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Ambush on the Odd Paw/Excavation of Kar'r'rga's Cove/Blight on the Shifting Atoll

Discovery, Exploration


The group discusses the implications of their nightmares and another sighting of who they beleive to be the rotting god, Moander. Early that morning they help the Odd Paw fend off an ambush of sea spawn. In pursuit to help Menegegus with her spiritual journey the group finds themselves excavating a crustacean-riddled cove of the crab god Kar'r'rga. After traverseing the cave, they remerge in a plague-ridden atoll where they meet a marooned old woman named Meridith.

Session 20: Odd Paw Ambush We discuss the dreams we had and the implications. Eri and vel have a pact that if they say if its dream, it’s a dream, but Eri is uncertain. We shoot around different ideas including us being somehow marked by a shared experience. One of Vel’s theories was that Thaelwin found a way into the dream world and is trying to link their subconscious. beings in the dream realm being linked to real people in the waking realm; and Eri revealing information about the Gods and Moander, who is the God of Death and Decay. She says that the Gods fought and the good Gods imprisoned the Gods of chaos, Moander included. Moander snuck past Helm and nearly conquered the Prime Material, but something happened that "killed" Moander, this is referred to as the "Rot-Fall" from which we get our year, 915RF. Vel hypothesizes that Moander may have slipped into the dream realm, where he remains to this day. Perhaps Moander and his followers are entirely trapped in the Dream World and is trying to gain power, to break back through to the Prime Material. Vel thinks that Moander snuck past hell, got trapped in the dreamworld, and is living there. They think he wants to come back to the prime material. The group questions if there are gates to the dream plane, like there are gates to the fey realm. They postulate that the well is a gate. Mydrovip shares with Brogg a new spell, as well as giving him a spell component for it, a silver lotus. The group decides they want to tell Supreme Watcher Turris about that they know. Before bed, Tem identified Menegegus’s Hat of Vermin for her. Vel learns about the Odd Paw’s shrine of Silvanus, which he adds to and shares with Menegegus. We decide to head out first thing in the morning, and head to sleep in Alspacka's tent. Eri has a dream where Velsharoon is speaking to her. Flashes back to her chopping the head in the orphanage, meat face, then to the bar dream, gang shit, eternally isolated. He made you a deal that he can bring back her friends. Eri has a flash back to them practicing fighting, having fun, getting into mischief and sneaking out at night to secretly fix the loose hand railing on old lady Rimpleton's porch staircase - she never saw it coming, eating applesauce. Eventually after some rest I hear a disturbance while in sentry mode and discover the camp is under attack by zombie like fish folk. I wake the party and we spring into action.   Session 21: Departure from the Odd Paw We finish the fight. Master Chief style. Eri went into form of dread and took the scion's soul. We sustain significant damage with some of us going down, but ultimately Mydrovip finishes his spell and the creatures flea the scene. We take a short rest and debrief. Eri tells us a little more information about her situation with the demon form, as well as telling us she has dreams with an ominous figure she suspects may be behind it. It gives us more motivation to go to the Citadel and talk to the pope about it. It is also revealed that the Deep Scion we encountered in the fight somehow disguised himself as one of the firbolgs (Tisy) and signaled the attack, suggesting this was a nonrandom incident. The group took a 1 hour short lest. We agree to head toward the coast with Menegegus, planning to cut through the woods at some point. I leave the Amulet of Sylvanus behind on the tree trunk, feeling it was somehow the right thing to do, and pray for easy passage on our journey. Alspacka agrees to take us to the coast, and on the way she explains that once upon a time Mydravip found himself in the fey wild and found a dryad that he fell in love with, got mixed up in the dream realm and then returned to the tribe, 40 years later, claiming he was in the fey realm. Eventually we reach the coast where we realize we have to go more inland. Menenegas decides she wants to go in the water and follow the strong current. Bung Bung thinks its a good idea and jumps in, I hesitate but also jump in. We follow the current while the group of four on shore don't know what to do and nearly get taken by the current in an impromptu swimming lesson. Brogg can't swim, and it goes poorly. Vel and Brogg almost get taken by the tide, but Tem catches them with a vine whip. They eventually decide to follow the coast and try to keep an eye on us as we follow the current, eventually finding an opening in a cliff and entering, discovering a space adorned with limestone shelves, crustacean statues and ornamentation.   Brogg, Vel, Eri, and Tem traveled up the cliff face to follow the others. The view from the cliffside is quite beautiful. Colors are vibrant, the ocean waters turbulently but rhythmically rise and lower. Behind you, the jungle looks more mysterious and overgrown than ever. Menegegus, Bung Bung, and E4 are at the cave opening. Those in the cave behold and equally, if not, more mysterious sight as you look upon this strange crustacean themed cave.   Session 22: Kar’r’rga’s Cove The boys who didn't get in the water eventually find the little black guy who they intimidate into telling them where he took Eri's locket. He says it's on the island in the distance. Meanwhile water boys are investigating the crab temple, where we find several rooms with riddles. Eventually we reconnoittre and solve the riddle. We find another room with a puddle-portal that takes us to Tomsley's nest where we loot the following: Bunch O'Helm Symbols, Overblade Grumbo medal, Nadine's Locket, Three Golden Rings, Rotten Hand, Dagger, Bunch o' Gold n' Silver, Pouch with Gold and Ebony Fly   Session 23: Atoll We gather ourselves at the site of the little black fellow's nest, having looted it. We decide to move toward the sound of waves and water. We come across a poisonous swamp with almost no way across. Bung Bung goes into the water, impervious to its poisonous effects, setting up a rope to facilitate our crossing. Eventually we make it across, some more easily than others, and regroup on the other side. Bung Bung discovers that the waters were in fact infested with leeches. Next we find ourselves out of the forest and encounter a lagoon filled with dead fish and corpses. The water is a murky greenish brown, with a greasy film on top. Bung Bung goes in and sees white eyes staring back at him from a distance. We decide not to fuck with the sea monsters and instead continue to follow the sounds of crashing waves, which leads us to some sandy dunes where an old woman was eating raw fish guts. Her name was Meredith and she told us she was marooned on this island for a long time. She tells us that adventurers occasionally show up and inevitably die, either by the sea men in lagoon or by a monster that lives in the forest. We resolve to fight the monster in the forest, but it getting dark, we decide to make camp for the night first. Bung Bung posits that Meredith could have been a Sea Hag, disguised in the light of day. Tem identifies a +1 Dagger and an Ebony Fly. Eri finishes “Torn Under the Window Light”. Early into the morning, E-4 sees the horrifying visage of a fish-like human glaring back at him.   Note: Tem frequently danced while chanting “sticky icky” Fly command word: Sticky Icky Mickey

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