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Karin Jarlsdottir

Athro från Get of Fenris, homid. Syster till Lilla Jarlsdottir (Get of Fenris p100), dotter av Magni Mountain-Breaker, ledare över en av de starka septerna i norra Europa - Anvil-Klaiven Sept. Efter att hennes far hade dött så var det hans vilja att Karin skulle ta upp mantlen något som förargade många av de äldre styrande inom stammen. Dock hon kom från USA där hon bott hos sin mamma i New York och vann alla utmaningar som de gav henne och därmed rätten att styra.

I Session 12 - Rite of Passage klar så stödde Aaron Spencer hennes syn på hur Caleb Ballard inte kunde bara hålla sig inom en skyddad mur inom Colorado. Detta får till konsekvens att kringliggande septer lider i underbemanning. Caleb trivades därmed göra ett slags uttalande om varför han gör som han gör. Konsekvensen blev att hon gav Aaron tillbaka Charles Spencers hammare han gav till Magni så många år sedan när han avsade sig sin Jarl-titel.   Powers:   Fenris’ Bite Rank 5 Get of Fenris Gift   The Garou’s already vicious bite increases in power terribly, to the point that the Garou can mangle or even sever limbs with a single bite. An avatar of Fenris teaches this Gift.   System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Strength + Medicine (difficulty of the opponent’s Stamina + 3). The Garou’s next bite attack, if it hits, will mangle and disable one of the target’s limbs, inflicting three automatic, unsoakable, aggravated health levels of damage in addition to any damage already rolled. The limb is rendered useless until the target can regenerate the damage, or permanently in the case of humans and other creatures who do not regenerate. If the player achieves five or more successes on the Strength + Medicine roll, the limb is severed.   Source: Core book revised.   Endurance of Heimhall Rank 5 Get of Fenris Gift   This powerful Gift grants the Garou great endurance and hardiness for a time. This Gift is taught by a Boar-spirit.   System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Willpower (difficulty 6). If successful, the Garou’s Stamina rating is doubled for the duration of the scene. This will aid Stamina and Soak rolls.   Source: Get of Fenris Tribebook   The Good Death Rank 5 Get of Fenris Gift   No true Get of Fenris fears death – only dying poorly. This Gift is Great Fenris’ final blessing to his children; the Fenrir who activates this Gfit intends to die with her foes’ heartsblood on her claws. The werewolf calls on Great Fenris to aid her and sets herself against her foe. The Fenrir continues fighting long after she should be dead, and doesn’t fall until her enemy (or enemies) dies with her. The avatar of Great Fenris himself teaches this Gift.   System: The Fenrir concentrates for one full turn and spends all her Gnosis in calling for Fenris’ favor. Once the Gift has been activated, the Garou suffers no wound penalties whatsoever, and will not fall until her foe is dead, at which point she dies immediately. This Gift works only if the named enemy is already on the battlefield with the Fenrir; it cannot be used to hunt down an absent enemy. Once the battle is won, an avatar of Fenris descends on the battlefield to devour what’s left of the hero and her worldly possession. For obvious reasons, this Gift can be used only once, most likely when the character is out of all other options. Improper use of this Gift (such as attempting to use the Gift to slay an old rival rather than a “true enemy of Gaia”) angers Fernris, who strikes the unworthy Get dead on the spot.   Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris (Revised)   Scream of Gaia Rank 4 Get of Fenris Gift / Rank 4 Lupus Gift / Rank 4 Wendigo Gift   The Garou emits a horrible, ragged scream imbued with Rage and pain of Gaia. The force of the scream batters foes and knocks them off their feet. Storm-spirits, which the Get call Sturms, teach this Gift.   System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Rage. Everyone within a 50-foot radius is blasted to the ground to suffer one health level of bashing damage per success as a shockwave rips through the area.   Source: Core book revised / 20th Anniversary Edition   Hero’s Stand Rank 4 Get of Fenris Gift   The Garou channels the strength of Gaia herself, becoming one with the earth upon which he stands. While he may not retreat or even move from that spot for the duration of the Gift, he gains many powers through Gaia’s might. An earth elemental teaches this Gift.   System: The player rolls Willpower (difficulty 8). Each success grants one extra die to all Physical dice pools. Also, the Garou may not be surprised, and all attacks are considered frontal. The Garou may not move until all foes have been defeated or have fled.   