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The capital of Furunheim and largest settlement on the island – Ferenvire (Fire Marsh in old Vaniri) is the home of House Furyborn and centre of all activity on the island. Built around the warm volcanic lake known as the Fury Tarn or Fire Sea a large portion of the settlement is built on raised artificial stone islands with supporting platforms. A trade and civil hub the settlement of Ferenvire is the oldest established town in the island and amongst the earliest Vaniri colonies in all of Asrinheim.   Portions of the town were rebuilt five centuries ago after Furunheim was conquered by King Olaf III Kingmaker of Aedrinar, giving it a ‘new’ look by Ice Elf standards but still old and ancient by any other race. The settlement is divided between its shoreside districts and smaller artificial islands which service specific needs.   The town is directly run by the Elder of Furunheim and his council of advisors, usually sourced from prominent elders within the families of the town or notable merchants and industrialists.   Ferenvire has a crude form of public transportation. From island to island, gondolas work as taximen to ferry people from location to location. Within the shoreside, cart riders offer a similar service for pedestrians and visitors.   A popular local sport centered around these gondolas racing takes place regularly throughout the year. Prominent families will sponsor certain racing boats with circuits and obstacles pre-agreed upon by these families. Usually consisting of five distinct races, rewards vary from gold to unique items at the end of a racing tournament.  


Ferenvire is a majority Ice-Elf settlement. A few half-elves can be found amongst the population, but non vaniri are a rare sight in the isolated town. The population has an even class spread across its islands. Workers and artesans can be found in The Twins, Aros, Tailir and parts of the Lower Town. The noble and clerical classes are spread across Furenaghai and the Upper town, whilst merchants and guildsmen live throughout the lower town and parts of Aros and Tailir.   The town has no temples or shrines dedicated to any god outside of the Seldarine or principal ice elf dieties of the Honoured Gods.


Ferenvire is the ruling town of all of Furunheim, with House Furyborn living within Harpy's Tower on the island of Furenaghai. The Furyborn directly manage the town alongside the council of elders and council of guilds, who form a bicameral chamber to help manage the town's taxes, construction, and economy.


Ferenvire as a whole is defined by its extensive waterway network and artificial islands. These islands give each community a strong sense of purpose and a role within the wider settlement, with navigation between the various islands usually been done by gondola.   The Higher Town, the oldest part of the town, is the religious centre of the settlement with numerous temples, supporting industry, and housing for the various religious officials within the town.   The Lower Town acts as the merchant and trading centre with housing nestled behind the various stores and workshops. Although the main markets are technically found in Upper Town, the majority of stores and their goods line the Fury Road and Market Street.   Furenaghai is the civic and noble’s quarter. The home island of the Furyborn keep, Harpy’s Tower, and various local civic buildings such as the barracks, prison, training facilities, and the home of the elder council – the prominent gerontocratic chamber that serves as a legisilative aide to the Furyborns.   Tailir is a poorer fishing hub full of mainly residential properties and storage facilities.   The Twins are predominantly leisure focused with numerous venues and outlets including a permanent fairground and circus.  

Higher Town

The Higher Town is the oldest settled part of Furunheim, with many of its buildings dating to the mid second age when the area was bestowed to the religious orders of Furunheim by Elder Ilyristar the Engineer. Pleasant, clean, but old – The higher town is built onto a raised hill and clifface overlooking the rest of the settlement.   The Old Town regularly smells of incense and houses grand old religious structures and natural monuments and features formed of rock or wood. Flowers are grown in plenitude here and can be found in wooden garden boxes lining the cobbled streets and narrow alleyways. Homes tend to have courtyards or small gardens due to their spacing. Down the hill towards the markets more rough and tumble homes and styles can be found.   Higher Town is now the religious centre of the settlement – although other shrines and temples exist throughout the rest of the town all the major religious establishments and orders can be found here. Towards the markets and lower town some merchants and general populace industry can be found.   Wealthy clerical classes live and work here. Communal religious housing for those not of a status enough to live in their own specialised homes can be found but the general vibe remains wealthy and religious.  

