The Dark Marsh

The Dark Marsh is cursed swamp covering the majority of the expanse between Magehold and Greenforthe.


The marshlands expand over the majority of the south end of Insidia, but north of Magehold. They're impossibly difficult to navigate, with scattered sinkholes and deep thick swamplands impeding movement heavily.


The ecosystem is stranger than most swamps, as it's history has lead to very few living wildlife present in the biome itself. It is, however populated by undead fascimiles of the traditional swamplife, and even some failed magical experiments from the nearby mages' of Magehold.

Localized Phenomena

The few people who have made the travel through the Marshes have reported seeing massive slowly moving diamond shapes with arcane runes scrawled across the surface.


The Marsh hasn't always been a dark nest of undead, it used to be a thriving marshland that, while difficult to travel through regardless, was regularly a trade route between Greenforthe. But some hundred years after the founding of Magehold, one of the head wizards, who's name was scrubbed from reality via powerful magicks, attempted to ascend to Lichdom. Her efforts were thwarted by the rest of the mages within Magehold, and while she was far too powerful to be killed she was locked away within the marsh, and slowly corrupted the surrounding area to it's current form.