Source: Core book revised / 20th Anniversary Edition   Redirect Pain Rank 3 Get of Fenris Gift   If a Fenrir is struck in battle, he may rely upon this Gift to retaliate. His enemy immediately experiences the pain from wounds received by the Fenrir. A cuckoo-spirit teaches this Gift.   System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). For one scene, the target incurs whatever wound penalties indicated by the Fenrir’s current wound levels, regardless of whether or not the Fenrir actually feels the pain.   Source: 20th Anniversary Edition   Halt the Coward’s Flight Rank 2 Get of Fenris Gift   The Garou may slow a fleeing (not charging) foe, making him easier to catch. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.   System: The Garou must spend one turn concentrating, and the player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). If the roll succeeds, the target’s speed is halved for one scene.   Source: Core book revised   Wearing the Bear Shirt Rank 2 Get of Fenris Gift   Fear is for cowards; Rage is for warriors. The Fenrir who learns this Gift hardens himself against fear, even on an instinctual level. This Gift is taught by a bear-spirit.   System: No roll is required; once this Gift is learned, the effects are automatic. The Fenrir who learns this Gift never enters fox frenzy; instead, he enters a berserk frenzy, regardless of the stimuli. In addition, the player can make a Willpower roll to resist any Gifts or other supernatural powers that incite fear, even if a resistance roll is normally not allowed.   Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris (Revised)   Snarl of the Predator Rank 2 Get of Fenris Gift   The Garou lets out a feral snarl that terrifies opponents and cows them into submission. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.   System: The player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of the opponent’s Wits + 3). Each success subtracts one die from an opponent’s dice pools on the next turn. This Gift takes one full turn to invoke.   Source: Core book revised.   Sense Guilt Rank 2 Get of Fenris Gift   The Hand of Tyr camp specializes in the use and misuse of this Gift. By staring into the eyes of another, the Get can sense whether the target harbors guilt for some past offense. The most experienced Get can even get a feeling for what sort of crime transpired. Unfortunately, a few Get have been known to take advantage of this Gift by “sensing” guilt where none exists or by blackmailing Garou after a successful reading. A crow-spirit teaches this Gift.   System: A successful Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty 8) reveals hidden guilty feelings. One success detects any sense of regret, whereas five successes reveal specific facts concerning the dirty issue.   Source: Player’s Guide Second Edition.   Troll Skin Rank 2 Get of Fenris Gift   This Gift allows the Fenrir to draw on the power of earth for protection, just as the legendary trolls and even Jotunn were able to do. When the Get activates this Gift, her skins grow tough and thick, covered with warty knots of hard, armored flesh. This Gift is taught by an earth elemental.   System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). For each success, the character receives one extra die on her soak roll. These extra soak dice cannot be used to soak silver damage; the Gift lasts for one scene, or until the Get chooses to dismiss it. Troll Skin is alas, quite disconcerting and unpleasantly pungent. While the Gift’s effects last, the difficulty of all Social rolls is increased by 1.   Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris (Revised)   Strength of Purpose Rank 2 Philodox Gift / Rank 2 Croatan Gift / Rank 2 Get of Fenris Gift (Camp: Fangs of Garm)   Some Garou feel so strongly about their place in the pack, the tribe and the world that they can draw on this resolve in times of need. The Philodox can pull new resolve from his deepest reserves. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.   System: Once per scene, the player may roll Stamina + Rituals (difficulty 7). For every two successes, the Philodox recovers one point of Willpower up to her maximum.   Source: Core book revised / 20th Anniversary Edition   Pulse of the Prey Rank 2 Get of Fenris (Camp: Hand of Tyr)   If he knows anything about his prey, the character can track it down as rapidly as he can travel. This unerring sense of direction operates anywhere, and it is useful for tracking spirits through the Umbra as well as finding beings on Earth. A wolf- or dog-spirit teaches this Gift.   