temper at all costs.
Known as ruthless mercenaries to most, the Marghiza family prides itself as "the muscle" of the city, as well as its most adamant defenders. Most of the security in the city streets are members of the Nova Clan and members of the Marghiza family itself.
Due to their natural strengths with security and defense, the Nova Clan runs the largest storage warehouse in Hollow Star, and protect the wares of every family and merchant with all their strength. No one has attempted to break into the facility and survived.
The Marghiza family itself has strayed away from the traditional sailor or herd mentality of most other goliaths in the world, and rather stay in Hollow Star where they are respected and feared. The family has been known to "rent" some of their ranks as mercenaries or body guards when the money is good enough, though it is rare that this contract would extend beyond the limits of the city itself.
The Naoko Group - Run by the Naoko family, this organization is well known for its ability to gather information, or eliminate targets, for a price of course. The head of the family is Srom, an okiti male and currently the longest lived okiti known to exist on Qinla'Un at age 35. The Naoko family consists of various okiti that are not necessarily related, but rather accepted into the family group through trust and reputation. Due to the short lifespans of okiti, a new leader is typically chosen every decade or so, but Srom has kept control for the last 18 years through his sheer ability to command the organization and intelligence. Srom has many advisors and head brokers, both okiti and of other species including the primary contact for most business requests from outside the organization being Tyrim Ironmight, a male dwarf who has been with the organization for at least 50 years.
The Naoko group specializes in training and developing spies and information brokers throughout the world, inserting members of the group into crews and other organizations to gain information. At times, they have also been known to carry out assassinations when the money is good enough.
If someone is looking for hard to obtain information and has the money to spare, the Naoko group will find the information, no questions asked. Assassinations are much more expensive and require providing a lot of information to justify the attempt.


