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Captain Greymight †

Captain Brogarth Greymight

The captain of the guard in Oskunstrond, Greymight was a strong but empathetic warrior. Having absorbed much of Aedrinarian culture, Greymight was key in keeping the peace between the Orc and human populations within the town. He cared deeply about all his guards, and was pivotal in finding The Dragon Clan infiltrators. Greymight was slain by Teng Silverjaw during the Dragon Clan invasion, giving his life to ensure Doomed 2 Die could escape.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born the travelling Skullbriden tribe during the 40 Year War, Greymight saw some action as a junior warrior to the end of the war. Following the tribes move to Oskunstrond, Greymight became a member of the Orcish guard. A small riot in the 1040s saw the human and orcish guards united, with Greymight becoming their captain. His eseteemed military record, acceptance of Aedrinarian culture, and calm nature made him an excellent choice.   Greymight was responsible for locking down Embershard Mine when Rashmadan the Efretti came through a portal and killed all within. He granted the bounty to Doomed 2 Die for clearing out the mine, and thanked them for saving his guard's lives. Greymight was concerned with the Dragon Clan's infiltration of the city, and helped them to defeat the lieutenants in the town.   Greymight gave his life on 29th Applefall, 1052, when Teng's invasion crippled the city. He was initially wounded when Teng took over Castle Grimsbane and slew Jarl Durvak. Greymight rallied what little strength he had left to save Doomed 2 Die from Teng, his sacrifice granting them enough to time to escape. Greymight was slain by Teng, the location of his body is unknown.
Status Deceased   First Appearance: Session 13, Fire!
Current Status
Date of Death
29th Applefall
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Teng
Place of Death
Dark Grey
Short grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Green
Appearances: 5
  • Session 13: Fire!
  • Session 14: Faith
  • Session 19: Traitor at the Gates
  • Session 20: Rabble in Oksunstrond
  • Session 21: Divided We Fall


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