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The Uktena are one of the thirteen tribes of Garou. Composed of the broadest base of cultures and considered one of the more "primitive" groups of Garou, the Uktena are also masters of the dark and forbidden knowledge. The Uktena have a reputation for taking in refugees, particularly those who have had their homes and lands conquered and taken from them. While the majority of pure-bred members are Native American, there a fair number of Uktena who come from a mix of races and cultures that have had their numbers decimated and their old ways were in danger of being lost forever.
While gifted in many spiritual practices, including the art of prophecy and visions, the Uktena are best known as hunters of the Wyrm and its Bane servants. While there is little argument that the Uktena are second to none when it comes to their abilities, it comes at a price. The Uktena have access to many ancient dark practices because of their broad culture, and while some have proven beneficial to the tribe, many others are probably best left undisturbed. While many seek the skills of the Uktena as hunters of the Wyrm, others distrust their dark abilities and fear the tribe may corrupt itself, or that it already has.

Uktena moots are an unknown to outsiders. The Uktena favor elaborate mysticism of the most cryptic sort, binding their affairs within the pacts they have with their spirit allies. Sometimes the true purpose of a moot isn’t evident until it is underway: it is enough to say “it is necessary” to bring the Uktena. Once the moot is in progress, only then do the elders reveal its purpose, often through divination rites.

  • Bane Tenders: One of the oldest camps, the Bane Tenders are dedicated to keep the great Banes that the first Uktena bound in their Caerns asleep.
  • Earth Guides: The Earth Guides see themselves as the preservers and rediscoverers of traditions. While they will seek to preserve any threatened human culture, some focus more on the Garou side, memorizing traditions of Lupus-born Garou or even those of the Fera.
  • Path Dancers: The Path Dancers seek to master additional forms of magic, like Sorcery, for the use against the Wyrm.
  • Scouts: Originally messengers between the Three Brothers, the Scouts of the modern nights work to keep the disparate elements of the tribe in touch with each other.
  • Raiders: The Raiders focus on retrieving lost secrets from the hands of Wyrmspawn, be they Black Spirals, vampires, or even more sinister forces.
  • Skywalkers: The Skywalkers travel the Umbra to seek powerful spirits that they can bind into Fetishes to use against the Wyrm.
  • Web Walkers: Close allies to the Glass Walkers, the Web Walkers seek the secrets of the Weaver and modern technology for use against the Wyrm.
  • Wyld Children: Wyld Children often wander solitarily, seeking communion with Gaia by isolating themselves in the last places with strong Wyld resonance.
One last Camp is reviled within the Tribe and seen as Wyrm-Tainted:
Society of the Bitter Frost: Rumored to be the result of a pact with the Black Spiral Dancers, the Bitter Frost seeks to reclaim the lands stolen by the Europeans by any means necessary. To this end, they draw upon dark Gifts granted by servants of the Wyrm.
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