BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Odd Paw tribe elder sage.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a young man, he had dreamed of a Dryad named Cynaea, and fell in love. They talked in their dreams, and planned to finally meet in the Feywild. One night he located the gate in the tree, and got himself stuck in the feywild for 42 years. It took him a while to find her, wondering if she was real. One night she found him while he was sleeping, and the two lived together for several years going on adventures and whatnot. One day they encountered a hag coven, with three sea hags staring him down, Mydrovip dopped to the ground before he could even tell what’s happening. Mydrovip woke up sometime later, safe but without Cynaea. He searched for her for days, weeks, months, with no success. It was clear she saved him, but he was powerless to find her. He could even remember what took him out. Some nights he still sees her in his dreams, but it’s not the same, more like a memory. More often he encounters his assailant, but every time a different form, always waking up immediately after, bewildered and afraid. Still, he searched until one day he forced himself to come to terms with Cynaea. She was gone, and it was time for him to return to the prime material. This proved to be more difficult than expected, and Mydrovip became lost, for a period of time that he couldn’t measure. The next thing he knew, he was walking through the jungle in southern Nescius, and reunited with his tribe. Eventually, his tribe removed the curse of the feywild memory loss, and what returned to him was a blissful dreamlike memory, a heart wrenching nightmare, and a long period of loss, and being lost, a wrapped in a timeless stretch of continuous twilight. The total recall left all questions and no answers. He was sure it happened, especially his time with Cynaea, yet still, somedays he can’t help by question whether any of it was real. These questions, but truly at its root the pursuit of someday finding Cynaea, is what drove Mydrovip to study the dreaming connection with the Feywild. Can you reach the Feywild through dreams? Are you physically there or merely projected in? Alternatively, is the Feywild and dream realm, one in the same? Are they connected at all?


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