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The booming metropolis of Behemith, the capital of Lucidia.
  It's a hot summer day in Behemith, not unlike it usually is; the sun bright enough even to illuminate relatively deep into the chasms. The air is pretty humid, but occasionally alleviated by the cool ocean mist carried by the wind. It's about midafternoon, so the streets are pretty busy with people leaving their respective jobs, and heading home or to one of the many bazillion pubs. The crowds are actually quite a welcome sight, as just a few weeks ago, only a few dared to step out of the safety of their homes. Since then, it's settled down a bit, though many still remain very wary. But shops have reopened, businesses, for the most part, resume, and even festivities have begun to start back up. One of which, you all are heading to, for one reason or another right now. The fight pits, a time-honored tradition, is being hosted Balsam Arena, with a few new challengers, but still many old.

  Behemith is experiencing a highly tumultuous period. Rumors, conspiracies, and conflicting ideas regarding the implications and validity of the recent change in rulers, and it effects on the state of the Kingdom, both internal and external, flood the streets.


Racially, Behemith was relatively diverse. In the very beginnings, the population mainly consisted of humans, and to a lesser degree, elven individuals from the [at the time] small towns of Oseta and Iphyth’Kihn. As word of Behemith’s mining prospects grew, it garnered the attention of certain Dwarven populations in from the north. Later on, when the metal processing industry picked up, it made the city a more attractive hub for craftsmanship. This drew in a reasonably large gnome population who capitalized on the availability of resources to set of workshops. Currently, Behemith’s population is composed roughly of 42% humans, 13% dwarves, 9% gnomes, 11% elven, 5% halfling, 20% other.




Many Iphyth’kihn and Oseta land surveyors have gone missing in the woods below what would later become Behemith. Early on in Behemith’s history, a wall was built, complete with lookout towers to protect its citizens. As the city grew, the walls have expanded outward, though every expansion just a bit smaller than the previous.

Industry & Trade

The city grew rapidly both in population and in wealth from it's rich ore deposits, as people were drawn in from all over, making the city live up to its name. Over a short period of time Behemith became the central hub of trade under which the surrounding settlements of the area depended on, thus setting its trajectory as the capital of the blossoming Kingdom of Oneiros.


Balsam Square
Cramped cobblestone and wood lined houses and apartments line the streets. Behemian citizens pass by conversating, gossiping, peddling various wares, ect. The grand Balsam stadium inevitably comes into view, surrounded by the rather expansive park and garden, which currently has several stalls and stands set up, specifically for the event. Babblehand
A grassy gnomish district overlooking the Vathyc Sea conatining a master clockwork factory, and several workshops.

Points of interest

Deities Through the cities long maritime and underground explorative history, its citizens were naturally drawn to Selûne. Goddess of the night, exploration, travel bravery. It certainly aided those well who spent their time in deep dangerous mines, or navigated the Vathyc Sea. Some believe that the wealth of silver found in Behemith’s mines are the hardened tears of Selune, when she blessed the lands.


The early eras of Behemith were chaotic as families flooded in and attempted to carve out some of the wealth for themselves. This created a lot of competition, and not unfrequently dissent. Eventually, greater numbers and wealth eventually rocketed certain families to the top, though even long after a monarchy was established, and mining regulations were established, competition did not diminish.


Behemith was built on what is known now as Cape Nescius, a landmass that extends into the Vathyc Sea, creating the Argos Bay. The specific geographical location in which the city was founded is marked by deep fissures, which in some areas are several kilometers deep. The close proximity of these caverns to the ocean floor in some areas allows ocean water to spill in, causing underground waterfalls. Originally, an enormous upside-down freshwater waterfall erupted onto the west cliffside onto the lands, leaving much of the surrounding lands covered in marshy wetlands. Over time, the waterfall has subsided to a little higher than cliff height, leaving a large river with tributaries that cut through the cliffs and spill into the chasms below. Present day, settlers have cleared nearly all of the marsh, making room for housing and other construction. Fos The fissures themselves, are rich with silver more than any other mineral. Even to present day the depths of seeming endless chasms, have gone almost entirely unexplored. Although braver mining expeditions have begun to mine deeper than ever before, even them most greedy and foolish have their limits. Those who have journeyed this deep have reported very strange almost ethereal occurrences or hallucinations. Some are even lost and never seen again. It is widely believed that there is either some kind of gas that is the root of this. Still, others think there is some kind of wild magic that enchants the depths.



Natural Resources

Early on the area’s suitable location as a trade port and abundant source of food established it as a small maritime settlement on the west coast. The village was initially named Silvermire after the surrounding marsh and silver prospects. The natural fissures in the land allowed settlers to conveniently excavate the rock as a mining site for iron, coal, copper, and silver. Later on, deposits of platinum, and mithril were discovered quickly turning the small town into a major trading port.

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