Places of Note

The Observatory - Owned and operated by the master craftsman and artificer, Enegrim Ironwander, a older male gnome. Although Enegrim runs many research experiments from his observatory, he also sells mechanical contraptionsE for those willing and able to pay for his inventions. Enegrim is also known to take in the very rare true-soul warforged that may need a place to call home. This has made him an outlaw in the eyes of Sequine, and there is a well known bounty on his head from the Arcane Council.   Hollow Star Lighthouse - A massive lighthouse, overlooking the northern and eastern sides of Hollow Star. This lighthouse is well known to be magically enchanted, allowing its caretakers to view locations up to a hundred miles in any direction. This ensures that any attempt to attack Hollow Star would be seen well before it happened. The chief caretaker is an elderly male goliath named Thogan "Nighteye" Muthalathai, a man generally trusted by all four of the families of Hollow Star and Stardraught Consortium. Thogan allows those paranoid enough to rent the use of the lighthouse if they really want to.
30gp - Creatures who take up watch here gain the ability to see for up to 24 miles (1 hex) away thanks to the special enchantments placed upon the lighthouse.
  Stardock Shipyard - A large shipyard built to facilitate the quick repairs to any sized vessel of the seas or air. Owned by Stardraught Consortium, run by the female goblin Renve, and operated by hundreds of small warforged designed to mend any ship that is brought into the drydock.
+25% Costs, 1/2 Work Time - All repairs and upgrade installations cost 25% more at this dockyard. However, due to the hundreds of small warforged that work this dockyard, all work done takes half as much time. Components, such as weapons purchased, are sold at normal market prices however.
250 gp, Ship Upgrade: +1 Damage Threshhold. Speed -1 (mph).
100 gp, Smuggling Compartments: 10% of cargo space, rounded down, is converted to hidden cargo space that is much more difficult to find during any inspection. A creature attempting to locate hidden compartments makes any check at disadvantage, and must succeed a DC 20 Perception check to notice any discrepancy in the cargo size of the ship. This upgrade can only be taken twice on a ship.
  City Warehouse - Controlled by the Marghiza family, this warehouse is basically considered a vault for the city. Many groups keep their most treasured possessions here, as powerful magical spells and a high level of security from the Marghiza family ensure no unwanted access is possible. Run by the massive 9 foot tall goliath Kragath "Thunderbreaker" Marghiza and his loyal security guards, which are made up of members of all four families of the city and members of the Stardraught Security Forces.
100gp per week - The warehouse will temporarily hold any item in its vaults. First week must be paid up front, and partial weeks are non-refundable. Remaining payment must be made before the item is returned.
5000gp - The warehouse will secure any item indefinitely. The item will never been seen by any warehouse worker, and as far as the world is concerned, the item will have disappeared from the face of the planet. The item can be retrieved at any time, but no refund is offered and the fee must be paid again if the item is to be sealed up again.
  Steamy Drake Bathhouse and Spa - This massive bath house is one of the shining gems of the city, catering to those who can afford its exorbitant prices for relaxation and spa like services. Owned by Aedhe (Ah-Day), Lady of Steam, a bathhouse drake. The bathhouse was founded in the early days of the city as this island was already the home to Aedhe when the founder of Stardraught Consortium bargained with her to build their city here. Aedhe agreed, but under the condition that she got to build her own business and profit from the agreement. The bathhouse offers multiple services, and the magic flowing through its waters will empower any who wishes to spend the time and money to enjoy it.
Relaxation Bath - 800gp for up to 4 creatures, The creatures must spend at least 3 hours in the bath to receive the benefits. The creature is cured of all diseases and poison, becomes immune to poison and being frightened, and makes all Wisdom saving throws with advantage. The creature also gains the benefits of the bless spell. These benefits last for 2 days.
Mystic Steam Room - 750gp, a creature must spend at least 3 hours between the steam room and the cooling baths to receive any benefits. If the creature can prepare spells, they may prepare 2 additional spells until after they have taken thier next 2 long rests. If the creature spends 5 consecutive days with 3 hour sessions in the Mystic Steam Room, the creature's severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on), if any are lost, are restored similar to the regenerate spell. A creature must pay for each day of use.
