Research and Trouble


6/3 6:00
8/3 6:00

The party prepares for their venture into Akilum's Nest to the south, a dangerous jungle with constant rain and dangerous plantlife.
Cyprin gets a little too excited to investigate the ruins just outside town, while something stalks Cyran on his way back into town.
Khalgor decides to visit the tavern and the inn to alleviate his bordom, which results in a very "fulfilling" evening!
Niko is called into a meeting with Erorin at the town Temple and discovers that a powerful evil recently visted the town while they were busy at Tevinter's tower.

Niko, Khalgor, Gabbi and Sora all decide to mill about town for the remainder of the day in order to prepare for the coming journey into Akilum's Nest to the south. The party plans to get supplies together as they are not quite prepared for the heavy rains and dangerous creatures in their way to the drake lair that Vigo wants them to locate. The party also heads over to the local herbalist shop that they have found closed twice before already. They find its owner, Dilya, tending her garden outside the shop. She invites them in and offers her own concoction of minor healing potion and provides information on what she believe could be the location of the drakes lair to the south. Khalgor gets a strong feeling that Dilya is not a very good business woman as she gives far too much information on her sources of herbs to the party, thus creating competition.
At the same time, Cyprin heads to the blacksmith to use the forge time he and Cyran paid Faarend for so Cyprin can craft a ring of mind shielding for Tevinter to hopefully prevent him from falling under the same mind maze spell they found him under. At the same time, Cyran heads to the Inn to meet with Spring, the tabaxi archeologist they found at the ruins to hopefully barrow some of her language books for study. After some one sided flirting from Spring, Cyran head to the blacksmith to help Cyprin with the ring. This takes the remainder of the day for them to complete.
After the conversations with Dilya, Khalgor, Niko and Sora head to the Full Moon Tavern to get more info on the rumored job that the head chef Elix is offering. She explains to the party that a few years back, she tried to be an adventurer like them, but a job out into the jungle ended that plan very quick. Her two companions were killed by some sort of creature that ate their metal armor and attacked them with some kind of lightning magic. She was knocked unconcious and badly burned, not knowing why she was not killed like the other two. She offers the party a large reward that she has saved for years to pay out if they find the creature that ended her adventuring career and kill it.
After this conversation ended, a very large female goliath burst into the tavern demanded ale. The halflings throughout the room let out a sigh and were visibly annoyed at her presence. Khalgor immediately took a liking to this new, strong looking and very attractive goliath, and after striking out with Faarend at the blacksmith, was hoping to find a companion for the evening. After a quick loss at arm wrestling, the goliath introduced herself as Olanu, 1/2 of the owners of the Eclipse Inn and Spa. Khalgor and Olanu took a quick liking to each other and she invited him to the Inn for "extracuricular activities". Khalgor was not seen again for the rest of that evening...
Niko made a quick trip over to the temple and was immediately acosted by Erorin. Erorin explains to him that an Arch Devil suddenly appeared the day before and demanded the devil contract that the party took from their captured opponent in SIlverwick, then turned over to the temple. Erorin explains that he is worried Niko and the others may have bitten off more than they can chew with this Silverwick situation, and he asks that they promise not to return to the town until the backup arrives from the Port of Havengar, which should be in 2-3 days minimum. Niko agrees and checks to make sure that Altrix is doing ok since his injury.
After completing most of the work on the ring that day, Cyprin let his curiosity get the better of him and he returned to the ruins with Cyran in tow. Together, they spread the lake water and dew from the late night grass on the ground that Spring had pointed out seemed significant. This opened a door to a secret passage into the ruins. Cyprin decided to stay and guard the doorway while Cyran got the rest of the party back in town, but on his way back, Cyran discovered he was being stalked by some kind of creature in the darkness. Unable to make out what it was, he snuck his way back to Cyprin and hunkered down for the night with whatever it was still out there...
The next morning, the party awoke, Khalgor a little later than the rest... Cyran made his way back into town to inform the others of their discovery and bring along Spring as well. When they got back, they went inside the ruins to discover a large chamber with four large statues depicting creatures from four different races: A lizardfolk, a tortle, a triton and a deep one. Below each was a poem or passage written in that creatures native, yet ancient, dialect. With only having Cyprin able to read the triton passage, the party decided to read aloud the passage and see what happens.
The statue of the triton suddenly came to life and while wielding an exquisite looking sword, attacked the party. Although the creature was powerful and seemed to be partially elemental in nature, the party defeated it and 1/4 of the large door to the north side of the chamber illuminated. It seemed that the party would need to find people to translate the remaining passages if they wished to move further into the ruin.
On their way back to town, the party discovered the mutilated remains of a large bear near where Cyran was stalked the night before. The bear looked to have been torn apart but some incredibly strong creature, and what remained of the bear looked to have been partially dissolved by some kind of acid. Worrying there could be some other creature on the loose, or that the drake could have possibly come this far north, the party decided to purchase everything they needed as quickly as possible and make their way south and truely help this town.

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