System: No roll is required unless the target is hiding actively (intent alone is not enough), in which case a Perception + Enigmas roll is made against a difficulty of the target’s Wits + Stealth. If the target is a spirit, the difficulty is the spirit’s Gnosis.   Source: 20th Anniversary   Razor Claws Rank 1 Ahroun Gift / Rank 1 Get of Fenris Gift   By raking his claws over stone, steel, or another hard surface, the Ahroun hones them to razor sharpness. Either a cat- or bear-spirit teaches this Gift.   System: The player spends on Rage point, and the Ahroun takes a full turn sharpening her claws. All claw attacks do two additional dice of damage and are made at -1 difficulty for the rest of the scene.   Source: W20   Safe Haven Rank 1 Get of Fenris Gift   Few Garou are as territorial as the Get of Fenris. This Gift enables a Fenrir to keep a close supernatural watch on his territory, becoming instantly aware of any trespassers marked by the Wyrm. Owl-spirits teach this Gift.   System: The player must spend one Gnosis to establish this early warning system, and one Gnosis per day to maintain it. Whenever a Wyrm-tainted person or creature crosses into the Fenrir’s territory, if the werewolf is at home or within a mile, the player may roll Perception + Occult (difficulty 7) to detect the intrusion. The more successes, the more accurately the werewolf pinpoints the intruder’s location. Note that this Gift may be used to protect only that territory that the Fenrir can rightfully call his own; this Gift cannot, for instance, protect a shared caern unless used by the caern Warder (who can be considered to “own” the territory for the purpose of this Gift).   Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris (Revised)   Snow Running Rank 1 Get of Fenris Gift   The Fenrir have spread far and wide, but their home is in the North. This Gfit has served them well in their homelands, allowing them to run over snow or ice as if it were solid ground without sinking in or leaving footprints.   System: The player spends a Gnosis point. The effects last for a day.   Source: Tribebook: Get of Fenris (Revised)   Master of Fire Rank 1 Get of Fenris Gift   Once humans tamed fire to keep them warm and to drive off the wild beasts, they were humanity’s ancient pact with the spirits of fire. The spirits of flame agree to hold back their hunger when the werewolf touches them. An ancestor spirit or a fire-spirit grants this Gift.   System: This Gift allows a werewolf to heal fire damage as if it were bashing. This requires the expenditure of a Gnosis point; the effects last for a scene.   Source: Core book revised / 20th Anniversary Edition   Sigurd’s Stride Rank 1 Get of Fenris Gift   When Odin imprisoned Brunhilde in a ring of fire, it was Sigurd who dared the fires and rescued her. Like Sigurd, Get of Fenris with this Gift need not fear flame. The Gift is taught by a fire spirit.   System: The Fenrir spends one Gnosis and rolls Stamina + Primal Urge (difficulty 4). Each success provides an automatic level of soak against fire damage for the rest of the scene.   Source: Players’ Guide to Garou (revised)   Sense Silver Rank 2 Ahroun Gift / Rank 2 Silver Fang Gift   As consummate warriors, Ahroun must be prepared for every eventuality — including silver weaponry. This Gift, taught by Lunes, allows the Ahroun to detect the presence of silver.   System: The Garou rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). If successful, she can detect the presence of any nearby silver. Three successes allow him to pinpoint the silver’s location.   Source: Core book revised / 20th Anniversary Edition   Spiritual Wrath Rank 2 Ahroun Gift   Garou are by nature beings half of corporeal flesh and half of spirit ephemera, living in two worlds simultaneously. By calling upon this Gift, an Ahroun manifests her spiritual nature more strongly than physical for a brief period, allowing her claws to cut through defenses they could never normally pierce. This Gift has no effect on creatures that are half spirit already like other Garou, fomori and changelings. But any being entirely of one world, such as Banes, vampires, ghosts or animals, is vulnerable to its sting. Any spirit of war can teach this Gift.   System: The player spends a point of Gnosis; the difficulty to soak the damage from a single claw attack the Ahroun makes in that turn is raised to 9. Note that the usual rule of being unable to spend Rage and Gnosis in the same turn still applies.   