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The Dragon Clan

An ancient and powerful underground sect recently reformed by the ruthless and reveng driven Teng Silverjaw, the dragon clan are part yakuza, part paramilitary, and part terrorist organization. With mysterious motives known only to its most senior leadership, and a supposed to connection to the mythical Winter Witch, the clan have managed to oust the rulers of Drekenheim and impose themselves as warlords and are currently infiltrating other islands in the archipelago and waging a war with Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee of Sudureyja.   The Dragon Clan is composed largely of martial artists trained in the open-hand or kensei styles, and led my unique liutenants across three distinct cells. Each cell is independent to exert their will as needed, but ultimately answer to Teng, and whoever his true master is.  


The Dragon Clan most recently emerged in Oskunstrond in mid 1052, 3e, when they overthrew the Skallen Syndicate based in the city. They killed all the members of the syndicate bar Yaram. Following their takeover of the underground activities throughout the Island, they had earned the attention of Doomed 2 Die who were recruited by Yaram to help him.   The Clan then went about taking other parts of the island's heirarchy out whilst searching for information. The group took out the monastery of balder and raided their library around this time with the still burning ruin atop the mesas of Drekenheim being found by the adventurers out to get them. The nature of the information they stole is unknown.   Doomed 2 Die did discover the group had infiltrated key areas around the town of Oskunstrond. It was revealed the dock master had been replaced by a shapeshifting Dragonborn who was covering up the old Skallen Warehouse that had become their base of operations in the town, led by the war boar liu xing. They also realised a corrupt guard and the Jarl's steward had joined up with the group and ended an assassination attempt on the jarl and his captain of the guard, Captain Greymight †.   With their infiltration units killed, Teng ordered the group to attack openly on the 29th Applefall. In a three pronged attack, Yetis emerged from the ground near the Temple of Odin, Eva ran attacks throughout the town centred around Danilia Fuego's casino, Teng attacked the keep, and a recruited Red Hawk ⸸ assaulted the walls of the town with his smaller flying vehicles. Although the yetis were defeated, the adventurers were unable to overcome the assault. Red Hawk was killed by Kliiks † at the cost of the young Aarakocra's life and Shan, Einar, and Killyn † were only saved from Teng's blows by the late intervention of Captain Greymight.   The group established full control and began attacking their neigbouring island of Sudureyja, prompting Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee to organize a counter offensive and declare war. The group also began raiding ships at sea, attacking the passing trade ship captained by Ahbadin Mustfazi who was rescued by Doomed 2 Die.   Eva and five other agents were sent to the Western Hold to infiltrate Ysgard's Warriors. The group killed four recruits and their leader, posing as them on an expidition to Pilgrim's Rest. The agents then killed 4 ysgard's warriors members and severely injured veteran warrior Organvor. The agents were caught up as they attempted to break out Mimir from his trapped stone. Their battle at first went bad until Eva sent for reinforcements who arrived via a gateway. The reinforcements were led by The Piper who managed to down Val, Azura, and Shan. With this turn of the tide, the dragon clan stole the Eye of Vecna from Mimir's head.   Their intentions were reveled in The Veil when the party accessed the infinite knowledge of The Wraiths. They sought to use the crystalised heart of Yndress the Destroyer, a being from the Dawn Age, in a ritual during the start of the Ragnarok event to turn the Winter Witch, the true leader of the clan, into a god.


The Clan operates out of unique cells with corrupt, cruel, or power-hungry individuals reporting up their chain of command, ultimately to Teng Silverjaw. Each cell member likely operates in the same area, such as the cell under the command of the wereboar Xiu Ling, who operated within Oskunstrond to weaken the town's powerful figures and guilds to make Teng's invasion easier. These cells make limited contact with each other, and ultimately report up or across their chain of command to maintain secrecy and control.  


The Dragon Clan have been known to use 'vanguards.' These are agents of the clan who operate alone, with only a small force of low threat dragon clan warriors or minions. The purpose of these vanguards are to pave the way for the main clan's goals. There are currently several vanguards operating in Aedrinar, all seemingly trying to hinder the progress of Doomed 2 Die. Unlike the true cells, the vanguards seem to correspond regularly with each other which leads to clues about their identies and locations. They are ultimately reporting to The Piper.  
The Whip
The Whip was a vanguard operating in Ferenvire with the purpose of disrupting House Furyborn. Truthfully an ice elf circus performer named Little Icicle, his identity was unearthed after a kenku acrobat named Wing overheard his conversation with The Piper and shared it with Doomed 2 Die, leading to his defeat at the hands of the party.  

The Spider

The Spider is an unkown vanguard operating in Odinsthrone. An uncovered dragon note reveals he was spying on the party during their time in the city, indicating he may be someone they met.  

The Raven

The Raven is a resident of Axehall, involved with the ruling House Silveraxe. Their goal seems to be undermining the power of the Wintershields and their alliances.  

The Thorn

The Thorn is an unkown vanguard operating in Jameleska. Their main purpose appears to be in sabotaging the relationship between the Duchy of Jameleska and Doomed 2 Die.  

The Shadow

The Shadow was a druidic herbalised in the town of Morganhall and secretly follower of an undead king who lived on on the island. Tasked with underminging House Morganssen, staunch allies of the Wintershields, the Shadow unleashed a magical darkness on the towwn that allowed the undead to pour in. Defeated by Shan, Starkard Wintershield and Ranfi of the Raven Clan, the town was saved.  

