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The CR5 get arrested breaking into the Rock Snakes hideout.

Life, Failure / Mishap


The group gets pinched as vigilantes.

Session 10: Arrest at the Rocksnake Hideout Tem and I do some last investigations around Rig's disappearance. We go to visit Dabiid's Detritus and ask him about Rig, he explains that Rig was there 4-5 days ago with Xolbe. Xolbe is an old apprentice of Rig's. Rig met with a mysterious man with a long white ponytail (Suspect A) and had an apparently disagreeable conversation, after which Suspect A left looking miffed. Our next lead would be to visit Zorby and ask questions. Brogg takes Bonestealer to the arena and introduces him to the other Korgan and Down and Dirty Rufus. Rufus agrees to make sure Bonestealer doesn’t kill himself. Otherwise, Bonestealer just sat there and wait for Thurgmun. We eventually meet up at the Drunken Frog and then head to the hideout. Once there we decide to wait and try to see if we can figure out which house is the hideout. Eri begins preaching while everyone else spreads out and watches the area. Vel and Tem follow a suspicious man transporting grain and he attacks Tem, eventually the man loses the duo. The lady milking the cow, grain guy, and the guy eating lunch are all Rock Snakes guarding the house. The grain guy escaped Tem and Vel, and reported to Grenn about the party. The cow lady reported them for breaking down the door. We make our way back to Eri who says she thinks the house is one nearby based on "hearing the door close". I eventually decide to just knock and pretend to be a member of the "Bohemium Automaton Union" acting on city business and try to talk to the woman at the door, she insists I leave, I try to force the door open and it is slammed shut by another individual inside. We begin to try and barge down the door, poorly, and several guards approach us demanding we cease and drop what we're doing. Vel gives resistance, but everyone else is relatively cooperative, I try to explain what we're doing and why, but after several terrible rolls and failed dropkicks at the door we agree to go with the guards. The guards take us to the Mithril Encampment where we are put into a cell and left to wait, after several hours we are interrogated by Lawmaster Shua Chien, who seems to believe us, with Eri leading, but insist that a proper investigation must take place. Eri asks that we speak to Watchknight Belwick Strongvale who will vouch for us, Chien says she will see what she can do but we must wait. Belwick knows that Eri and Leeland was spoken highly of by Morgan the Brave, and feels bad about them losing their friends, so he vouches for them   Session 11: Rock Snakes Take 2 Eri unironically, seriously likes applesauce due to growing up near an orchard. Tem is really fond of pidgeons due to growing up in the city. Vel sarcastically says he's terrified of blood, no one believes him. We are eventually let out of the cell after I discuss some of my known past, we are introduced to Belwick Strongvale who is sympathetic to our cause. He explains that the Vigil looked into our claims but found the house collapsed, and will continue to look into it, but Belwich makes it clear they will not be efficient and will drag their feet. He informs us that, officially, we are not allowed out of the city or to investigate the Rock Snakes anymore, but says unofficially he won't do anything to stop us, and in fact may help us if we keep it on the downlow. Tem and I implore him to look into Rig's absence. He says he will look into it and seemed genuine. We learn that there is a stone barrier in the tunnels beneath the Crack Rack, and that would be our next place to investigate. We go to the back entrance in the woods behind the Crack Rack, sing our way through the undead dogs (Song is "De Rien" sung to the tune of "Silver Bells". We scare away a lone guard by impersonating the hounds. We make our way through the tunnels, past the stone barrier using the bowtie key, through an old sewer and into a chamber where we met Ruantun. Ruantun explains he once worked for a Master Desos, a name a vaguely recognize, Desos was a powerful landowner who died, although the cause of death was "unclear", I don't fully believe him, but don't let it on. He asks we bring him a silver pot. He also explains that there are other people who use the sewer and in fact they often go through a pipe in the room. After learning what we can, we go into the same pipe and end up under some floorboards where we can hear talking coming from above. I stealthily poke my head through the trapdoor and listen to the conversation. It is the woman who we saw at the old hideout. They discuss problems involving the shipment and our prior involvement, the woman is revealed to be named Siada and an apparent supplier for whatever it is Grenn is having shipped. She stresses that this intrusion is sign of growing heat on the operation, and that if this is to continue, she will expect more money. We make our up the trapdoor, up another ladder where we find Grenn and Sia sitting at a table surrounded by guards. Obviously hoping to take advantage of surprise,we BTFO Grenn. Grenn critically wounded, yells for his guards and the fight begins.

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