Source: Book of Auspices   Pack Shield Rank 2 Ahroun Gift   The Garou were chosen as Gaia’s protectors, but even protectors need protecting occasionally. That’s where the Ahroun come in. With a fierce snarl and a show of might, the werewolf convinces the enemy that he’s the greatest threat on the battlefield (they’re probably right!) and needs to be taken down first. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.   System: The player rolls Charisma + Intimidation with a difficulty equal to the lowest Willpower among the enemies, and the Ahroun spends an action drawing their attention. For the rest of the scene, opponents take a dice penalty equal to the number of successes on the activation roll to any attacks that don’t include the Garou as a target. Opponents who have lower Willpower than the activation roll result are unable to attack any target but the Ahroun.   Source: Changing Ways W20   Spirit of the Fray Rank 2 Ahroun Gift   This Gift allows the Ahroun to attack with lightning speed, striking before any foe. A cat-spirit teaches this Gift.   System: Once the character learns this Gift, its effects are permanent. The Ahroun may add 10 to all his initiative rolls, which will nearly always ensure that he strikes first. If he chooses, the Ahroun may spend a Gnosis point to add another 10 to his initiative roll. Remember, though, that doing so prevents him from spending Rage to gain extra actions; werewolves can’t use Rage and Gnosis in the same turn.   Source: Core book revised.   Silver Claws Rank 3 Ahroun Gift / Rank 3 Silver Fang Gift   The Ahroun can establish her battlefield primacy against other werebeasts by transforming her own claws into silver. A Lune teaches this Gift.   System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7) to activate the Gift. The transformation lasts for the scene or until the Ahroun decides to end the Gift. Silver claws still do aggravated damage to all targets, and they are naturally unsoakable to the Garou and most other werebeasts. While the Ahroun manifests the calws, she suffers searing agonies. Each turn, she gains an automatic Rage point. Furthermore, all non-combat difficulties increase by one because of the distraction. When her Rage points exceed her Willpower, she must check for frenzy.   Source: Core book revised.   Wind Claws Rank 3 Ahroun Gift   The Ahroun’s claws and fangs pass through the flimsy protections of their enemies as though they were but air and hope. An air elemental teaches this Gift.   System: The player spends one Rage point. For the rest of the turn, all of the Ahroun’s natural attacks completely ignore any armor (mundane or magical) that targets might be wearing; the targets forfeit all soak dice from such protection   Source: 20th Anniversary Edition   Black Mamba Strike Rank 4 Ahroun Gift   Between one blink and the next, the Ahroun is there to bury his claws in his unsuspecting prey. He can dash across the battlefield with astonishing speed when he’s ready to strike. A snake-spirit teaches this Gift.   System: The player spends one Rage point. For the rest of the scene, the Garou doesn’t need to split his dice pool or spend more Rage to move up to her running speed before making an attack on the same turn.   Source: Changing Ways W20   Calm the Savage Beast Rank 3 Homid Gift / Rank 3 Children of Gaia Gift   Even the most callous of homids can sympathize with the Rage that moves their fellow Garou in the final days. This Gift allows the werewolf to lend a frenzying Garou the will to escape her Rage’s hold over her. It is taught by an ancestor-spirit.   System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). If successful, the Willpower point soothes a frenzying Garou within 30 feet (9 m), canceling the frenzy. By spending an extra point of Willpower, this Gift may affect non-Garou in a state of frenzy, such as other shapeshifters or vampires.   Source: 20th Anniversary Edition   Cowing the Bullet Rank 3 Homid Gift   The spirits of tools recognize man as their master; as a result, they become reluctant to harm the homid. A Weaver-spirit teaches this Gift.   System: The player spends a Gnosis point. For the rest of the scene, the Garou gains two additional soak dice against all crafted weapons not made of silver.   Source: 20th Anniversary Edition


Karin Jarlsdottir

Sister (Vital)

Towards Lilla Jarlsdottir



Lilla Jarlsdottir

Sister (Vital)

Towards Karin Jarlsdottir



Karin Jarlsdottir

Ledare (Important)

Towards Aaron Spencer



Aaron Spencer

Stigande hopp för Get of Fenris (Important)

Towards Karin Jarlsdottir




Efter att Aaron stödde Karin i hennes diskussion med Caleb så steg han i rang i hennes ögon. Detta ökade på redan hennes stöd för honom vilket fick henne att anse honom värdig Järnhammaren hon hade med sig.

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