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Disbandment of the Rock Snakes/The CR5 aquire the Crack Rack

Civil action


The group brings Grenn to justice, Eri consumes Gang Shit's soul, and finds a book entitled Torn Under the Window Light.

Session 12: The Gang Fights Grenn We started off the fight with a Thunderwave from Tem, after which a black dragonborn named “Gang Shit” dropped from a hole in the ceiling and downed Tem twice. Louie Potts came in clutch with some heals and Saida escaped out the window along with a couple of other thugs. We managed to bring the fight under control, but not before some Darkness nonsense with Grenn. Eventually Grenn surrendered and we were able to somewhat convince him to turn himself in and pretend to have been the one to have bring the meeting down and cooperate with the Mithril Guard, in exchange for his life. He was very hesitant but thanks to some advanced interrogation techniques from Tem and some convincing from Louie and Johnny, he agreed. We decided Louie would be the one to ensure that everything was turned over to the Mithril Guard, he would skip town and offered us the Crack Rack, but without a deed we decided we didn’t want it. Eri revealed her Form of Dread during the fight and afterwards revealed she had no real control over it and was deeply troubled by that fact. We promised we would work with her on it and tried to soothe the fears she had over conflict with her Helm bros. We confiscated a Ledger from Grenn which was coded in thieves cant, it seemed to provide lists of people indebted and information pertaining to the trade of a substance called Calx. Grenn warned that possession of the ledger would paint a major target on our backs. In searching the room we found several interesting items including a broken telescope, dusty goggles, a tattered notebook, a vial filled with pale green powder, five gemstones, a large some of gold, silver and copper and an ornate box, trapped, locked and containing a pack of magical cards. I pulled the 7 card depicted a poorly drawn mud monster as the smell of sewage filled the air. We left off still in the room, and level up upon next full rest.   Session 13: The Ledger We eventually decide to turn Grenn in and leave Louie Potts with the responsibility of cleaning up the scene. E-4 gave Louie one platinum to get rid of “Gang Shit,” and deal with the others. Tem and E-4 tried to translate Grenn’s ledger to gnomish and memorize it while walking to the Vigil in the dark (~1 hour 1st roll to translate, and 2nd roll to commit to memory (E-4 – 4, 7; Tem – 13, 9). They didn’t remember a whole lot. Grenn is taken away after Chien interrogates all of us under a truth spell. We are left with Belwick and after determining he's trustworthy, we talk about all manner of things including the implications of the Ledger, the political structure within Bohemia concerning the King, the Vigil and the Citadel. He also explains what Calx is and why it's illegal. He suggests we take the ledger to the Citadel if we're concerned that it gets in the wrong hands. Gives us the name of a contact in the Citadel, "Saquine". Leeland also admitted to the group that he cannot go on the pilgrimage, as his mission is still in Behemith. Vel doesn’t trust him, accusing him of working with Grenn, and believes his name is in the ledger. Vel tells E-4 and Tem that he doesn’t trust him. The group also blurts out they all had the same dream, and woke up with items from it. Belwick thought they were kidding, but something about their eyes made him think they might be earnest. He suggested that they perhaps bring this up to the Supreme Watcher at the Citadel. We decide that's probably the best course of action and go home. We also discuss renovating the Crack Rack and using it as a base of operations. I try to convince Leeland to manage the bar and use it as an opportunity to extend Helm's influence in the poorer parts of the city. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem too into it, and explains he met a girl and therefore will not be making the pilgrimage with us. It is revealed Leeland's girl, Gianna, is the sister of Grenn. Leeland said he would talk to Gianna about finding someone to man the bar. We decide we have a few options for the Ledger, we can give it to the Vigil, where it would likely reach the same powers the Ledger incriminates. Give it to the Iron Civis, who as far as we know are not connected to said powers. Take it to the Citadel, with hopes that Ropt Turris would know what to do. Or keep it to ourselves/make copies/sell it, which would be dangerous. As of now, E-4 is holding onto it.

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