
Iona is nestled in the northern shelf of the continent Korovuri. Iona is a picturesque town, its architecture blending harmoniously with the surrounding natural beauty. The town's foundation is deeply rooted in the worship of the moon goddess, Envactex, and her magnificent temple stands at the heart of the settlement. As you enter Iona, you are greeted by ethereal moonlit gardens adorned with silver blooms that only open under the light of the moon. The streets are lined with majestic, towering trees, their branches intertwining overhead to form an enchanting canopy. Luminescent orbs hang from the branches, casting a soft, mystical glow upon the town below.   Most of Iona's inhabitants are elves and half-elves, drawn to the tranquility and spiritual connection offered by the moon goddess. They are a graceful and welcoming community, living in harmony with nature and revering the power of the moons.   The settlement of Iona was established by a group of courageous adventurers who sought to reclaim the temple of Envactex from a malevolent force that had corrupted it. Led by the valiant A'Kanta Terayh, the three heros: M'dune a skilled elven warrior dedicated to the long standing oath of the Lunara; Bellatrix, a wise and mountain fairing druid of the stars, and Iona, a human in search of something bigger than himself.   After a fierce battle within the temple's corrupted underground, the three heroes emerged victorious, banishing the evil force; and making the caves beneath the temple uninhabitable. In honor of their bravery, the townspeople eventually named the settlement after Iona, the first to pass into Envactex's embrace, and the temple became a beacon of hope and a center for moonlit rituals and celebrations.   The temple of Envactex is a breathtaking structure of gleaming white marble, adorned with intricate carvings depicting celestial scenes and amber gemstones. Within its walls, worshippers gather to pay homage to the warrior goddess, offering prayers and seeking her guidance. The temple is also a place of healing, where the skilled elven healers channel the lunar energy to mend the wounds and ailments caused by their warrior-centric lifestyle.   In Iona, the streets come alive at night as the townsfolk partake in festivities under the gentle glow of the moon. Music fills the air as bards strum melodies on their lutes, dancers twirl with graceful elegance, and enchanters perform mesmerizing illusions. The town's marketplace is a treasure trove of moon-inspired trinkets, enchanted artifacts, herbal remedies harvested under the guidance of the goddess and most importantly powerful moon-touched weaponry.   Surrounding Iona, the Korovuri continent stretches with its lush forests, shimmering lakes, and winding rivers. The land is imbued with an otherworldly magic, and the elves and half-elves of Iona have learned to harness this mystical energy to enhance their combat skills, crafting exquisite moonsteel weaponry and armor.   As you explore Iona, you may find yourself captivated by the sense of serenity and mysticism that permeates the town. The warrior goddess Envactex watches over her devoted followers, her radiant moonlight guiding their paths and protecting them from the encroaching darkness.


While the city existed since around the first year (and the temple it was built around even longer) the city was not considered founded until their 21st year once they had an official name. The city was named after Iona who had died to a mysterious illness that had afflicted him since they fought beneath the city and purged the Draeva  In the cities 97th year they began to see attacks from dark creatures on the outskirts of the city, slowly growing more and more bold before launching an attach on the city proper. Thankfully, a new generation of heroes trained by the old were able to repel them.    The first Great Eclipse happens in the cities 135th year; affecting all creatures on the material plane. In the darkness of the moonless nights of the eclipse the rings of the Material Plane had moved toward the north.  Many of the denizens of Iona's faith were tested in this time and some believe it to be one of the first ill-omens of the future to come.    In the 162nd year the Delta Moon Rebellion started and finished within Iona. Seeded by the first Great Eclipse; many followers believed Iona should return to worshiping Dallius; the old moon god that was Sundered into the now Envactex and Orandi. The rebellion was quelled, but the leader of Iona, A'Kanta Terayh was heavily wounded in an assassination attempt.    In the 185th year an oracle arrived in the city. He spoke of a great cataclysm that wound befall the city, it's denizens, and even their god.    In the 211th year the lighthouse on the north shore of Korovuri is rebuilt, now standing as tall as the nearby mountain peaks. It is renamed to the Celestial Beacon as serves as a symbol of hope to guide any lost travelers into the safety of Iona.    In the 201st year the prophecy is fulfilled; Envactex cuts down her brother Orandi, nearly killing him. The few followers of Orandi who did live within the city are exiled at the direct request of their god, although no reasoning is given. Tensions are high in the streets for many years following; as the looming reminder of Orandi hangs in the sky as a broken moon; shattered and unmoving.


The architecture of Iona reflects the harmonious blend of elven grace and celestial inspiration. The town is a testament to the elves' affinity for natural aesthetics and their reverence for the moon goddess, Envactex. The buildings seamlessly integrate with the surrounding landscape, creating a sense of organic unity. The structures of Iona are predominantly crafted from shimmering lavender stone, reminiscent of moonlight itself. The buildings feature elegant arches and flowing lines, reflecting the fluidity and grace of elven design. Delicate carvings adorn the facades, depicting celestial motifs such as stars, crescent moons, and constellations, paying homage to the moon goddess.   The roofs of the buildings are often peaked and adorned with silver and purple hued tiles, giving the impression of moonlit waves cascading down. Elaborate balconies and terraces grace the upper levels, providing vantage points to bask in the beauty of the surrounding landscape and the celestial sky.   Many of the structures incorporate large, arched windows that allow abundant natural light to filter through during the day and provide a mesmerizing view of the moonlit nights. These windows are often embellished with delicate stained glass, depicting scenes of lunar beauty and mythical tales from elven lore.   Gardens and courtyards are an integral part of the architectural layout. They are meticulously designed and maintained, showcasing exotic moonflowers, glowing mosses, and ethereal ferns that thrive in the soft moonlight. The gardens are sanctuaries of tranquility, where elves and visitors alike can find solace and a deeper connection to the moon goddess.   At the heart of Iona stands the temple of Envactex, the focal point of the town's architecture. The temple is a grand structure, characterized by its towering spires and intricate celestial engravings. The entrance is a magnificent archway framed by colossal statues of moonlit guardians, their watchful eyes casting a protective aura over the temple and the town.
Founding Date
14 of Gricel, Year 21
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization