Darkness in Silverwick


13/3 18:00
13/3 23:00

The party investigate Silverwick for signs of life. They find death and destruction, and eventually make their way to the Arbiter's Guild in town. There they find the mercenaries they once fought, now attempting to save the town from the evil that has taken root.   The guild is soon assaulted by husks of various sizes, and the party, along with their Legacy member companions, do their best to defend the guild hall. Eventually, Elkoll tells the party to find the townsfolk either in the mine or the mausoleum and locate the source of the evil and destroy it as this battle is currently unwinnable.   The party finds some of the townsfolk in the mine and then make their way up into the town plateu, hoping to confront Lolte and the mayor. They soon find Lolte, but not in the state they expected as she soon is killed for breaking some kind of devil contract.

Upon arrival in Silverwick, the party, along with Elkoll, SHask and Scarlett, make their way to Quott's house by the request of Gabbi. There they find a bloody kitchen smelling of fish, but no sign of Quott.   Then turning toward the center of town, in the darkness ahead they see a massive mound of limbs, body parts and organs, all heaped together like a warning to all others. The party also notices dim lights on inside of the Arbiter's Guild.   Approaching the guild hall, they party finds themselves in front of many of the mercenaries they once fought in town. The mercenaries tell the party that after they left, their leadership was taken inside the barracks where screams were soon heard. The mayor then came outside and told the men that their leaders had been killed for their failure.   From that moment, they decided to work together to escape the town, not wanting to deal with the situation anymore. Unfortunately, that night as they were aboutthe leave, the party was attacked by groups of undead, and doglike creatures. The mercenaries then decided to stay behind and save as many of the townsfolk as they could. They sealed them up in the mine and in the mausoleum, then fortified the Arbiter's Guild to hopefully attract any more creatures to themselves and away from the townsfolk.   Suddenly, the party notices creatures coming toward the guild hall. Husks, removed of all internal organs, came out of the darkness and assaulted the guild hall. A battle commenced, eventually leading to a massive husk breaching a wall of the building. During a break in the fighting, Elkoll told the party to find the townsfolk, and hopefully find Lolte and put an end to them, hopefully ending this undead assault as well since the battle was looking unwinnable.   The party made their way across the town and into the mine. There they find about half of the townsfolk, including Norjym Dawkins who guides the party to a chamber he found while exploring the mine. Inside, the bodies of the old members of the council are found, each with a large hole in their skull.   The party decides to make their way to a secret entrance up into the jail that Norjym also found in the exploration of the mine. Blocking their way up the ladder were 2 ropers and 1 other strange looking creature and pelted the party with beams of psychic energy. Eventually the party killed the creatures and made thier way to the ladder.   They make their way up and find the remains of Ghorza, the once leader of the Silverwick Arbiter's Guild and sister to Murol in Nightbarrow.   The party then left the jail only to be confronted by Lolte outside in her humanoid form. She warns them to leave the town, and that the evil they face is far more powerful than they think. In saying this, a hellgate opens beside her, and the arch devil Tortivillus appeared, warned Lolte that she has now broken her own contract with the another entity with her words to the party. Lolte reverts to her lunar devil form, and her skull caves inward as her body disperses into ash. Tortivillus then recommends the party heed her warning, and returns through his hellgate.

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