
Magehold is a town located on the south arid plains of Insidia, where the vegetation is sparse. Magehold grew around a source of raw Etherium. They are an egalitarian capitalist magocratic republic that devoutly worshiped Razaldin until his death.   The nearest landmark is two trees, an ash and an elm, which have grown up so close that they spiral around each other as they grew trunks and branches pressed together and entwined. A population of 4110, the denizens live a modest existence.


Race Population
Aasimar 178
Calidikin 133
Construct <100
Dragonkin 145
Dwarf <100
Elven 179
Fey <100
Frigidikin <100
Genasi 109
Gith <100
Goblin <100
Goliath <100
Human 151
Orcish 98
Tiefling 145
Other <100


The people of Magehold work in exchange for payment from their employers, which they use to buy the necessities.


There is a policing presence in Magehold, but it is more for outside intruders rather than the population inside. Citizens are expected to follow the laws, and those that do have nothing to fear from small guard force. Law in Magehold is punitive, and those that breach the laws can expect hard labor, incarceration, fines, or, in rare instances, execution. Due to the immense magical presence of both The Divine Magi and their college,

Industry & Trade

Caveat emptor is the guiding philosophy of Faroot, and people live a modest existence because of it. Without any taxes or regulations, the free market reigns supreme here. Welfare is non existent. Citizens can expect the absolute bare minimum of death services. Healthcare and education are totally ignored, and those unable to fend for themselves starve.


The city began as an extension of the Divine Citadel, Either failed mages, adventurers settling down between quests, or people working as assistants to the college. As more people showed up, the greater need for more services arose and plenty of people came from Greenforthe, creating a semisuitable road through what is now known as The Dark Marsh, before it became cursed and nearly intraversable. During Godfall, after the death of Razaldin's first Avatar one of the The Divine Magitried to ascend to Godhood to be able to defend Razaldine is his wounded state. Their laws specifically are against lichdom, and any attempts to ascend to godhood and as such she was thwarted by the Divine Magi and bound to a demiplane within The Dark Marsh. Over the years energy she attempted to channel from the Negative Energy Plane has corrupted the Dark Marsh, giving it its current omninous and dangerous qualities.


The majority of tourism in Magehold is people coming to the Divine Citadel, either for education or to acquire powerful magical items


The city is mostly built of gray stone and blue slate, often using long thin banners that blow through the wind as an omage to Razaldin.

Natural Resources

The city, and moreso the Divine Citadel is built on top of a large deposit of Etherium.


  • Magehold
Founding Date
4th of Gricel, 102 PS
Included Locations
Owning Organization