
Nightbarrow was founded by a large group of halflings who fled Qilorria weeks before it was destroyed in 210 ANW. The small town caters to adventuring travelers of all kinds and caters to most traders going from the Heart of Gaia to Ahshala.


Roughly 80% of the population is halflings, while a random mix of tabaxi, lizardfolk, humans and more make up the remaining 20%.


Nightbarrow does not have an official government per se, but rather, when a matter comes up that impacts the town as a whole, the town will call an Assembly. This call consists of all members of the town and any outsiders impacted by the decision being made. The main business owners in the town will hold lead council over the Assembly and will make a decision on the situation based on the general consensus of the town. This Assembly can sometimes take hours for fairly major situations, or days if the situation is exceptionally dire.


Nightbarrow's primary line of defense are the members of Ferron's Legacy Temple who also act as officers in the town when crimes happen. The town also pays a few city guards to just wander the town and make sure that outside travelers behave while visiting.

Industry & Trade

Nightbarrow does not directly have any industry that grows the town, but rather, the locals buy, sell and trade with each other and live a somewhat secluded, but happy life. Sometimes travelers come to town and inject more coins into the local economy, but the town itself does not require their spending to survive.


Places of Note

  Ferron's Legacy Temple - A larger temple with a nice rear garden and multiple rooms for other members of the Legacy and wounded travelers needing a place to rest. Run by two halflings;Erorin Tallwoods, a male paladin with an Oath of Justice and primary sheriff for Nightbarrow with a rather suspicious disposition for outsiders and Oramita Deepbelly, a chipper female cleric of the Storm Domain who mainly has an interest in the odd weather patterns in both The Wandering Hills and Akilum's Nest.   Arbiter's Guild - Well run establishment for the Arbiter's Guild as many travelers pass through here on their way into the forests to the south and east in search of lost ruins and dungeons. Run by the female half-orc Murol, twin sister of Ghorza of the guild location in Silverwick. Murol is helpful and provides accomodations for those in desperate need, but would prefer travelers spend money at the local inn instead. As a monk, she offers training sessions in the garden on back, and also provides any information she can on local rumors and jobs.   Stoutwood Manor - Home to Zalmo Stoutwood, an elderly halfling who is a decendant of the founders of Nightbarrow. He rarely leaves his manor, if ever these days. The town see him as a creepy remnant of the past and rare give him much thought, other than what will happen to his large and spooky manor when he one day passes on.   Old Ruins - Ancient ruins from an unknown civilization of the past. A few archeologists from Havengar have done some research on site, but not much has been discovered. The town was founded in this location due to the ruins as well. A local female tabaxi scientist, Spring Winds, is said to be doing additional research at the site in recent years.   Lonebrook Ranch - A large farm and ranch just north of Nightbarrow. Home to the Lonebrook family of humans including Quintrell, his wife Adeline and their adopted water genasi child Current. The Lonebrook family have been training animals for farming for many years and are considered masters at it. The family also maintains a large collection of animalsG, and is willing to sell them to those who they believe will care for them.
A character who is proficient in Animal Handling and spends 10 days of down time training with the Lonebrook family will gain Expertise in Animal Handling.
  Tevinter's Summer Tower - The elderly, yet powerful, wizard Tevinter has a summer home located on an island in the center of the nearby lake. Here he does research and tutors his local apprentice Current. Tevinter's clockwork automoton Sheperd maintains the tower when the wizard is not present.  


Full Moon Tavern - This tavern is a lively locale in town, with many halflings occupying its tables throughout the day. The establishment is run by a rotund female halfling named Elix Ater. Elix has curled brown hair and green eyes, a round face and a wicked looking burn all the way down her left arm. Elix is direct, but friendly, and always looking to have newcomers try her new dishes! Elix loves to cook and the smells coming from inside the tavern tell anyone who enters that she is a good cook as well. Elix has two servers in the tavern; Her boyfriend Merek Writingham, a human male with chocolate skin and a happy demeanor who likes to fish in his spare time, as well as Ellyn Mowbray, a female half-elf with very long, curled blonde hair and green eyes. Ellyn is impatient and tends to argue with others.   Gorge 'n Forge Blacksmith and Pastries - Although the typical smell of forged metals and coal waft about this smithy, also the smell of fresh baked pastries fills the air around this humble stone house. Both a place to repair your goods or rent time at the forge, as well as purchase some delicious doughnuts and eclairs in the bakeryE. Run by the male dwarf Faarend, a brash and hearty dwarf with a love for cooking, but a body built for blacksmithing. Faarend is much more interested in offering his delicate pastries than he is repairing a set of armor, but he does both equally well. Faarend does not sell smithed wares as it is more of a hobby for him, but his selection of fine pastries includes a few magical variants that will bolster the health of any who is willing to part with a few gold. Quantities are limited and typically only 1d4-1 are available each week for the below treats.   Eclipse Inn and Spa - A highly praised and talked about Inn for travelers due to its wonderous underground spa. Run by Olanu "Truefist" Kolakavi, a female goliath and her partner Zenyra Fogcloak, a female halfling. Zenyra typically handles cleaning and day to day operation of the inn, while Olanu handles the spa on the lowest level. Olanu is known to give the absolute best massages, and spending some time resting in the spa can have lasting effects on a weary traveler!
If a creature spends at least 1 hour relaxing in the spa without interruption: 2gp: Gain temp HP equal to 2 of the creatures hit die maximum (i.e. if your hit die is a d6, you gain 12 Temp HP). This effect lasts 8 hours.
If a creature spends a long rest in the spa: 15gp: The creature may choose one ability that refreshes on a short or long rest. They gain 1 additional use of this ability. This effect lasts until the creature takes another long rest.
Olanu's Massage: 8gp - If the creature wishes to partake in Olanu's signiture massage, they may make a Constitution saving throw, DC 15. If successful, the creature feels nimble as a fox! Until their next long rest, they gain advantage on all Strength and Dexterity saving throws.



