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The Wendigo are one of the thirteen tribes of Garou. Considering themselves to be the purest of the Garou, the Wendigo seek to destroy the influence of Wyrm while preserving their old traditions. Outsider tribes know little of the Wendigo's internal organization. The Wendigo are loath to mix members of their Tribe with other Garou, seeing it as a danger to their purity. More rebellious members of a younger generation question the wisdom of this decision, since it limits the influence the Wendigo have in the Garou Nation, which ultimately isolates them even further. The Wendigo are among the best of Garou warriors, skilled at tracking and silent ambush. They direct as much of their power as they can against the Wyrm, and for many Wendigo, that includes the European Garou, whose influence ultimately resulted in the destruction of the Croatan.
Virtually all Wendigo, save for those in Russia are descended from Native American peoples and wild wolves, and their Kinfolk are the same. Most of their internal customs, like the powwow or the potlatch, are derived from Kinfolk practices.

Wendigo derive many of their traditions from the practices of their local Kinfolk relatives,. One gathering may involve vision quests and peyote, while another might employ sacred tobacco, fire dances, or ritual combat. Some moots employ Umbral travel, such as when the entire assembly placates a great spirit and hunts it into the Penumbra.

The Wendigo are few in number and closely knit; they could not survive the splintering that some tribes seem built upon. But just as their human Kin have many societies in their tribes -- warrior societies, police societies, educational societies, and more -- so do the Wendigo gather in some camps. While these groups create many differences of opinion, they are united in their lineage.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Notable Members
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