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A wild Hazlik appears!--Hazlan

General Summary

Combat, so not much happened even though the session was an hour long. Hazlik showed up and cast suffocation on Constance, saying he'd lift it if you let Eleni go. Vanya pulled Eleni out, but then Hazlik moved the goalposts and said he wouldn't lift the spell unless you surrendered. When we left off:  
  • Constance is at zero hit points and unconscious, but the spell is over!
  • Rose is an octopus with sky swim and is no longer grappled
  • The gargoyles have haste, which means the red and blue ones are normal and the yellow one is hasted
  • The red gargoyle is still blind
  • Vanya is in a world of hurt
  • The gargoyles are under orders to seize you, but my dice have decreed that only the blue one can hit the broad side of a barn

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Report Date
26 Jan 2023
Primary Location
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