Lower Town

The merchant centre of the city – numerous shops and businesses line the Fury Road, the central highway that connects Furunheim together. A secondary set of inns, taverns, and shops line the smaller Market Street that runs by the Grand Markets of Ferenvire.   The lower town is more tightly packed with minimal garden space along the main roads. As it branches out into residential, family houses do have their own gardens with large trees, goats, smaller animals such as ducks or chickens, and vegetable patches. A few semi-detached houses are present here.   Mercantile and middle classes dominate the lower town and live in nice homes and have a comfortable standard of life with no major crime coming from the district.   Service industries and merchant selling is the primary industry with no major manufactories outside of smaller workshops along the Furyroad that are connected to specific stores. Bulk goods are imported from the other districts or settlements on the island.   There is no organized merchant’s guild or faction in the town – but the Carriage Riders base themselves here in their own guild house. The main ‘high’ school of the town is also in this district. The sisters of Freya have a temple in the residential portion of town.  


A middling and mianly residential island with little going on outside of its handful of stores. Oldurenheim is connected to the lower town via the famous Crescent bridge and was amongst the earliest artificial islands built by the Furyborn.   The district is well spread out with detached homes, private gardens, and moderate sized roads. The staithes around the island are clean, well maintained, and largely house taxis and private boats with a clean and pleasant atmosphere to the island.   Demographically, the island is almost entirely ice elf with a single anomaly in a family of Deep Gnomes who live in one of the grander villas. The population tend to be merchant and middle classes who live in comfort.   No main industry or commerce is conducted on Oldurenheim outside of some simple hospitality for the locals and a single blacksmiths that predates the island’s gentrification. The majority of the residents work in the Lower Town or as bureaucrats for the elders.   Oldurenheim houses the Ferenvire Arcanium, a magical and bardic training school for local Vaniri. The fees to learn these skills are modest compared to other such establishments, and it only instructs in entry level skills or up to 5th level spells.  


An smaller enclanve of residential and industrial, Aros is the centre of the gondola industry within the town. Proud of their rowing heritage and attitudes, Aros has it’s own strong identity within the town and they consider themselves the true ‘centre’ of Ferenvire.   Aesthetically the island houses more rugged and rough buildings by Ferenvire standards, but still beautifully designed and built. Largely spared from the worst of Olaf’s raid, Aros still houses some of the older and more beautiful buildings in the town with smaller homes and apartments nesteled throughout.   Working and middling classes live here and are all entirely ice elf.   Aros is the centre of the boating trade in Ferenvire with a large multi-faciated shipwrights to build the gonodals as well as the Gondola Guildhouse. Smaller supporting businesses can be found.   The Gondola Guild, the most prestigious faction within the town, are based here in a grand guildhouse that serves as offices, a school for riders, and a factory for their racing and commercial boats.  

The Twins

A set of islands that specialise in leisure and industry, the twins are on the outskirts of the town and the furthest into Fury Tarn, a full 2/3 miles from the shores of the Upper and Lower Town. These small islands were the first to fall to Olaf’s invasion in the 6th century and the damage to their construction can still be seen.   These islands are defined by smaller buildings with no rhyme or reason to their planning. The top of one of the twins gives way to a permant fayreground and circus for entertainment with a few late night venues and inns. The other houses industrial buildings for important goods.   Poorer service workers live and work here with occasional taxiing to the shoreside for more supplies when the money comes in. Gondola riders frequently ferry boatloads of people in the evenings to the Fairground.   The Twins works around its service and leisure economy twinned with larger scale manufacturing and labour. Larger barges ferry the supplies to and from shoreside as required.   The Night Circus Fairground Company are the main faction within the Twins, with smaller industrial guilds around the stonemasons and lumberers based on the other island.  


The working-class island of the town, Tailir houses poorer fishermen, labourers, and general craftsman who take gondolas to other parts of town to work. Key industry buildings are based here around manufacturing boats as well as processing and storing seafood harvested from the Fury Tarn.   Tailir has a hodgepodge collection of wooden and stone buildings in no real structure or order. Majority housing of either small shacks or shared tenements, the buildings are hardly pretty by Vaniri standards but still hold an elegance compared to similar districts in Aedrinaran settlements. The area is dirty and cluttered around its quaysides, with crates, barrels, fishing rods, and damaged vessels lining the crooked portside.   Entirely an Ice Elf district of poorer income, many who live here spend centuries on a modest income and lifestyle, with those of Tailir the least likely to ever leave their home. Some enterprising young elves from the district will take jobs as squires or militiamen within the Furyborn Knights to elevate their position in life, with around 40% of the young population of the island going to fight in the 40 year war.   Tailir houses the workshops, warehouses, and fishing ports of the island. Although the lifeblood of the Ferenvire economy since its tourism industry collapsed, Tailir residents see little of the wealth it brings prominent Vaniri citizens.  


