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Oskunstrond is a small town located on the Bay of Squids in southern Drekenheim. Once a humble mining village, Oskunstrond has grown since the end of the 40 year war, when Jarl Olaf Grimsbane gave the land to a warband of orcs he met during the war. These orcs have lived here since under the jarl, a human with no time for troublemakers that deals out harsh punishments to keep people in line. Although many of the orcs have adapted to Aedrinarian culture, with the first wave of children born there coming of age, many still follow the orcish gods.   The humans, orcs, and half-orcs don’t get on, and tend to stick to their own districts. The one exception is the large gambling hall run by a suave West Marcian tiefling named Danilia Fuego.     The town was once the hub of Drekenheim, but in 1052 it fell to The Dragon Clan in a two hour invasion led by Teng Silverjaw, Eva, and Red Hawk. Although Red Hawk was killed, the town saw its leadership destroyed.   Doomed 2 Die visited the town in Applefall of 1052, 3e, in order to help avenge Teng's attacks on the Skallen Syndicate within the island and for Shan to face down his former friend. It was in the mines of the town that Killyn † claimed Ashbrand from an Efretti known as a Rashmadan.


Drekenheim is a mixed town of orcs, half-orcs, and humans. An influx of Orcish warriors arrived during the 40 year war and for their aid in fighting alongside Aedrinarian warriors they were granted land in Oskunstrond by the then Jarl. Outside of these main populations, some small populations of half-elves and halflings can be found. The tensions between the orcish and human populations is high, as the Orcs are nearly outnumbering the "native" human population.


Formally ran by the Jarl of Drekenheim, the town was a feudal settlement and capital that controlled the whole island of Drekenheim. Since the Dragon Clan took control of the island, the town is ran as a despotic state with the clan controlling every element of the people's lives there.


Oskunstrond was once the most defended settlement in all of Drekenheim. The Jarl's guard, under the guideance of war hero Captain Greymight, had a mix of orc and human soldiers alongside a small navy under the rule of Jarl Durvak. The city walls were 15ft thick and 40ft high. These defences were easily overcome when the Dragon Clan attacked and now the town is defended by Dragon Clan Martial Artists, and the Longships repurposed into Dragon Clan warships to prepare for an invasion of other islands.

Industry & Trade

Oskunstrond's primary industry was ores and stone mined from outside the town. This trade has all but ceased since the town fell to the Dragon Clan. Secondary industry was in leisure made off of traders visiting the port and the exchange of local mercanary groups and Jomsvikingr.


The town has basic infrastructure. Outside the town, the volanic mountains of Drekenheim provide rich but dangerous mines for the town. The road structure and main docks are extensively built, but simple by the standards of wealthier and more important settlements.


Although a small town, Oskunstrond has four main districts that vary in their orc and human relatioships. The Old Town lies around the main docks to the south-west of the town and has always been the traditional settling site for the town. Above it is Orkenberg, former animal farms that was granted to the Orcs and is now a bustling district built in the traditional orcish style. Wallenforth, the nobles district and wealthier side was built around a century ago and houses the Jarl's palace of Castle Grimsbane. The final district lies south of Wallenforth and east of the Old Town.  


A nobles district and home to the wealthier of the town. Larger multistorey homes can be found here alongside the small Mage's Guild where some magical training can be obtained. The district also housed the town barracks, which is now repurposed as the base for the Dragon Clan in the town. Castle Grimsbane, the former Jarl's palace, now lies in ruins to the north of this district. Walleforth also houses a small Art Gallery. The district has three inns and five stores. The area is more human orientated. c  


Orkenberg is a majority orcish district and was granted to an Orcish clans rewarded for aiding Aedrinar during the 40 year war. The district is traditionally orcish, with some Aedrinarian and Orc fusion styled food and architecture to be found. The One-Eyed Shrine, the centre of Orcish worship, is based in the heart of this district and is built over an opening to an old volcanic cave. The district has three inns, including the only late-night venue of the town, The Volcano's Bite. Six shops are available, with Dathomir, an elderly orcish witch, running The Witchmaiden's Shoppe apothecary and potion store. Orkenberg also houses the Ashfall Arena, a small fighting ring with a high mortality rate.  

Old Town

The old town is, as the name suggests, the oldest part of the town. Around the district's traditional stone and wooden buildings the remnants of the thousands of years of ancient settlement can be found, including the half sunken remains of a castle, the foundations of long lost walls, and rumoured derro ruins in forgotten caves beneath. Much of the ancient settlement has been repurposed into the docks, which house trade ships and some longboats. The old town houses three inns, most notably the Ghostly Meadhall, supposidly the most haunted tavern in all of Aedrinar, two shops and the town markets.  

Saltspray Village

This small district is largely residential and has a mix of humans and orcs within it. Little trade can be found here, but plentiful homes and family houses alongside smaller educational centres. The Temple of Odin, the oldest church in the island is found at the edge of this district with Lucky Mountain Casino, the former base of operations of Danillia Feugo and the Twins of Fate. Saltspray has two inns, no stores, and a couriers office.

Guilds and Factions

The Drekenehim Mages a guild, a small and generally uninfluential magic guild is based in the town. Although esteemed as spellcasters, the guild is small and does not compare to the weakest Miskatonic mage. There are rumours the Red Daggers have a hidden base here.


Oskunstrond has a long history of settlement. Its position in a geologically stable region of the volcanic island close to water and trade routes with room for animals to graze has made a tempting spot for settlement since the mythc age. Since the Derro were cursed in the first age, the island saw slow and steady human settlement from Sudureyja. Oskunstrond was allegedly founded in the late first age by Oskath Fire-Tamer, a near mythical figure and warrior who built his keep in the old town and tamed the nearby volcano.   Since the first age, Oskunstrond has been the centre of human settlement on the island and the base of it's power. It remained a small castle settlement for most of its existence, but expanded into what is now Saltspray Village in the early second age. The town saw a steep decline during the mid second age during increased volcanic activity that caused crops to fail and animals to die. The town had recovered by the dark ages, and Drekenheim raiders would leave from its dockyard to settle and invade the Prima Terran mainland.   After the Aedrinarian age ended, Oskunstrond declined again and was briefly ruled by the Jarl of Lastlight. The town made some improvements, but did not bounce back until the 40 year war, when Drekenheim warriors became world reknown once again. The granting of land to the Orcs saw the town boom and double its population within ten years.   This increase in population and stature did lead to a downside of increased racial tensions between the orcish and human population. This atmosphere would usually lead to the town becoming a heated and violent place, but the town guard was expanded to include the Orcish population and the peace was kept. In 1052, Oskunstrond was invaded by Teng Silverjaw and the Dragon Clan.


Traders within Aedrinar often take shore leave in Oskunstrond for its leisure scene. The Lucky Mountain casino and Ashfall arena are popular places for earning money and watching entertainment.


Oskunstrond is located on a small rocky peninsula to the south of Drekenehim. Surrounded by the bay of squids with fresh water only being found via underground rivers. The town is loomed over by a mountain range and volcanic clouds.
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Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Appearances: 5
  • Session 13: Fire!
  • Session 14: Faith
  • Session 19: Traitor at the Gates
  • Session 20: Rabble in Oskunstrond
  • Session 21: Divided We Fall


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