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Get of Fenris

The Get of Fenris are one of the thirteen tribes of Garou. Fierce warriors with little room for mercy and compassion, the Fenrir view themselves as great heroes, but have been known to shock other Garou with their violent ways. The prime focus of the Get of Fenris is heroism; all members must act against their enemies, particularly the Wyrm. There is no room for cowardice or indecisiveness among the Fenrir, and retreat is not in their vocabulary.

The Get of Fenris is one of the most selective tribes when it comes to choosing members. A potential Fenrir must prove themselves to the rest of the tribe, even if they are born into it. The Rite of Passage for Fenrir cubs is one of the bloodiest and most brutal of rites, and even after they have passed, they are continuously tested to improve their battle skills and ability to survive. Weak Fenrir cubs are usually abandoned or, in more recent times, turned over to other tribes to be raised. Some Get also practice a belief in the purity of blood as a sign of worthiness.

  In past times, the Get have been extremely harsh towards female members, but in the last century, female Get have had a chance to prove themselves to be as heroic and fierce in battle as the tribe's male members. Get blame this on Homid indoctrination: Females that believe that they are not great fighters will not become great fighters. By the time that these females underwent the First Change, they were so indoctrinated into human thinking that they had nothing to offer to the Get, who refused to coddle them or lower their standards. Since then, the attitude among mortals has changed again, and woman have become more self-confident, meaning that they now are capable of serving the Tribe again.

  Even though the Tribe's reputation for cruelty and intolerance is well deserved, a sizable number of modern Get of Fenris have begun to incorporate compassion and kindness into their cultural creed. Strength, they reason, is a gift from Gaia that they have a responsibility to use to protect the weak with; and those who dare to bully the weak are therefore cowards of the lowest order, undeserving of life.

Get of Fenris moots are raw, physical affairs where the Fenrir compete in tests of endurance, howling, drinking, eating, and of course fighting. Informal brawls merge with ritual gauntlets, ceremonial burning or scarification, and inspiring sagas from the skalds. Even their dances are violent, as much mosh pit as anything else.   Camp
  • The Valkyria of Freya: The Valkyria fight for the equal station of women within the Tribe. While most Fenris scorn this Camp, believing it to grow their females into bitching weaklings that will only complain endlessly instead of taking what is theirs by right, the Valkyria themselves maintain that they are important for breaking many of the human preconceptions about the role of females within a society. They clash often (sometimes violently) with the Black Furies.
  • Hand of Tyr: The Hand of Tyr is comprised of Get that have turned their attention to fighting the Wyrm's influence within humanity, targeting rapists, child molesters, terrorists, and violent criminals.
  • Fangs of Garm: The Fangs of Garm seek to better integrate the Get of Fenris into the Garou Nation and seek to mend bridges with the other Tribes, so that at the time of the Apocalypse, they can stand together.
  • Mjolnir's Thunder: Mjolnir's Thunder dedicate themselves solely to the combat against the Wyrm at any cost, eschewing every other activity for the sake of dedicating themselves to eternal war. Most members are seen as homicidal maniacs by the Tribe as a whole.
  • The Glorious Fist of Wotan: The Glorious Fist of Wotan believes that only the eradication of mankind can save Gaia. Humans have become the greatest vector through which the Wyrm spreads, so in order to curb it, they have to be killed.
  • The Swords of Heimdall: Born from the aftermath of the American Civil War, these Get adopted American ideals of racial supremacy as their own. As a result, they sought to cleanse the Tribe from "impure" elements, including Black people, Indigenous people from the Americas, Asians, Romani, and in extreme groups, even Lupus, females, and other Garou. In the 1930s, the Camp gained a major member upsurge and was nearly eradicated by the rest of the Get at the turn of the millennium.
  • Ymir's Sweat: More of a bloodline than a true Camp, Ymir's Sweat is rumored to descend from Fenrir settlers that landed in northern Canada with the Vikings and interbred with Kin from the Wendigo and Croatans. If the Camp exists, they do their best to be kept secret.
  • Loki's Smile: Another faction that is more rumor than fact, Loki's Smile is said to control the Tribe from the shadows, its members communicating via storm-spirits and hiding from the rest of the Tribe.
Dissolution Date
Första att fall i apokalypsens start
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