Tailir houses the workshops, warehouses, and fishing ports of the island. Although the lifeblood of the Ferenvire economy since its tourism industry collapsed, Tailir residents see little of the wealth it brings prominent Vaniri citizens.   The buildings are impressively carved and built, with some older ones showing some battle scarring but their impressive nature means more. Carved out of Sandstone and Limestone these buildings have beautiful veneitan like facades.   The wealthiest district, those that live here are well connected in government or prominent guild leaders from around the city.


The following tables describe locations within the town of Ferenvire. Notes and Locations will be listed when the asset is discovered. Secret locations will be marked with a '?'.

Upper Town

Name Type Location Notes
Old Town Inn Inn/Tavern On the Fury Road
Grand Markets Shopping Betweeen Fury Road and Market Street Specialist stores: Wood carvings, Art Supplies, and Pets.
Kaibor's Tailors Shopping Fury road, atop Elder Hill
Holy Censor Shopping Fury Road, atop Elder Hill Sells clerical items
Temple of Aerdrie Religious At the bottom of Elder Hill, near the markets and next to the temple of Corellon Sells formchanging potions
Temple of Corellon Religious Near the bottom of Elder hill, next to Temple of Aerdrie Sells formchanging potions
Temple of Frigga Religious Next to the markets
Pyres of Arvandor Religious Atop Elder Hill Funerary space
Archive of Olistyr Guilds and Civic Atop Elder Hill Public Library
Ilyristar's Bridge Landmark Between the markets and Furenaghai district Shopping stalls on bridge selling food

Lower Town

Name Type Location Notes
Ferryman's Inn Inn/Tavern Market Street
Newgate Hotel Inn/Tavern Fury Road, near south gate
Market Street Herbs Shopping Market Street, corner with Fury Road
Hulthir's Foodhall Shopping Fury Road Large indoor food market with a raised roof to allow smoke to escape
Nerric and Family Blacksmith Shopping Fury Road, near the Spire Plaza
Truer Shot Shopping Fury Road Fletchers
Fire Lake Gems Shopping Fury Road A jewellery shop and gem merchant with some smithing capabilities. Jewellers tools and stone mason’s tools can be purchased here. Erynar Opalyie is the owner and trainer of a handful of apprentices. They specialise in obsidian and volcanic stone bracelets that show ‘eternal’ love due to their resilience.
Caplin's Cartwright Shopping Fury Road
Gatehouse Stables Shopping Fury Road, near the south gate A Horse Hotel
Lucky Cat Pet Store Shopping Market Street
Crannyway Carpenters Shopping Fury Road and a small 'crannyway'
The Hidings Tannery Shopping Fury Road
Temple of Freya Religious
Old Bathhouse Guild/Civic Fury Road
Carriage Rider Guild Guild/Civic Fury Road, near the southern gate
Lower Town Barracks Guild/Civic Fury Road, near the southern gate
Shoreside Schoolhouse Guild/Civic
Spire Plaza Landmark Fury Road and Market Street Junction A large roofed off plaza and courtyard used for meetings and executions. Prominent Furyborn elder’s are depectited in grand statues around the rim of the plaza, most are damaged by battle but some effort of restoration has been going on.
Crescent Bridge Landmark Connecting the Lower town with Oldurenheim. A small and steeply arced bridge with deocation showing the phases of the moon.


Name Type Location Notes
The Moonbow Inn/Tavern North of the island, near the Crescent Bridge
Waterway Armoursmith Shopping Eastern staithe, near the Arcanium
The Canal Eatery Shopping
Ferenvire Aracanium Guild/Civic Eastern staithe, near the arcanium A grand magical academy for up to level 5 magic users. The library can help produce spell scrolls.