Bath of the Undying - 5,000gp, A dead creature may be placed into this cave like bath for an hour to restore them back to life if their soul is willing. The creature is effected by the resurrection spell. Once a creature has used this bath to be restored to life once, it can never be used again on the same creature.
  Forgotten Traveler's Guild - Once the location of the Arbiter's Guild in Hallow Star Cove, the guild has since abandoned this location and allowed it to be taken over by the Forgotten Travelers guild instead. This small guild is like a retirement home for older adventurers who have left their best days behind them, but still enjoy the company of others who have shared in similar adventures during their lives. The guild is run by Yiqwatt, a torle that some say is over 300 years old. Many young adventurers pay visits to the elderly heroes of this guild to acquire knowledge and experience from their elders, especially if they are willing to trade some gold, or buy some drinks, for their time.
Training is available for a variety of classes, depending on who is currently staying at the hall. Martial, Arcane and Experts are typical, though Divine is quite rare as most tend to retire near Ferron's Legacy.
  Hollow Star Library - City library dedicated to the study of beasts, giants, humanoids, monstrosities and fey. The curator of the library is a male drow named Relonal Maeth .   Traveler's Camp - A camp just outside the main city near the farmland. Some travelers to Hollow Star Cove cannot afford to stay in town, or just do not enjoy the city life. These travelers tend to congrogate just outside of town, and in the past caused a lot of trouble. More recently, the Marghiza family has set up a permenant camp that these travelers can stay in at no cost, but also with no protection from the city guard. This is a rough place, but the likely the biggest party in town every night!   Stardraught Consortium Headquarters - This massive complex houses the largest collection of merchants on the planet. The main grounds are open to all as they house an open market that allows merchants to sell their wares whether they are members of the consortium or not, though typically members get priority on booths over traveling merchants. The headquarters building itself is only accessible to those who have true membership to the company of merchants, and powerful warforged security guards ensure this.
Those looking to get a booth and sell their wares can ask to speak with Girk, a male goblin and head of Market Affairs. Head of security is Wartgut, a male goblin who has been permanently effected by a growth spell, making him 7 feet tall and built like a truck.
10gp per day + 20% of sales - Merchants can rent a small stand to offer their wares for the listed price plus a portion of thier sales. Inquiries should be directed to Girk.
    Orthall Family Compound - This large compound is situated on a small island just off the main island for Hollow Star Cove, residing just at the edge of a near 150 foot cliffside. The compound has solid walls, at least a dozen security guards, and has various cargo wagons coming and going from the compound throughout the day.
Orthall Farmland - Large farmland owned by the Orthall Syndicate. Multiple strange plants can bee seen growing on the land, said to be cross breeds of plants from the Feywild and the material plane. The farm has many workers and is run by a male eladrin named Leokas Wildsummer.   Ravenwood Family Compound - Situated in the cavernous underground cave system below the elevated sections of Hollow Star, and directly below the City Bathhouse, this family compound is quite dark and foreboding to most. Nearly half of its structure is built from pure Darksteel, giving the entire building an electric blue glow as flickers of lightning arc from one section of the building to another. This creates an natural, and very effective, security system for the compound.
Ravenwood Docks - Small docks built in the underground cove below Hollow Star. Pre-approved ships may dock here, and it is said that many magical and rare artifacts are moved through these docks on a regular basis. Run by a male drow named Kalannan Ravenwood, a son of the Ravenwood matriarch.   Naoko Family Compound - A massive structure, built within a very large tree. A perfect home for the majority okiti who live within the compound, and somewhat uncomfortable for those of other species. Members of the Naoko family are master archers, and patrols of guards armed with bows are commonly seen all over the tree.   Marghiza Family Compound - Situated atop a large hill near the western edge of the city proper, this compound consists of massively large walls, each extending at least 40 feet high. The structure is comprised a perfectly carved sandstone and inlayed with blue marble and brass details. Inside the compound, it is well known that the Marghiza family holds large parties with all members of the Nova Clan. It is said these parties can get quite crazy, with the sounds of the party traveling across the entire city. These are typically held monthly, and are one of the main reasons why membership in the Nova Clan remains strong and loyal.    


