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Rose's ring

Rose has a silver ring inlaid with mother-of-pearl flames that she received from Madam Eva. Madam Eva knew it had belonged to her grandmother, but didn't tell her anything else about its history at the time. As time has gone on, you've learned more about it.


About 40 years ago, Isolde approached Frederic, one of The Cupbearers of Richemulot, and asked him to make her a ring; she knew what magic she wanted to imbue it with, but didn't have any smithing skills. She put a measure of her power into the ring and left it with baby Nicolae at the Hospice of the Hundred Wounds, asking Father Anton to give it to him when he was old enough to wear it.   According to Madam Eva, Nicolae removed the ring at some point, and that was how The Dark Man was able to drive him mad. She's warned Rose never to take it off. The Dark Man, for his part, has been trying to get it away from Rose. You don't know how Madam Eva came upon it after Nicolae took it off.


The ring has protected Rose from being charmed by the Dark Man, and allowed her to see his true form for a moment. He was able to trick her by making himself look like Vincente at a later point, but he's never tried to charm her again, suggesting that the ring protects her from at least some of his enchantments but not necessarily illusions. He didn't try to drain her life force when he kissed her, but it's not clear whether that's because the ring kept her safe or because he chose not to.   Isolde believes that Rose can call for her by focusing on the ring, since it contains a piece of Isolde.
  This is actually REALLY close to what I was picturing, but with the inlays a bit more like stylized flames.
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Creation Date
715 (40 years ago)
Current Holder

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