Name Type Location Notes
The Oarsman Inn/Tavern North East corner of the island
Arosian Shipwrights Guild/Civic North east corner of the island
Gondola Guildhouse Guild/Civic
Boatsman Bridge Landmark

The Twins

Name Type Location Notes
The Dancing Fairy Inn/Tavern
Night Circus Fairground Guild/Civic Northern point of the westernmost Island It's the Night Circus
Mother's Bridge Landmark


Name Type Location Notes
The Tarny Depth Inn Inn/Tavern North East corner of the island A shady locals inn where the landlord, Lusath the Short, also runs a courier business.
Little Markets Shopping
Tailir Bathhouse Guild/Civic On the north-eastern shore of the island. Shan saved citizens outside this bathhouse during the Funeral Attack
Tailir Schoolhouse Guild/Civic


Name Type Location Notes
The Elder's Horn Inn/Tavern Southern point of the western island
Song of the Sea Shopping Southern point of the eastern island A musical instrument, paper, and ink shop ran by famed instrument maker Aela Lyrion
Hall of the Elders Civic/Guild Western point of the eastern island Government building for the civic administration
Furunheim Arsenal Civic/Guild South-West of the western island Contains gunpowder for fireworks and rockets.
Harpy Springs Baths Civic/Guild Eastern half of the western island
Harpy Tower Civic/Guild North point of the western island Home of House Furyborn

Guilds and Factions

Cartriders Guild

The working guild of the cartriders, a taxi service that operates shoreside throughout the town. They are fierce rivals of their waterborne taxing rivals, the Gondola Guild.  

Gondola Guild

The most characteristic faction of Ferenvire, the Gondola guild make and staff all the numerous public transit water taxis that operate in the town. The guildhouse is amongst the grandest buildings in the whole settlement.  

Charitable Sisters of Freya

A religious order of charity givers who tend to the sick and needy, the Charitable Sisters operate out of the temple of freya in the Lower Town.  

Night Circus

The Night Circus is the most famous and greatest attraction on the whole island. Ran by the mysterious Snowblossom, the ringmaster of the entire fair, the Night Circus offers entertainmenent from rights to challenges of strength and attractions at its Big Top tent.


Ferenvire was founded by the first Furyborn conquerors of the island and has served as its capital ever since. Beginning as a small fortress around its Upper Town. In its early years, the settlement thrived from surrounding farmers and fishermen.   As the island grew in population, Ferenvire became the market town of the island with lumber from Marthiel and imported goods from Krakenpost being taken across the Fury Road to the town and its lower town grew into a merchant hub.   By the mid second age, Ilyristar the Engineer, elder of the island, began to build the first artificial islands, beginning with the two islands of Furenaghai to build a new noble centre for the Furyborns to live and gave their older fortress lands away to religious orders and for new housing.   Expansion of these islands conintued throughout Ilyristar and into their successor, Paelor’s, reign. The final island to be established was a nature colony and druidic grove that served as a grove of the Seldarine known as Corellon’s eye.   King Olaf III Kingmaker would invade Furunheim in 522, 3e. Olaf destroyed a part of the Isthmus that separated the Fire Sea from the Vaniri Sea and sailed his longships into Ferenvire’s undefended interior, destroying many of the islands and sacking the town. The town remained under Aedrinaran occupation, becoming the capital of the short lived Jarldom of Furunheim under his own rulership until the Second Battle of Ferenvire in 584, 3e, led by a returned Tiristar Furyborn†  as one of the final engagements of the Fury Rebellion.   The town was rebuilt under Tiristar’s guidance, with many of the old Aedrinaran wooden buildings allowing to fall into disrepair and be replaced by traditional stone vaniri structures. By 1052, the settlement is near returned to its peak and continues to serve as the civic and merchant centre of the island. Tiristar's death saw an attack on the town for the first time since the Fury Rebellions when The Dark Enchanter unleashed controlled monsters from the Feywild upon the mourners at his funeral. The attack was fended off by Doomed 2 Die and a returned Zedithir.


Ferenvire remains mild by Aedrinaran standards, often sitting between -20 and 10 degrees in the winter months dependent on the air currents of the hot springs and geysers, making it temperate and relaxing compared to other Aedrinaran settlements. Snow and rainfall remain common in the spring and autumn months, with storms occassionally coming in from the Vaniri Sea, but barely affecting the inland settlement unless they come from the west.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Apperances: 7
  • Session 115: Ferenvire
  • Session 116: Funeral Faracas
  • Session 117: Vanguard of the Dragon Clan
  • Session 118: The Night Circus
  • Session 119: Eve of Battle
  • Session 126: Tales from Ferenvire
  • Session 127: Regatta to Survive


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