The Bloody Seal- A popular tavern for sailors and aquatic species especially, the Bloody Seal has been a staple of the city since its early days. Run by Hurricane, an athletic male water genasi and avid surfer along the shores of the city. A fun, rowdy and exciting atmosphere, many sailors will spend entire days here during their shore leave. Decorated with a variety of surfing equipment, sea animal bones and died out coral, the bottom level of this tavern is roughly 6 feet deep in clear and clean sea water, while the upper floor is dry and inviting. The tavern offers a variety of small food offerings until they are sold out each night, and offer a specialty ale called The Bloody Club, a rich, red colored beverage, strong with alcohol and very popular among the customers. Koramak employs two servers, Zylra Voller a female elf, and Withiryn Unerath a female triton.
The Bloody Club - 5gp, a thick, red in color ale that tastes of grapefruit and hops. A creature who drinks an entire glass of this ale gains a d4 Inspiration coin. This effect can only occur once a week.
Fried Whale Tenders - 10gp, a creature who consumes this dish gains the effects of waterbreathing for the next 8 hours.
  Ham and Fist- A large, multistory tavern, built to cater to the dock workers and Marghiza family security for the city. The lower level houses a small 1:1 fighting ring for entertainment and gambling. The second and third levels overlook the ring located on the first level, and the entire tavern is decorated in the remains of different ships lost to the sea. The tavern is run by Mivia "Stonefist" Marghiza a female goliath, with service counters on each level run by special Stardraught Warforged servants. On the lower level, Grimeknuckles, a male goblin, runs the fighting ring and takes in all bets from customers.
Winners Grog - 10gp Gold in color, and very bitter, but strong in alcohol content. A creature who consumes this brew gains +2 to all Charisma based checks and saving throws for 1 day.
Losers Weep - Required drinking for anyone who loses a fighting ring bet A tradition at the tavern, anyone who loses a bet must drink this black, viscous shot that tastes of rotten fish. A creature who consumes this drink takes 1d4 necrotic damage and has disadvantage on all Charisma based checks and saving throws for 1 day.
Fist of Ham - 10gp - A massive slab of ham on the bone, tastes of honey mead and herbs and served cold. A creature who consumes the ham regains 2 hit dice. Only effective once per day.
  The Black Lotus- A large tavern filled with private rooms, tucked away booths, and a dark and moody lighting. The Black Lotus caters to clients who wish to meet in secret, or at least be guaranteed no third parties are listening in on their business. The tavern offers a variety of enchantments for your business dealings in both booth and room forms. Customers can pay for any or all enchantments needed.
The tavern is run but the older male okiti Skran and his chief enchantress, a female tabaxi named Feather in the Wind (Feather).
Enchantments are offered for any room or booth, though some are only possible depending on the type of meeting space being used. All attendees are made aware of the enchantments they will be subjected to prior to attending a meeting by the staff of the tavern. Enchantments that are by creature must be for all creatures attending the meeting.
Booth Rental - 10gp per person
Room Rental - 100gp per person
  Exchange, 50gp - 1000gp depending on the size of the objects being held - Creatures intending to make a safe exchange of goods may use this enchantment. The goods are kept within a pocket dimension until the terms of the exchange are agreed upon. The goods are then given to the new owners within 24 hours by use of a temporary enchanted ring that grants access to the pocket dimension. This allows the creatures to obtain their goods in another location if needed. Once used or after 24 hours, the ring loses all magical ability and anything left in the pocket dimension is forfeited to the Black Lotus.
Honesty, 50gp per creature - The room or booth is enchanted with the zone of truth spell, and any creature attempting to enter the space must voluntarily submit to the spell to enter.
Immunity, 150gp per creature - All creatures within the room or booth are immune to poisons and diseases, blindness, deafness, and cannot be frightened, charmed or stunned.
Silence, 400gp, Room Only - All spells cast by creatures or magical devices are nullified as per the antimagic field spell while in the room. In addition, any attempts to cast a spell or use a magical device alerts all creatures in the room. Buyers are warned that this spell only ignores other enchantments on the room, and cannot be modified to allow any other magical effects to work.
Binding, 450gp - A scribe devil named Sinctus attends the meeting and creates a contract between the parties that is bound by the laws of the devils. Devil contracts cannot be nulified by any normal means and punishments for breaking the contract can be severe.
Dissimulare, 450gp per creature - All creatures designated as part of the meeting are immediately effected by the seeming spell upon entering the tavern, disguising their true appearance. The creature can choose any humanoid form to take. As long as the creature is inside the tavern, this enchantment cannot be broken and seen through, even with truesight. At the end of any meeting, each creature may choose to be teleported to a safe location within 3 miles of the tavern.
Sanctum, 500gp, Room Only - The meeting room is protected from multiple types of divinations as per the private sanctum spell. This includes scrying, spying by audio/visual means, teleportation magic and planar travel, as per the spell.
