Flee from Silverwick


2/3 6:00
2/3 12:00

The party awakens and plans their next move. THey hope to secure some Orichalcum from some corrupt guards, but this leads to a violent fight that they eventually are forced to run from. THe party heads south to the town of Nightbarrow to hopefully recover and determine their next move.

The party awakens the next morning and makes plans for what to do next. They send Altix with Sora to the town of Nightbarrow to the south, while they plan to meet with the guards who offered sell Cyprin some orichalcum "off the back of the wagon".   On the way to the meeting, the party sees another tabaxi being kicked out of the Arbiter's Guild for fighting the nephews of the current operator. With nothing better to do, she joins the group and introduces herself as Kitsu.   Cyprin and Khalgor meet with the guards, while the rest of the party take up locations around the alley to overlook the exchange. Cyprin inspects the good, but the price being requested is far more than the party can muster. A fight quickly breaks out with the guards as it seems they were planning a setup for the party in order to arrest them.   Things go well at first thanks to a well placed hypnotic pattern from Gabbi, but soon Cyran sees Lolte coming from the main hill of town. Once she joins the fray, the battle begins to turn in a different direction. Eventually, as the party believes they are close to defeating Lolte, an inky black cloud suddenly erupts from the hill and covers the rising sun, at first submerging the town in darkness. However, soon after, the moon beams even brighter and Lolte takes on her normal form of a Lunar Devil. Soon the party determines they cannot win this fight, and steal the nearby wagon and bolt for the south exit of town. Along the way they are accosted by arrows from town guards, but eventually they make their way out of the town and head toward the town of Nightbarrow.

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