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Confronting Anushka Part One--Barovia

General Summary

Not a whole lot happened last session, since we had a late, giggly start and Tom and I were loopy from a) covid and b) the hot toddies that were warding off the symptoms of covid (which we haven't needed since, so hopefully we won't be snockered next session). To go over what did happen:   Rose was able to use a good spellcraft check and an excellent Knowledge Nature check to figure out that Anushka  was a hag, and probably a green hag.    Vanya told Anushka that since she had taken care of Sofia Albescu, he'd give her the chance to leave alive. Anushka said she had no interest in doing that and asked whether Vanya was the worm and Sofia the fish or vice versa; she also asked whether Rose was a druid or some kind of shifter, and Rose made a noncommital response to see if Anushka understood her as a bird (she did). Vanya wasn't in the mood to answer questions either and told Anushka again to leave. Anushka said she had no interest in doing that and needled him a bit about how she would never be able to accomplish anything without men like Vanya around to drive women to despair. Vanya said she knew darn well that Sofia was better off without him, and Anushka took this to mean that Vanya was, in fact, the fish. She said that was good, because she'd taken Sofia with vague plans of cutting some kind of deal with The Dark Man (Vanya remarked that a deal with him was a terrible idea; Anushka said she would wager she had more experience with his kind than Vanya did) but now she'd grown enamored of the idea of keeping her and was glad that she might not have to give her up. Now that Sofia had eaten her very special food, there was a ritual that she could perform at the full moon that would change Sofia, and then they would be on their way to being a coven, and Sofia would have all the freedom and power that Anushka had promised her and more. And when Sofia and Vanya's daughter was born, she could join the coven as well . . . or Sofia could have a nice meal. Either way, as Anushka had promised, she would get to have her baby.   "I'm thinking about feeding your baby to your ex-lover" was all Vanya needed to hear to know that this encounter was only ending one way. Combat ahoy!   We had two rounds of combat, and at the end of it:  
  • The four-eyed pig is dazed.
  • Anushka has taken some damage from Constance and is outlined with faerie fire, but is no longer grappled.
  • Constance is evil-eyed and has a -2 to her attacks.

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Report Date
11 Jun 2022
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