  Dark Salt Brewery- This castle-like structure is a second home to every treasure hunter, tomb raider, and smuggler there is. Filled with replica treasures and artifacts from all over the planes and at one point owned by the Ravenwood family. Ardulace Ravenwood regularly has her best craftsman make replicas of the treasures she has collected and sold, and donates them to this establishment to build both its reputation and her own. Run by Ardulaces' son, Kalannar Ravenwood, once an dungeon delver himself but now happily running the tavern and spending hours drinking and chatting with his patrons. Eindora Silverfists runs the bar and patrons must come to the bar for any food or drink.
Kalannar also employs a master artificer named Trun Crestoak, a human male, who offers his services as not only an identifier of magical items, but also a broker of information on magical artifacts. Trun has seen and studied many magical items in his time, and his experience and knowledge is available at a price.
Magic Item Identification - Trun will identify any magic item at a cost relevant to the material cost +10%. Trun's skill with magical items is unmatched, and he will be able to identify any magical item without failure, including any curses afflicting the item.
Object History, 200gp per rarity level of the item - Trun's vast knowledge and study of past magical items, plus his own more secretive methods, allow him to see into a magic items past and relay its history and past owners to those who wish to seek this knowledge.
Not Today, Mead, 300gp - This surprising thin, and extremely sweet beverage is made from the honey of giant devil bees, native to the Forest of Shadows. A creature who consumes this mead becomes immune to any curses currently afflicting it for 1 week. A creature who is not currently afflicted by any curses becomes immune to all curses for 1 week.
Hoard Drake Steak, 500gp - A thick, fatty cut of hoard drake, cooked medium rare and served over herb spiced golden potatoes. A creature who consumes this steak may attune to an additional magical item. This effect lasts for 1 week. At the end of the effect, the creature must choose one item they are attuned to that immediately becomes unattuned.
Inns and Brothels
Taking a long rest in any inn or brothel in Hollow Star Cove regains 2 additional hit dice in addition to any other benefit from the inn.
  The Roc Nest- A large inn build along the cliffside of the northeast island of Hollow Star. A comfortable and homely place to rest, this inn also offers companion services for those looking for a little company through the night. Rooms are offered in two sizes, room for 2 (5gp per night) or room for 5 (9gp per night). The inn is run by a male aracokra named Kulla.
Additional companion services cost 15 gp per night. Completing a long rest with companion services provides a d6 inspiration.
  The Sailor's Cradle- This large inn was built to specifically cater to those used to life at sea. The interior rooms are designed to look just like cabins on a seafaring vessel, and the entire building is enchanted to rock little a large ship traveling through the sea. Many sailor find this to be the only way to comfortably rest on land, thus this inn is typically quite full with clients. The inn is run by the female goliath Naukeo "Flowereye" Nalakakume, a long time sailor and once captain of her own vessel. The mast of her vessel now rests in the center of the Inn along with the figurehead that once adorned it.
2gp per night - Any creature with a background as a sailor or feats related to sailing that takes a long rest here gains 20 temporary hit points that last until their next long rest.
  The Golden Bonsai- This upscale inn in the northern part of the city caters to high end clientele, usually captains or rich merchants who wish to rest in luxurious accommodations with plenty of security. The inn the elaborately decorated, with large bonsai trees in the lobby, and room filled with silken sheets and plush beds. The Naoko Group owns this establishment, so although many love the location for its luxury, the groups reputation as information brokers keeps most on edge about openly communicating any protected information while at the inn. The inn is run by Drift, a female air genasi and member of the Naoko Group.
150gp per night - A creature who takes a long rest here feels fully revitalized and regains all hit dice, gains 15 temporary HP, and has advantage on constitution saving throws until their next long rest.
  The Forgotten Travelers Guild Hall - There are many rooms at the guild hall, though typically they are for long term stays from seasoned adventurers who are past their prime. Rooms can be available, depending on who is asking and for how long. Visitors are always welcome, especially if they are willing to tip the old adventurers to hear their stories and gather information from their experience. Some even offer their services for training.   The Sea Maiden's Haven - This large brothel caters to the many sailors who frequently travel to and from Hollow Star Cove. A small waiting room greets any clients as the rest of this large building is filled with dozens of comfortable rooms. The brothel is run by the female human Lersa Staghide, a short and beautiful women who typically wears an elaborate blue dress to make her easy to spot.
100gp per night - A creature taking a long rest here with companion services grants full inspiration. As per normal rules, a creature cannot have more than one inspiration.
Other Services
The Grinding Wheel Bakery - This moderately sized bakery is run by Crahc, this locale is very popular with visiting sailors and long term dock workers as the food and pastries have catered to their tastes after many years of operation. Crahc's apprentice, Sanizura, is frequently seen working the shop and helping customers while Crahc teachers her the business.



