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The Honoured God of Fertility and Love, Freya is a member of the Honoured Gods pantheon and a key diety of the Aedrinarian and Ice Elf religions. A membe of the Vaniri dieties including Frigga, Odur, their brother Frey, Freya is considered the most beautiful and kind of the honoured gods.   Freya's role in fertility and love has made them amongst the most worshipped and offered to dieties in the pantheon. It is customary for those seeking blessings for children to carry falcon feathers or symbols of Freya. Aedrinaran and Ice Elf marraige customs also call upon Freya in their ceremony rites to ordain and bless the marraige. Although marraiges are most common at Freya's temples, this is not a strict requirment but Freya is expected to be honoured when marrying at any temple, even one not dedicated to her.   The most beautiful of the gods, Freya has played a role in numerous myths and legends as a symbol of innocence, beauty, and love. During the Wedding Deception myth, Loki promissed Freya's hands to an Aedrinaran house in exchange for the return of the captured Odin, Frigga, and Balder. Freya was at first appaled by this, until she was told that Thor would isntead be pretending to be her.   Freya has also been tied to the God Njord, who pined for her but could not have her. She would reject his advances constantly, and in a common myth this sent the god into such a depression the waves stopped rolling until Frigga intervened. The goddess amongst thew few Honoured Gods not associated with battle, but rather assocaited with kindness, charity, and diplomacy.  

Charitable Sisters of Freya

The Charitable Sisters of Freya are an organized clergy dedicated to the goddess of Freya. Found in numerous cities across Aedrinar and Asrinehim, including Odinsthrone, Ferenvire, and Effelin, the charitable sisters are caregivers, nurses, healers, and alms collectors who tend to the poor, wounded, and sick of Aedrinar and Asrinheim.   Despite local culture tending to avoid healthcare and charity, the sisters are held in high regard and considered devouted servants of the god who sacrifice their own honour to help lift others up into their own honour. In Asrinheim, they are seen as vital contributors to social equality and healthcare.   Members of the Charitable Sisters are often female or female presenting, but despite the order's name this is not a strict requirement. The order are known for their white robes, golden cinctures, and blue and silver chasibles. The sisters are expected to take a lifelong commitment to their order, but are allowed to mary and have children, but this is often not the norm due to the busy and humble lives of the clergy.   Oaths of poverty and humility are taken, all the sisters own is shared amongst themselves and those who need it. Those seeking blessings of Freya will often donate food, clothing, and resources to the order in exchange for religious services or spells. The sisters are also expected to offer healing, help, and sanctuary to any who ask for it.   Despite their peaceful demeanour, the sisterhood also hire a sect of "Talons" who act as martial artists and the defenders of the temple, but every sister can cast clerical magic to defend their lands when it is required.  

7 Gifts of Freya

The 5 gifts are Freya are parts of her divine portfolio she oversees and celebrates. These are the festivals, life events, and emotions most closely alligned to the goddess and where prayer or offering is expected.
  1. Love
  2. Passion
  3. Marriage
  4. Crop planting
  5. Pregnancy

Divine Domains


  • Fertility
  • Love


  • Life
  • Light
  • Peace

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Freya's holy symbol is a falcon. Specifically, the indigenous Gryfalcon is preceived a symbol of luck and blessing from Freya with many worshippers taking these birds as familiars or pets. The origins of the falcon as her symbol are unclear, members of House Gildaron claim Freya was a member of their house, which uses a hawk as its heraldry, whilst common myth holds the falcon was her familiar and magical companion.   Freyan clerics will often wear wooden carvings of the falcon or carry avian styled weapons as symbols of their devotion and membership of her order.

Tenets of Faith

  • Tend for those who need help
  • Love is the light of the universe, foster it, and spread it
  • Children are the future and must be protected
  • Life others into honour, even at the expense of your own
  • Nobody is too lost for salvation



Freyasnight, a festival of love and fertility, takes place on the 30th Newsun (Month 4) annually. A feast dedicated to lovers, it is often a night of passion and comraderie. Dances, feasts, and weddings are common to take place on the night in honour of Freya and her portfolios. It is common for those seeking romance to wear bird themed jewellery or feathers to indicate their intentions.   Private celebrations of the already wedded are common, with private and intimate meals. In Aedrinar, it is the duty for unwed or uncoupled, usually the elderly or  chaste, members of a household to care for the children during this night so couples can be together. In certain communities, members will volunteer to care for an entire settlement's youth.   In Asrinheim, 'love festivals' of food and drink are organized for a communities single members. Couples are expected to see to private events and dinners.
Divine Classification


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