Katerfoot General Store - General store for Nightbarrow. Owned and operated by the male halfling Merner Katerfoot and his wife Qimi. Carries general supplies, knick-knacksM, and gear at standard prices.   Deep Miner Inc - A small shop that specializes in toolsG. The shop itself is designed to look like the inside of a mine, though it is easy to tell the "walls" are paper mache and not real stone. This shop is owned by Ahan Lighthold, a female dwarf with long straight gray hair and green eyes. She has multiple piercings in her ears and right eyebrow. Ahan loves to work will all maner of tools and specializes and building custom tool sets for those who need them. She is also very crafty and tends to embelish the tools she makes for others.   The Inkpot - A small tattooM parlor specializing in both mundane and magical tattoos. Artwork lines the walls, with some of the art magically designed to move and animate when applied as a tattoo. Run by a female goblin named Zotdizeel, or Zot for short. Zot has brightly dyed and multicolored hair, with a cute face for a goblin and an oddly chipper attitude. She loves doing any kind of art, but tattoos are her specialty, and her strange connection to arcane magic allows her to craft special magical tattoos for those who can afford it.   Tune Yourself - A well established shop since the founding of Nightbarrow, this shop specializes in selling songs and instrumentsM of all kinds. The shop caters to bards in particular, with a small stage to practice on in the main room of the shop for a small fee. Run by a kunku named Clanger. Clanger has brown eyes and fuzzy black feathers. He is somewhat cowardly, but his love of music brings out the best in him and he will quickly befriend any patrons who share this love, especially other bards.   Dark Dangers: Leatherworking - On the edge of town near the forest, a large shop with hides tanning on racks all around resides. This leatherworkingE shop sells armor, cloaks, and other leather goods that any traveler could do with. Owned by the reknowned okiti hunter Vigo Urrot, a middle aged male with brown and grey fur with leaves and vines seemingly woven into his fur. Vigo has a kind attitude toward others. He loves to tell stories about the creatures living in the nearby forest, and is well known to all lizardfolk as a slayer of dangerous creatures.   Splendid Vines - Herbalist and Potion Mixer - On the southeast edge of town lies a small shop covered in plants and vines. This shop sells potions and herbsM. The shop is run by a female elf named Dilya Qimoira. Dilya is flighty, and finding her actually in her shop can sometimes be difficult. She would much rather be out in the forest searching for rare herbs and plants to make new mixtures, or to sell directly to traveling alchemists.

Points of interest

To the northwest of the town, there lies a an old, possibly ancient ruin that looks to have once been an outpost of some kind. The exact race or civilization that used to live here are unknown, though rumors in town speak of a local archeologist who has been studying the ruins to determine their origin.


The town is nestled right against a ridge line that drops down into the jungles of Akilum's Nest. This vast jungle is filled with dangerous creatures, rare plants an herbs, and multiple villages filled with lizardfolk. To the north, the The Wandering Hills create a vast plain of rolling hills and large thunderstorms.

Natural Resources

Although extremely rare, some adventurers and explorers who have delved deeper into the jungle of Akilum's Nest have come back to town with handfuls of Aerocrystal, a crafting mineral, a light blue glass like crystal that is much stronger than it looks, and allows for heavy weapons to be much lighter and more easily wielded. The material is considered quite rare, but those hunting for it are encouraged to look for hidden caves within the jungle, especially those caves that are found through underwater caves.   A special, large leafed plant exists in fair abundance throughout Akilum's Nest called Leafweave. This durable crafting plant material is at tough as many types of leather, but its natural ability to blend in with other plants surrounding it makes it a little tougher to locate, but also invaluable for crafting special magical items.   Certain areas of Akilums Nest have been known to have stronger than normal connections to magic. In these regions, a strange cyan colored tree can be found, and from it, Spiritual Wood can be harvested. This crafting plant material is as strong as most metals, and its direct connection to fey lines of magic will help any spellcaster hold the concentration needed for their spells.


  • Nightbarrow
    A quiet town on the border of the forest region named Akilum's Nest. Home to a larger than normal population of halflings who settled here shortly after the destruction of Qilorria.
Founding Date
280 ANW

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