The Snake

The Snake is a vanguard and archaelogist in Westwatch. The party beleive this is a member of the archaeologists guild in the town named Hoffa.The Snake is also a relatively new member, and is also tasked with undermining the Wintershield allies House Horfhand.
The Crown
The Crown was Aros Garolel, the heir to House Kingmaker, and was using the Dragon Clan as a means to push her houses claim on the throne of Aedrinar. Based in Freywen, the Crown used their influence as an advisor to the town council to push for war between the elves and humans. She was defeated by the party, and revealed some of the dragon clan secrets as well as the location of the other vanguards.  
The Vespa
The Vespa was a vanguard based in Lastlight actively undermining the leadership of Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee. Revealed by The Crown as Sigrunn Meadbringer, a member of the discraced brewers and former members of the merchant's council of Lastlight, Sigrunn's father was allied to Fisk and slain in Naerfi's ousting of the council, pushing her into an alliance with the Dragon Clan. Doomed 2 Die informed Naerfi of Sigrunn's identity and she was slain.

Public Agenda

The Dragon Clan's agenda is rather muddled to outsiders, their true goals remain hidden and secret. On one hand they seem to be attaining territory throughout Aedrinar, but outside of Drekenheim this does not seem to be in pursuit of a kingdom of their own. There is also the question of "why drekenheim?" to invade. The island is considered the most uninhabitable and desolate of the archipelago, outside of its ores and derro ruins there is little to note. The population is tiny, suply lines difficult, and the risk of your entire organization being destroyed by a volcanic erruption is constant.   The clan's main target seems to be Shan, with most of their activities directly aimed at making the monk suffer. It is possible that Teng, Shan's oldest nemesis and former friend, is petty enough to build an entire syndicate of warriors, sail them for months across the Draconic Ocean, Serpent Sea, and Terrasic Ocean just for revenge, but there is undoubtably something else Teng is after, and offering those who help him land to earn the allegiance and allyship.  

The Truth

The truth of the organization was revealed to Doomed 2 Die by Speaker Astir of the Kriegerholm Red Daggers. The Assassin explained how the Dragon Clan have been around for thousands of years and that his assassin guild was founded to defeat them in the first age during the reign of the Sun Elves. The group were once known as the Dragon Cult and appear to want to unlock the power of the ancient dragons for unknown purposes. Astir and The Piper have hinted Teng is simply a pawn of the Clan as a whole.


The Dragon Clan was in existence during the height of the Sun Elf empire between 1800-2000 1e. Then they were known as the Dragon Cult and the Sun Emperor founded the Red Daggers to hunt down and deafeat them. The two factions are mortal enemies to this day, even as their original purposes and history is lost to time.   The cult has been active around the world, but has been known to intervene in the Aedrinaran isles several times. Asaj Gildaron of the Kriegerholm Sanctuary claimed her ancestor, The Piper, truly Mothrar Gildaron, has been a high ranking member of the cult since his exile and 'first' death during the war of the great houses in the 2500s of the second age. The guild was known to be active as of 60 years ago in Aedrinar when the unknown mentor of the Kriegerholm Sanctuary killed The Piper again.   The group resurfaced in 1052, 3e, led by Teng Silverjaw and began infilitrating the island of Drekenheim. Powerful players such as the Red Daggers and Mr. Blake have implied they know what the clan might be after but have refused to share the details with Doomed 2 Die or others. The clan were able to take the island in a space of a month by systimatically infiltrating or destroying the various pillars of power within the island including the Drekenheim Syndicate, the Order of Balder, the Oskunstrond militia, and the Night Sisters. In their final invasion, Teng was able to kill the Jarl of Drekenheim as well as famed hero Captain Greymight † whilst Eva managed to force powerful witch Danilia Fuego into hiding. Local priest of Odin, Orginvar ⸸ is beleived dead at their hands as well.   The clan managed to take full control of the island and began expanding their activities. At some point prior to their full conquest of Drekenheim, Teng sent agents to Asrinheim to infiltrate the powerful northern league led by House Arylidiyr of Thevensyne. Gallus would learn through a scrying spell that the elder of Thevensyne, their childhood best-friend's father, was being poisoned by the guild.   Teng also began harassing ships and sailors from other islands. Sudureyjan ships were especially targeted, prompting Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee to go to war against Teng and search for the lost Doomed 2 Die to help her gather enough allies to retake the island.   Eva was sent to the Western Hold to break into Pilgrim's Rest and steal the Eye of Vecna from Ysgard's Warriors. She and her fellow clan members managed to kill and impersonate a recruiter and their recruits to break into the guild base where they killed 5 more members and severely wounded Organvor.   Although Doomed 2 Die managed to catch up to the infiltrators and nearly stop them, Eva sent for reinforcements and The Piper emerged with fresh soldiers that managed to turn the tide. Val, Azura, Erika, and Shan were nearly killed by his arrival with Gallus barely being able to hold back the Piper's attacks.   The Red Daggers also revealed Teng had tried to send agents to Kriegerholm but the guild managed to slay all the invaders before they could do any damage.
Founding Date
Prior to 1850, 1a
Illicit, Terrorist group
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Appearances: 13
  • Session 14: Faith
  • Session 19: Traitor at the Gates
  • Session 20: Rabble in Oskunstrond
  • Session 21: Divided We Fall
  • Session 85: The Father
  • Session 102: Fathers
  • Session 103: Soul of the Warriors
  • Session 117: Vanguard of the Dragon Clan
  • Session 118: The Night Circus
  • ShanShot 3: The Shadowed Night
  • Session 143: Blue Seas and Black Foxes
  • Session 144: The Crown of Freywen
  • Session 145: Questions of the Mist


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