  Stardraught Consortium Marketplace- A large marketplace filled with small stands selling wares of all kinds. The marketplace is connected to the headquarters building and is an open air market.
Bottles of Fun - Medium quality Potion, poison and herb shop run by the male goblin Creche.
Buy My Shit - Good quality knick-knack shop run by the female goblin Mugrat.
Dresses are Nice - Excellent quality high fashion shop run by the sister goblins Coldnose and Pinkeye and their small animal companions.
  By Sky Maps- A small books and mapsG shop run by the male aarakocra Eckeal.   Seeds of the World- A flowers and seedsG shop run by a female elf named Olahana.   Pound Town- A massive smithy selling medium and heavy armorE, and run by a massive two-headed ettin named Brek or Toza, depending on which head you are speaking with. Curiously, one head is male while the other female, a situation that Brek is happy to explain to any who questions this issue, though do not expect Toza to be so open. Brek and Toza also have a separate forge available to rent to aspiring smiths. Up to 3 smiths can rent the use of the large forge at a time, with tools available that are of excellent quality if they are needed.
75gp per day - Using this forge grants advantage on any smithing attempts done here in the process of making armor due to the excellent quality of the forge and equipment available for armor smithing. Any smithing attempts made to craft weapons get a 1d4 bonus to the check.
  Hollow Star Open Market- Each week, sellers are allowed to set up temporary shops on a first come first served basis. This allows travelers and those unable or unwanting to tie down to a specific shop location a chance to sell their wares. Due to this, specific shop offerings change week to week and can only be determined by browsing the location and seeing what is available.
Three random shops 1d100 with random quality 1d20 are determined each week for the market.
  Hoofloose: Magical Instruments- A medium sized shop selling magical songs and instrumentsG to those interested. Run by a fashionable female centaur bard named Gaige Proudhoof.   Tan Your Hide- A fairly robust leatherworkingG shop with a variety of high class leather armor available. Run by the male goliath Agtham Wandermaker Athunanathi.   Biceps & Cleavers- A large smithy selling and upgrading weaponsG for those willing to pay. Owned by the Marghiza family, and run by the female goliath Pama "Mountaincleaver" Marghiza. Pama offers weapon honing services with her enchanted adamantine honing wheel, for those wishing to enhance their current arsenal.
40gp per weapon damage die type - Pama will take 1 hour to temporarily hone a standard or magical weapon. The next time this weapon critically hits, add triple the base damage of the weapon to the damage of the attack rather than doubling it. The weapon then loses this property until honed again.
  Gentle Touch Enchantments - A rare a powerful seller of enchantmentsG, this shop is run by the male dwarf Muirnus Trollward. Muirnus is a well trained enchanter, originally from Sequine, which is quite obvious due to the massive painting of the floating city on the wall of his shop. He loves to chat with those familiar with the city as he obviously is quite homesick. For a steep price, Muirnus offers teleportation services to the city of Sequine from his basement, but is not allowed to keep a permenant teleportation circle due to local laws. Muirnus also accepts no responsibility for those caught teleporting into Sequine without permission.
500gp - Muirnus can teleport a group of creatures to Sequine from his basement. Muirnus' method of casting teleportation circle obscures its true origin, and will teleport the group to a limited random location within the city that he has "secured". Return services are only available on the last day of each month.
  Go Etch Yourself - A medium sized tattooM parlor, offering both standard and magical tattoos for sale. Run by the female eladrin Merastra and her two eladrin employees Havis and Lyvneth.   Darkest Night - A multi-story building that offers thieving suppliesE for sale. Run by a human male named Dahin Sehold.   No Questions Asked - To the average customers, this gems and jewelryE shop offers a variety of magical and non-magical items for sale. However, this shop is also known as a very place to fence stolen items. Run by the male gnome Wrerick Silvercase. Stubborn and strong witted, Wrerick is not very open to haggling and is quite stern on his prices.
Wrerick will buy almost anything, and somehow seems to have a near limitless supply of wealth to make these purchases. He always offers 60% of value of the item, no questions asked. Attempts to haggle come at a price, as Wrerick is a stern negotiator, and failure to negotiate will lower his offer to 50% of the value of any items you sell to him for the next week.
  Dark Thoughts - this witchcraftE shop offers multiple spell enchantments and arcane focus items, as well as a variety of other odds and ends such as potions and elixirs. Well known to also offer reincarnation services for a high price. Run by an elderly female tortle named Noba. Noba also has a pet velociraptor named Xerxes who can surprisingly speak common, though is rather rude to customers.
1,500gp - Noba will reincarnate per the spell requirements, however, due to her innate proficiency at casting this spell, the creature may have been dead for up to 20 days.
1,750gp - Reincarnate as above, but only an item of importance to the creature is needed for the spell, and Noba can limit the reincarnation to 1 of 4 species chosen by the creature being reincarnated.
  Your Magic Needs - Run by the male human wizard Hiam Ay, this spell scroll and tomeG vendor caters to those seeking magical spells scrolls or magical services as needed.   After Life - Avoided by most patrons of the city, this necromancyG shop is home to Talwiira Ravenwood, cousin of Ardulace Ravenwood. This relationship is considered the likely reason she is allowed to have this shop in the city without any repercussions.   A Look That's Better - This tailor's shop is run by Ujaka, and that sells popular high fashionG clothing. Though patrons are rare, a few of the more wealthy citizens of the city will frequent this establishment to see what new fashions have been crafted up by Ujaka.   Pocket Lint - This shop holds a variety of knick-knacksG for those interested in small oddities to buy and sell. Run by the okiti Knar, this shop has an odd mix of items from buckets and smoking pipes, to magical trinkets.


The city was founded by the goblin Gree in 215 ANW after making a deal with the resident bathouse drake, Aedhe, who already called the island home. Gree was accompanied by a sailor named Ilkan "Whalerider" Sunbeam, the leader of a large group of sailors and pirates who lived on an island far to the northeast. The two friends had build that island settlement together, but Gree wanted another location in the south to ensure better trade routes throughout the world. The two friends parted ways with Whalerider heading back to his island home in the north while Gree continued to build her trade city.
Years passed with Gree building a large settlement of goblins to found her Stardraught business headquarters, along with multiple large groups of sailors, pirates, mercenaries and travelers. With the settlement growing, the assortment of thieves and crooks that been growing in number finally and officially named the settlement Hollow Star Cove in the year 225 ANW.


  • Hollow Star Cove
    If the criminal underbelly of Qinla'Un had a capital, this would be it.
Founding Date
208 ANW
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


Nulni screenshot.png

Darius Orthall

Ardulace Ravenwood

Khurok and Gharad Marghiza


The Shards - Map

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