
Silverwick is a mining town founded after settlers located a rich vein of orichalcum below a large hill near a river. The town is a common stop along the way for travelers heading north to the The Coral Abyss.


Silverwick is made up primarily (70%) of dwarves, gnomes, tiefling and humans. Other less common (28%) races include tabaxi, some lizardfolk and tortle.


Silverwick is run by the self proclaimed mining guild, The Stone Cutters. The head of this small guild is Arkxius, a male tiefling, who has been known to defend his city and mine with an iron fist. Most would not say the Stone Cutters act as a dictatorship within the city limits, but they certainly are not the most kind to their workers. Arkxius' right hand consultant is a female Aasimar named Lolte. While some see Arkxius as strict and greedy, Lolte is seen as remorseless and looks down upon all others in the city (possibly due to her races known xenophobia).   The Stone Cutters have been in power for close to 30 years, having replaced a much more popular town council after the death of its leader and brother of Arkxius, Erus. Erus died suddenly in a mine collapse, and his brother quickly rose to power in his absence and took full control of the city and the mine within a matter of months.   Most of the town does not approve of the methods of the Stone Cutter guild, but they produce a lot of orichalcum for the town, which lures travelers to spend thier money, so the local "government" is mostly just tolerated by the people.


The defences of the city are primarily mercenaries that were hired by the Stone Cutters guild. Most are martial fighters with a few being arcane spell casters of different kinds.
The main center of the town can also be separated from the east side by way of rotating bridges. This would have a temporary effect of making it difficult to cross the fast moving river, but not impossible.
The main hill that houses the guard barracks, mayor's manor and city jail is the primary defensible location for the town. A gate house and wall protect the main ramp into this area, while patrols ensure no one climbs the large cliffside surrounding the hill without being noticed.

Industry & Trade

Silverwick makes it income primarily from two sources, the sale and shipping of orichalcum, and the services provided to travelers heading to and from the Coral Abyss.
Orichalcum is mined from below the city, forged into ingots at The Whetstone, then shipped off with invoiced orders to the Coral Abyss, the Black Spire, Havengar and in rare cases, Sequine. Shipments are usually sent along with hired mercenary guards to protect the shipments. When shipments are heading to Havengar, they are transported by boat to the coast along the river, then loaded on larger ships at the port near Gaia.


Places of Note

  • Miners Fortune Inn - Largest inn, meant more for people staying long term in town. Run by Sana Dawkins and her son Norjym (Jym). Jym runs the counter in the evening with his pet Gero. Rates for rooms per night are: 1 bed - 30s, 2 beds 50s, 4 beds 1g.
  • Ferron's Legacy Temple - Currently run by Altix Dapplerest, a male gnome cleric and Athenite in Ferron's Legacy. Very inexperienced, Altix is unsure of himself and unprepared for running the temple. No other members of the Legacy are currently stationed at the temple in Silverwick.
  • Mayor's Manor - Home of Arkxius and Lolte, and main operating and office building for the city mine. The manor is surrounded by a tall stone wall and has guards on duty at all times. Arkxius rarely leave the manor except when he needs to inspect the mine iteself.
  • City Mine - Although the entrance is guarded, it is relatively unsecure. The reason for this is because the mine itself is a massive maze underground, with dead ends, caved in sections, flooded areas and even livable areas where workers can take breaks or just never leave the mine between shifts. The foreman of the mine is a male tortle named Kropo.
  • Stop Along the Way, Tavern and Inn - A much smaller inn for the city, but attached to the city brewery so the majority of the inn is actually a tavern. This was built primarily to cater to travelers who are just passing through town on their way to or from the The Coral Abyss. The tavern is run by Lumedas, a female dwarf.
  • Arbiter's Guild (Silverwick) - Currently run by the mayor's nephew, Malrus, a male tiefling. The building and interior are in a state of disrepair. Any inquiries about staying the night require a 5g deposit as this is a franchise of the guild and not directly tied to it according to Malrus.
  • City Jail - Located on the upper hill, the City Jail is used to hold any travelers or members of the town that get unruley. Run by a captain of the mayors guard, a female dwarf named Tharnuda. Tharnuda is more of a mercenary than a city guard, but the pay is good so she sticks around.



  • Rings and Things - A fine establishment for Jewelry and Gems, and run by a older male gnome named Qabar. Qabar has wavy, red hair and green eyes and always seems impatient with those in his shop. He is often seen wearing a fancy hat.
  • The Whetstone - The local smithy and primary location for orichalcum to be forged into ingots for crafting. The smithy is run by the dwarf pair of Vakraen Steeldelver (Raen) and Norbibera Warfury (Norbi). These female dwarves look tough and work hard. They are a good source of weapons when looking to purchase some new ones.
  • Horns and Hides - A fine leatherworking business, run by the only tabaxi in town, a male named Steady Rock (Rock). Rock has soft, patterned, black fur and has painting of gnolls all around his shop, along with the taxidermized head of a large gnoll above his fireplace.
  • Plentiful Potions - The perfect shop for travelers needing potions, poisons and herbs, and run by a tiefling named Arilia. She has cropped, striaight black hair and grey eyes, and walks around with a walking cane.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Stone Cutters - Formed by Arkxius for the sole purpose of mining the orichalcum under his own management, this tiny guild is mainly made up of just the few members of his business. The majority of the "memberships" are hired mercenaries to protect the mine, Arkxius' manor, and the shipments of orichalcum leaving the town, as well as the indentured servants digging in the mine. Those indentured servants are mainly prisoners from the city jail that were travelers once who commited crimes in the town.
  • The People of Kurn - Somewhere nearby the town is a nomadic group of villagers who are followers of Kern. The local government of Silverwick has blamed this group for the killing of key members of its temple 5 years ago.

Natural Resources

Orichalcum - This bronze orange metal is used to absorb the essence ofmagic, which makes it very valuable for mage hunters andfor protecting individuals against magic effects.


  • Silverwick
    Mining town in eastern continent. Primary stop between the Coral Abyss to the northeast, and the Lizardfolk capital to the southeast.
Founding Date
405 ANW
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